Title: can we still ride out at 5-A Post by: Kodiak on January 11, 2006, 10:38:45 AM I have not seen a post for this place or did they shut it down too
Title: Re: can we still ride out at 5-A Post by: Beaner on January 11, 2006, 09:49:30 PM we are still ridding out there about every weekend! Could be a big ride from highlifter on the 21 of this month!
Title: Re: can we still ride out at 5-A Post by: zig on January 13, 2006, 09:18:13 PM is 5-a off I-95 AT THE SCOTTSMOOR OAKHILL exit and u turn left and go bak under I-95 tgere is also a stuckeys near bye? we were planning a ride this weekend but were informed it was shut down and costing 300 dollar fine does anyone know who owns the land and if lots are for sale out there?
Title: Re: can we still ride out at 5-A Post by: Beaner on January 15, 2006, 07:31:17 PM Yes that is 5a and it is not shut down. There were lots of hunters for awhile but like always be respectful and no problems!
Title: Re: can we still ride out at 5-A Post by: WheelQuick on January 15, 2006, 08:48:32 PM Went to Deland and rode out at s.r. 42 today. NO hunters, and lots of dry terrain to roost it up. i am plannin on a 5A(Maytown Road) run Monday morning, will post conditions monday night.