ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: Seabee on February 27, 2005, 02:34:20 PM

Title: Just my .02 cents
Post by: Seabee on February 27, 2005, 02:34:20 PM
I apologize in advance if this offends anyone.

On the homepage, there is a section at the bottom that says "What is". Well, in reading that, I see nothing about talking crap, back stabbing, or the like. But, it seems like there has been alot of that going on. If you have been wronged in some way, I completely understand. But, there is ABSOLUTELY, I say again, ABSOLUTELY, no reason to be disrespectful or childish about it. Take that crap somewhere else. I have seen teenagers on this site that are more mature than some people who are supposed to be adults.

Title: Re: Just my .02 cents
Post by: wired2ride on February 27, 2005, 02:37:45 PM
can i ask if some one offended you or what?? You just have to get over it.. life is one problem after another.. you just gotta fight through it and hope for the best..

Title: Re: Just my .02 cents
Post by: Qdawg76 on February 27, 2005, 02:57:40 PM
I apologize in advance if this offends anyone.

On the homepage, there is a section at the bottom that says "What is". Well, in reading that, I see nothing about talking crap, back stabbing, or the like. But, it seems like there has been alot of that going on. If you have been wronged in some way, I completely understand. But, there is ABSOLUTELY, I say again, ABSOLUTELY, no reason to be disrespectful or childish about it. Take that crap somewhere else. I have seen teenagers on this site that are more mature than some people who are supposed to be adults.

Good point ;D. it does seem like this keeps coming up in alot of post lately

Title: Re: Just my .02 cents
Post by: Quad32x on February 27, 2005, 03:11:01 PM
I  say  if  it  offends  you  go  read  a  different  thread. ;)

Title: Re: Just my .02 cents
Post by: Chuck_Norris on February 27, 2005, 04:46:17 PM
can i ask if some one offended you or what?? You just have to get over it.. life is one problem after another.. you just gotta fight through it and hope for the best..

I agreee with seebee , there is a time and a place for everything. defamation of Character solves nothing, it does that latter by further complicating an already bad situationand creates ill feelings. it is amazing that the argument in question cost more than the product that was being argued over. I am certain that friendships may very well have been sacrificed.
1Timothy 6:10
For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

In my opinion friends are priceless. I can't put a value on the friends I have on this site. it is priceless to me.  working your problems out in a mature fashion may very well be a better answer. does it always happen? NO!! why because we have this thing call flesh and pride, sometimes are refferred to as getting into the flesh and doing what we think is a better answer. I am just as guilty as anyone of you sometimes but try to remember what matters most when dealing with confrontations.  Try it GOD's Way and see what happens.  

Title: Re: Just my .02 cents
Post by: Smoknbanshee on February 27, 2005, 04:54:55 PM
it seems the people that have been offending each other have dropped the whole thing...myself, triple r, ltz, 500vinson, da_mtg_man, nightbreed, etc. have not said anything about the whole situation in seems that everyone can't let it go...we might of acted like teenagers, but from the looks of it, we are acting like adults now and everyone that keeps posting about it acting like teenagers...

Title: Re: Just my .02 cents
Post by: 450R_Matt on February 27, 2005, 04:58:30 PM
it seems the people that have been offending each other have dropped the whole thing...myself, triple r, ltz, 500vinson, da_mtg_man, nightbreed, etc. have not said anything about the whole situation in seems that everyone can't let it go...we might of acted like teenagers, but from the looks of it, we are acting like adults now and everyone that keeps posting about it acting like teenagers...

2nd that...

Title: Re: Just my .02 cents
Post by: LT-R450ApK on February 27, 2005, 05:18:57 PM
it seems the people that have been offending each other have dropped the whole thing...myself, triple r, ltz, 500vinson, da_mtg_man, nightbreed, etc. have not said anything about the whole situation in seems that everyone can't let it go...we might of acted like teenagers, but from the looks of it, we are acting like adults now and everyone that keeps posting about it acting like teenagers...

AMEN Brother

Title: Re: Just my .02 cents
Post by: Seabee on February 27, 2005, 06:34:47 PM
it seems the people that have been offending each other have dropped the whole thing...myself, triple r, ltz, 500vinson, da_mtg_man, nightbreed, etc. have not said anything about the whole situation in seems that everyone can't let it go...we might of acted like teenagers, but from the looks of it, we are acting like adults now and everyone that keeps posting about it acting like teenagers...

smoknbanshee, I sincerely apologize if you feel like I have singled you out, that was not my intention. I was merely stating my opinion.

Title: Re: Just my .02 cents
Post by: Da_Mtg_Man on February 27, 2005, 06:54:28 PM
it seems the people that have been offending each other have dropped the whole thing...myself, triple r, ltz, 500vinson, da_mtg_man, nightbreed, etc. have not said anything about the whole situation in seems that everyone can't let it go...we might of acted like teenagers, but from the looks of it, we are acting like adults now and everyone that keeps posting about it acting like teenagers...

I'm with ya on this one.

Title: Re: Just my .02 cents
Post by: eric on February 27, 2005, 10:07:48 PM
I love it when everybody gets along ;D OK time for a big group

( (

Title: Re: Just my .02 cents
Post by: CAOSPOP on February 28, 2005, 05:47:00 AM

Title: Re: Just my .02 cents
Post by: Chuck_Norris on February 28, 2005, 07:22:15 AM


Title: Re: Just my .02 cents
Post by: semperfi13 on February 28, 2005, 08:15:47 AM



Title: Re: Just my .02 cents
Post by: Its_a_Jeep_thing on February 28, 2005, 07:19:31 PM
hey go easy on the teenagers comment, im not childish and im 17... so be careful about what u say

Title: Re: Just my .02 cents
Post by: SkyHighT100 on March 01, 2005, 04:11:45 AM
hey go easy on the teenagers comment, im not childish and im 17... so be careful about what u say

The comment didnt pertain to you, so dont get so defensive... lighten up man.

Title: Re: Just my .02 cents
Post by: Its_a_Jeep_thing on March 01, 2005, 04:31:41 PM
i was actually kiddin... but hey life short... party naked

Title: Re: Just my .02 cents
Post by: SkyHighT100 on March 01, 2005, 05:41:54 PM
Lol.. it's all good.. half the time lately, everyone has just been so pissy it's been hard to tell who's joking and who's serious... d@mn kids ;)

Title: Re: Just my .02 cents
Post by: Shotgun on March 01, 2005, 07:21:57 PM
I love all you Bast**ds! LOL  :-*