ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: SkyHighT100 on March 02, 2005, 04:10:53 AM

Title: Pop-ups???
Post by: SkyHighT100 on March 02, 2005, 04:10:53 AM
I was wondering if anyone else is getting any pop-ups while surfing the pages of AtvFlorida? I have only been on about 3 minutes so far and have recieved 2 pop-ups. One of them wasnt exactly family-friendly. I am not sure how the pop-up system works... but if AtvFlorida is taking part in them... the moderators may want to evaluate what type of adds are actually popping up.


Title: Re: Pop-ups???
Post by: Thrasher on March 02, 2005, 04:24:01 AM
non popups from this site, either u have messenger service turned on (new install of older windows xp?), or u got something else going on, like spyware..which is more likely.

check out and do an online scan to see.

Title: Re: Pop-ups???
Post by: atvtrailer on March 02, 2005, 04:24:25 AM
Ive never gotten a pop-up on this website, u may of had a program downloaded on your computer that makes pop-ups apear every so often, (dont matter what site u are on if any)

Title: Re: Pop-ups???
Post by: Qdawg76 on March 02, 2005, 04:29:54 AM
Never had any pop-ups from this site either

Title: Re: Pop-ups???
Post by: SkyHighT100 on March 02, 2005, 04:33:41 AM
Ok, just wanted to double check ;) Thank you guys for the quick replies. I am at work, so Spyware didnt seem too likely, but you never know, lol. I just wanted to be sure that if AtvFlorida did have pop-ups going on, that the admins knew just what was being advertised, lol.

Title: Re: Pop-ups???
Post by: Thrasher on March 02, 2005, 04:36:54 AM
spyware is EVERYWHERE, not just on home computers ;)

Title: Re: Pop-ups???
Post by: yunt2ride on March 02, 2005, 05:23:06 AM
None from atvflorida, but you can get it on your work computer, I had it on mine and it was hard to get off but not a problem any more.

Title: Re: Pop-ups???
Post by: J.D. on March 02, 2005, 06:28:45 AM
A program called AD Aware works great , I seem to get spyware just about every day .

Title: Re: Pop-ups???
Post by: big-daddy on March 02, 2005, 06:42:40 AM
spyware is EVERYWHERE, not just on home computers ;)

TRASHER, right sypware is in most all web sties. Ashley  do you have ad-ware install in your computer. if you do that may be your problem.

Title: Re: Pop-ups???
Post by: big-daddy on March 02, 2005, 06:48:13 AM
A program called AD Aware works great , I seem to get spyware just about every day .

JD, Just for your information ad-ware is being sue for install spyware on there program. try, spybot search and destroy if you what PM your address I will send you a copy.

Title: Re: Pop-ups???
Post by: Quad32x on March 02, 2005, 10:31:04 AM
Another  good  program  is  Pest Patrol. 8)

Title: Re: Pop-ups???
Post by: Thrasher on March 02, 2005, 02:06:05 PM
I run none of them because i don't get spyware....
but i do my share of cleaning up other peopels computes with it...ugh..

but adaware is good, in conjunction with spybot: search & destroy..

just remember, no single software will totally rid yer pc of spyware...some have to be removed manually...

Title: Re: Pop-ups???
Post by: 05greengriz on March 02, 2005, 04:55:11 PM
Thans for the link to the spyware guide Thrasher.

Title: Re: Pop-ups???
Post by: RL400 on March 02, 2005, 05:54:50 PM
Microsoft bought some program from some company that was selling it for x amount of money per month... Well microsoft is giving it out for free now. Its called Microsoft AntiSpyware (BETA) - Its really good. If you always have your computer running and always have the program running, it'll scan about everynight at 1/2 am.

Link: Click Here (

Title: Re: Pop-ups???
Post by: bbf on March 02, 2005, 06:03:51 PM
i have never seen a pop up on this site

Title: Re: Pop-ups???
Post by: eric on March 02, 2005, 10:36:27 PM
SkyHighT100 might want to stay off those XXX sites that's where you get most pop-up programs  Just kidding ;)