ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: dreth on February 21, 2006, 07:22:58 PM

Title: how steady is your hand
Post by: dreth on February 21, 2006, 07:22:58 PM
give this a try

Title: Re: how steady is your hand
Post by: SlowestYfz450 on February 21, 2006, 07:32:04 PM
not work for me

Title: Re: how steady is your hand
Post by: Kawa3 on February 21, 2006, 07:33:32 PM
that last part was hard.

didn't get me though :(

Title: Re: how steady is your hand
Post by: Southern4x4 on February 21, 2006, 07:39:41 PM
omg ahhhhhh that scared me

Title: Re: how steady is your hand
Post by: Miami450R on February 21, 2006, 07:42:53 PM
lol. seen it before but still good game kinda hard.

wat r allaya'lls scores?

Title: Re: how steady is your hand
Post by: kfx400rob on February 21, 2006, 07:45:25 PM
omg that scared the sh!t outa me lol

Title: Re: how steady is your hand
Post by: 53yfz450 on February 21, 2006, 07:46:46 PM
holy crap that was freaking scary. my hearts still going crazy. !!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: how steady is your hand
Post by: MachineDog on February 21, 2006, 07:52:17 PM
Haha! Thank god I've already seen that on break.

Title: Re: how steady is your hand
Post by: 2006YFZ450 on February 21, 2006, 08:00:59 PM
WOW that is totally boring :sleepy.gif

Title: Re: how steady is your hand
Post by: Southern4x4 on February 21, 2006, 08:02:44 PM
cuz u couldnt get past the first level ;)

Title: Re: how steady is your hand
Post by: dirtyface on February 21, 2006, 08:51:03 PM
a$$hole :P

Title: Re: how steady is your hand
Post by: Honda328i on February 21, 2006, 09:22:33 PM
Worked better after I took the food and hair out of the mouse, but now I gotta do that all over again after I tossed the cookies on the puter  ;D

Title: Re: how steady is your hand
Post by: TurboBanshee_kid on February 21, 2006, 09:26:31 PM
That was not very scary :-\

Title: Re: how steady is your hand
Post by: ronny86250r on February 21, 2006, 11:02:21 PM
good one just turn your volume up all the way then get someone to do the maze >:D

Title: Re: how steady is your hand
Post by: Hondarider22 on February 21, 2006, 11:03:44 PM
its not working when i click it  ???

Title: Re: how steady is your hand
Post by: dynodon on February 21, 2006, 11:08:20 PM
Good one, It scared the H---- out of me, just remember Dreth We all owe you one now  ;D

Title: Re: how steady is your hand
Post by: 2006YFZ450 on February 22, 2006, 06:09:44 AM
That was not very scary :-\

Same here :P

The guy comes up before you even finish the 3rd maze :-\

Title: Re: how steady is your hand
Post by: Ida_Mann on February 22, 2006, 09:39:37 AM
That was not very scary :-\

Same here :P

The guy comes up before you even finish the 3rd maze :-\

somehow I doubt you were ever spanked.


Title: Re: how steady is your hand
Post by: Quad32x on February 22, 2006, 09:48:21 AM
Should  I  use  my  left  hand  or  my  jacking  hand ? ???

Title: Re: how steady is your hand
Post by: Ida_Mann on February 22, 2006, 10:56:33 AM
Should  I  use  my  left  hand  or  my  jacking  hand ? ???

why does it matter if you use your left or the hand you use to pump the ATV lift with?  :-[


Title: Re: how steady is your hand
Post by: MachineDog on February 22, 2006, 11:19:14 AM
Should  I  use  my  left  hand  or  my  jacking  hand ? ???

why does it matter if you use your left or the hand you use to pump the ATV lift with?  :-[

LMAO! That brightened up my morning.

Title: Re: how steady is your hand
Post by: gery350 on February 22, 2006, 01:39:19 PM
BASTARD! i expected it and it still scared the bejesus out of me.

Title: Re: how steady is your hand
Post by: Yamaha72 on February 22, 2006, 08:47:36 PM
I almost fell backwards in my chair!!!!!!!!! that was a god one!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: how steady is your hand
Post by: geektrx on February 23, 2006, 02:33:38 AM

that was some sick sh*t

Title: Re: how steady is your hand
Post by: Chuck_Norris on February 23, 2006, 06:34:25 AM

Title: Re: how steady is your hand
Post by: BIGWORM3699 ( ECP RACING) on February 23, 2006, 08:15:18 AM
going to go change my underware,THANKS ;)

Title: Re: how steady is your hand
Post by: 4fittyr on February 23, 2006, 11:49:10 AM
regan wazz-up must admitt seen it before

Title: Re: how steady is your hand
Post by: kfx400rob on February 23, 2006, 06:59:33 PM
good one just turn your volume up all the way then get someone to do the maze >:D

i got a kid soooo good with this today at school, full volume....

every one was staring and laughing at him lol lol lol

it was great

Title: Re: how steady is your hand
Post by: Dr.Dirt on February 23, 2006, 07:21:14 PM
good one just turn your volume up all the way then get someone to do the maze >:D

i got a kid soooo good with this today at school, full volume....

every one was staring and laughing at him lol lol lol

it was great
