ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: Mudneck on February 05, 2006, 07:45:28 PM

Title: ANOTHER nail in the coffin for places to ride...PBSO out in force!
Post by: Mudneck on February 05, 2006, 07:45:28 PM

New to forum,Just got pulled over about 2 hours ago from the PBSO in Loxahatchee....Check out the article why below.Few hard headed roudy riders ruin it for everyone.

Below letter I sent to PB Post staff writer.Any one else want to send e-mail to him or her cant tell by the name here is the e-mail. <>

Also looking for some riders in Western Palm beach to ride with,We are a family & can trailer to meet on weekends. Thank's

Hello Mitra Malek,
Another article to help put a nail in the coffin for legitimate ATV riders who ride as a family and are responsible and courteous to others. We moved out to the acerage for the rural life 6 months ago from Lake Worth,away from traffic & crime.Now with the Gallery Judge orange groves up for sale it is even going to pack more of these zero-lot line houses up in what is supposed to be a rurual area!
I purchased ATV's for my family to ride around our area.We even needed to purchase a vehicle registration from which the proceeds were supposed to go toward opening more public land for ATV enthusiasts.Did you ever consider writing an article how these ATV's are oversold with no new public land opening for riding.It is not fair for those of us who want to pursue this as a family recreation.Milions are spent to build golf courses,tennis centers,and other public recreation areas why not the same for a 10-20 acre ATV park? Legitimate riders would love to have a place to go without worrying about trespass & tickets! I would even pay a fee to ride there with my family.Check the numbers of the ATV's purchased and where is the money going around $32 per ATV to register it?Something not right there.
Best Regard's
Werner Weigt
561 317-8023

Title: Re: ANOTHER nail in the coffin for places to ride...PBSO out in force!
Post by: Bigscrb15 on February 05, 2006, 07:55:13 PM
Welcome to the site!

We are aware of this. We have a member of the PBSO on this forum and he made a post about this.,11071.0.html

Keep checking this site before you ride and it will help keep you out of trouble.

Title: Re: ANOTHER nail in the coffin for places to ride...PBSO out in force!
Post by: 1FasterBlaster on February 05, 2006, 11:32:17 PM
It almost seems inevitable that soon we won't have any riding rights.Hope you got cash to buy some property.

Title: Re: ANOTHER nail in the coffin for places to ride...PBSO out in force!
Post by: bluesman on February 06, 2006, 02:21:25 PM