Title: Highlifter "Outlaw Axles" (INFO) Post by: Team_Leader on February 17, 2005, 06:18:55 AM FYI....I bought Highlifter's Outlaw axles for my 700 before they(Highlifter) started selling Gori!!a Axles. I called Highlifter the other day because my 2 outer boots on my $350 a peice axles were busted and they told me that they didn't sell them anymore. I told him that they still have them posted on there website and he said that's becouse they still have some in stock. I said alright, well I need two boots for my axles that are still under warranty with ya'll (which the warr. doesn't cover the boots) and he said that they don't sell them. So, I was kind of getting frustrated at this point and asked him whatin the heck I was suppose to do for a boot. Then he gave me the Manufactures name and number which is "Axle Systems" out of Canada. So, I give them call thinking that it was going to take forever and day to get some boots. I talked to Tony and explained my situation and he said "I tell ya what eh, go down to your local auto parts store and tell them you want a outer CV boot for a '89 Ford Tempo."
SO I thought I would share this with ya'll especially for the people with Outlaw axles and I betcha the Gori!!a axles are the same way. It sure was nice to pay only $10 a peice for boots and not $35. It also goves you a peice of mind while riding (not having to worry about your boots). Oh yeah he did say that there axles were way better than Gori!!a. I wasn't sure if I could or should post the phone number on here, so send me a PM if ya want the number. See ya'll in the bush, T-ravis |