ATV Florida Forum

General => ATV Activist => Topic started by: jwscroll on January 03, 2006, 05:48:40 AM

Title: Look Out
Post by: jwscroll on January 03, 2006, 05:48:40 AM
As I'm reading the posts from the weekend of January 1, I'm struck by the number of conflicting rules coming out of the ONF. We need to watch out for one another when it comes to Forestry service people putting out the wrong information becuase it seems to be happening alot. When the Rangers and Law Enforcement are saying different things about riding areas it indicates to me that there has NOT been a set of rules printed in black and white nor have I seen a MAP of the designated trail system. Why Not?
When you are pulled over by a regular ranger(not enforcment) and they try to tell you the rules, get their name and badge number so when law enforcement decides to change the rules you can have some sort of defense. Remember , you have rights as a citizen, and access to piblic land is one of them.

Title: Re: Look Out
Post by: jwscroll on January 03, 2006, 05:57:53 AM
I wrote an e-mail to the National Forest Foundation about the conflicting info being handed out at the ONF, hopefully I'll get a response.

Title: Re: Look Out
Post by: Bigscrb15 on January 03, 2006, 09:54:03 AM
Your right! It was horrible this weekend. Hopefully they will respond to you.

Title: Re: Look Out
Post by: qt314nfla on January 08, 2006, 08:40:25 PM
Another possibility is to ask them to see the map or rules/laws in writing.  Let them know that you are an atty or are w/ prepaid legal and that you are a member of a large site of ppl out here.  If they would like to go ahead w/ the ticket w/o proof of the violation in writing that'd you'd be happy to file a class action suit against the departments involved and it will cost you nothing.

I know you guys in the forest read this.  I respect the job you are doing.  I follow the rules and regulations set down but if we don't know them and can't find them in writing then we can't follow them.  And y'all can't give us ticket w/o expecting someone to eventually file suit.

If you see me out there and decide on a ticket w/o writing you will be getting the comment from the first line.  I have friends in low places and I'm not afraid to use that help.  Beware....most of us on here make it our business to know the laws and abide by them.  So should you.

Title: Re: Look Out
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on January 09, 2006, 06:05:58 PM
Another possibility is to ask them to see the map or rules/laws in writing.  Let them know that you are an atty or are w/ prepaid legal and that you are a member of a large site of ppl out here.  If they would like to go ahead w/ the ticket w/o proof of the violation in writing that'd you'd be happy to file a class action suit against the departments involved and it will cost you nothing.

I know you guys in the forest read this.  I respect the job you are doing.  I follow the rules and regulations set down but if we don't know them and can't find them in writing then we can't follow them.  And y'all can't give us ticket w/o expecting someone to eventually file suit.

If you see me out there and decide on a ticket w/o writing you will be getting the comment from the first line.  I have friends in low places and I'm not afraid to use that help.  Beware....most of us on here make it our business to know the laws and abide by them.  So should you.

You go girl :o

Title: Re: Look Out
Post by: ATVXtreme on February 24, 2006, 06:58:43 AM
There is a map of the new trail system out. It is on the forest link, a pdf file. It was put out when the final record of decision came out.

When putting out the wrong information, your right, one hand doesn't know what the other hand is doing. Maybe with everyones help on that will one day change.

It is my understanding they are starting to change this... at least now all the information centers seem to be on the same page.. That seems to be a step in the right direction.