Title: Muhammad Cartoons Post by: Brute Force on February 10, 2006, 12:51:17 PM http://www.flickr.com/photos/animalmagazine/sets/72057594059300225/ I hope this site works...these are supposedly the cartoons that all the Islamists are upset about...Has any one seen these before?? Title: Re: Muhammad Cartoons Post by: MachineDog on February 10, 2006, 12:55:55 PM I don't get it.
Title: Re: Muhammad Cartoons Post by: Ida_Mann on February 10, 2006, 01:01:00 PM yeah, that looks like them.
Id@ Title: Re: Muhammad Cartoons Post by: greenmachine on February 10, 2006, 04:54:07 PM Lets say that all the non beleivers on the PLEDGE Thread go over to Pakistan & denounce their god & see how long the discussion lasts. ;)
Title: Re: Muhammad Cartoons Post by: americanhighlander on February 10, 2006, 07:58:51 PM I saw some of drawings of cartoons on cnn the other day and
I know artist is sick idiot drawing a bunch of sick trash of hating other people's reglion around world.I'm glad they did threw him off job. I guess artist loves draw things of hateing people...Sounds like artist went into 9th grade in late 60's or late 70's drawing of hate pics on school walls. LOL ;) :oo :K :ouch.gif I know those crazy people are fighting over dumb cartoons drawings. They should file lawsuit againest him frist before they went to streets protesting around world on tv..LOL 2:L :L :R :G :foot.gif I saw those idiots on tv burning alot stuff on tv.Let them kill each other it's not our fight, what bunch of idiots they are fighting over dumb cartoon drawing in newspaper. LOL 2:L :L I guess those idiots are child like in brains over there..LOL :) Thanks, amhighlander 8) Title: Re: Muhammad Cartoons Post by: LakeMaryKid on February 10, 2006, 10:26:14 PM I saw some of drawings of cartoons on cnn the other day and I know artist is sick idiot drawing a bunch of sick trash of hating other people's reglion around world.I'm glad they did threw him off job. I guess artist loves draw things of hateing people...Sounds like artist went into 9th grade in late 60's or late 70's drawing of hate pics on school walls. LOL ;) :oo :K :ouch.gif I know those crazy people are fighting over dumb cartoons drawings. They should file lawsuit againest him frist before they went to streets protesting around world on tv..LOL 2:L :L :R :G :foot.gif I saw those idiots on tv burning alot stuff on tv.Let them kill each other it's not our fight, what bunch of idiots they are fighting over dumb cartoon drawing in newspaper. LOL 2:L :L I guess those idiots are child like in brains over there..LOL :) Thanks, amhighlander 8) Sounds like you have never been in school! Honestly man get some schooling or help with your grammar and english. I doubt many people try and decipher your posts. Title: Re: Muhammad Cartoons Post by: americanhighlander on February 10, 2006, 10:38:35 PM I saw some of drawings of cartoons on cnn the other day and I know artist is sick idiot drawing a bunch of sick trash of hating other people's reglion around world.I'm glad they did threw him off job. I guess artist loves draw things of hateing people...Sounds like artist went into 9th grade in late 60's or late 70's drawing of hate pics on school walls. LOL ;) :oo :K :ouch.gif I know those crazy people are fighting over dumb cartoons drawings. They should file lawsuit againest him frist before they went to streets protesting around world on tv..LOL 2:L :L :R :G :foot.gif I saw those idiots on tv burning alot stuff on tv.Let them kill each other it's not our fight, what bunch of idiots they are fighting over dumb cartoon drawing in newspaper. LOL 2:L :L I guess those idiots are child like in brains over there..LOL :) Thanks, amhighlander 8) Sounds like you have never been in school! Honestly man get some schooling or help with your grammar and english. I doubt many people try and decipher your posts. Well i have been going to ged school every week mon thru fridays to lake city commuty college. So I was making joke about artist drawings on here.I know artist is crazy azz nut drawing that kind of crap.He sounds like nutty man to me i saw artist on cnn the other day showing his drawing art pictures. Title: Re: Muhammad Cartoons Post by: americanhighlander on February 10, 2006, 11:19:26 PM The artist had some old drawings while back and he show them
on cnn on tv the other day or last weekend i saw them. I'll explain what 3 drawings i saw on tv and this what made me sick about artist and this why he's nut and sick to mind. >:( >:( (Drawings i saw on tv live on cnn) 1. A picture of a cartoon black bomb with a symbol of israel star in blue coloring. 2.A picture of a shee I in iraq with cutting blade cutting somebody's head off in the picture. 3.A picture of a christian cross with flaming fire in background with burning flames inside of cross. And on jay leno show he's not doing no more reglion jokes pics on air anymore. One more thing I'm getting my dirtwheels magzine back in mailbox again. I did send it off today, At least i can catch up on my reading again and it's my favorite magzine to read. |