ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: stump66 on March 09, 2005, 04:10:45 AM

Title: What is a true friend?”
Post by: stump66 on March 09, 2005, 04:10:45 AM
I get agrivated when my son so losley uses the word "friend"

below are some of what I think a true friend is please add your opinions

A true friend likes you for who you are.

A true friend listens to what you say and hears what you don’t.

A true friend doesn’t give up on you when you make a mistake.

A true friend prays for you.

A true friend lifts you up when you are down.

A true friend sees the good in you when you can’t yourself.

A true friend laughs with you, not at you.

A true friend is someone you can confide in and won’t tell the whole world.

A true friend is there for you during your hardest trials.

A true friend always tells you the truth, even when it hurts.

A true friend is NOT a kid at the bustop you just met

A true friend is NOT someone you met on xbox live

A true friend is NOT a kid in your class

A true friend is NOT a user

A true friend is A LIFE LONG commitment

Title: Re: What is a true friend?”
Post by: LE450-RACER#77 on March 09, 2005, 08:19:33 AM

Title: Re: What is a true friend?”
Post by: stump66 on March 09, 2005, 08:27:12 AM
that falls under keep your friends close and your enemies closer,I think lol.

Title: Re: What is a true friend?”
Post by: Smoknbanshee on March 09, 2005, 09:10:46 AM
funny le.....

Title: Re: What is a true friend?”
Post by: SkyHighT100 on March 09, 2005, 09:49:08 AM
Yeah, true friends seem to be the first ones to burn you. They act great when they are with you, but secretly they are taking you for all you are worth (Whether it deals with emotion, money, love, trust, etc) Or they are the ones that you dont take seriously when they try to warn you of a problem.

I guess we all have been through enough heartache to know what a true friend should be, but at the same time we know what our experiences with "true friends" has been. It sucks when it gets you to the point that you cant trust anyone no matter how hard you try. But eventually, there's that one person that comes into your life... that shows you true friends do exist. And with time, you give your heart and soul to them. There's those few people that you just know came into your life for a reason and you do everything you can to hold them close and show them that you are the real thing, and wonder to yourself... what more can I do to show them I'm for real? How about a wave? (

Title: Re: What is a true friend?”
Post by: kawGIRL on March 09, 2005, 11:35:24 AM
Many people will walk in and out of your life. But only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.[/color][/size][smiley=Heart.gif] [smiley=Hug.gif]

Title: Re: What is a true friend?”
Post by: susieblazer on March 09, 2005, 07:30:39 PM

 I can say that we have been blessed with two of the truest friends ever..they were there when we needed them, moving, helping family members, and spending quality time together, camping and offroading ..both have been a part of our lives and our familys for over 25 years..sadly we lost "Rick" to cancer in January of last year, and now our other friend "Ritch" is battleing cancer. with a year or less prognosis.. [smiley=BrokenHeart.gif]..So i guess they are the true kind of friends that "HE" wants sitting beside him now......... So if you have them, cherish, love and treat them as they treat you, for you are truely blessed by this true friend..........

                       Susie & Bill


Title: Re: What is a true friend?”
Post by: Its_a_Jeep_thing on March 09, 2005, 07:33:36 PM
a buddy well get u get into trouble and taken to jail...
a friend will come bail you out of Jail...
and a True friend would be right beside you in jail sayin man that was awesome...

Title: Re: What is a true friend?”
Post by: CAOSPOP on March 10, 2005, 12:28:46 AM
a friend will come bail you out of Jail...
and a True friend would be right beside you in jail sayin man that was awesome... right

My best friend is turning six in April!!! She is all I got.