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Where to Ride?
The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
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Topic: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding (Read 15640 times)
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The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
November 28, 2005, 08:59:28 PM »
Hello to all who participate on this website. I am new to this place however I am anything but new to the sport. Though admitedly I have taken a bit of a hiatus. The last time I rode it was on a tricked out '83 Honda 185s. My stomping grounds (the 27 mudpit, US 27 and Griffin Rd) have long gone the way of the dodo. Rodney Gentry has retired from riding and a kid I heard about long ago when I raced at the Hollywood Sportatorium, and the recently deceased Hialeah Speedway named Tim Farr is the new posterboy for Honda Power. Names like Woolie Booger, and Flat Track tires have given way to Mudlite and Holeshot.
But honestly who gives a crap? That was then and this is now, BABY! Trikes have past and places like the whoop-di-doo, and the Gentry 8-track are gone. Thank Methuselas plastic surgeon that South Floridas craftey developers have gobbled it all up yet.
Heres what you do kiddies..........Take the Florida Turnpike South, until it ends........all the way till you literally end up going south on US 1. First you'll cross a road called Palm Drive. You'll see the Mutineer Restuarant caty-corner to you and a Miami Subs on your right. Don't stop at that Shell station to the right to gas up. If you drive another two seconds theres another gas station ahead on the right. Their gas is almost always cheaper. Plus theres a Blimpies Sub shop in the joint. By the way, if you are hungry don't stress, theres a Burger King, Long John Silvers, McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Taco (little joke there ....KFC and Taco Bell mixed) , Subway , and as of about two weeks ago the Dunkin Dounuts finally reopened! So food ain't no biggie.
Anywho, continue on another half mile and you will see where US1 biforcates ("splits" for all you hukt on fonik fans) into US 1 and Cardsound Road. Both lead to the Keys however only Cardsound leads to Alabama Jacks for all of you Motorcycle fans. Anyway cardsound also leads to where all ATV's should go before they go to that great junk yard in the sky.......The Hump.
The Hump............its wet......its fast.........its challenging...........and as far as mud goes..........well lets just say that if you do it right then you'll see the need for two things...a Warn winch and a portable shower. Oh, did I mention its FREE.
People, myself included, ride Friday Nights Saturday and Sundays. Granted though I wish I could ride all three Paternal duties dictate a certain selectivenss.
I was lucky enough to get to move all of two minutes from there. I ride it as much as possible. I would love to see others out there. I figure its better to be knee deep stuck in the mud than sittin your butt on the couch at home. Now if I could only convice the Mrs.
PS. If your still unsure of the location or if you just want to see it from a birds view. Download Google's Earth program takes two minutes.......then go to coodinates 25.26'.16 North by 80.28".16 West.....take a look.
"Hard Core" is after a wicked wreck the first thing you ask is "How's my quad?"
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #1 on:
November 28, 2005, 10:14:23 PM »
would this be it possibly?
looks like what you are describing and a wonderful place to go,,,,I don't care much for mud, so is it dry enough for us sport 4X2's?
[attachment deleted by admin]
Id@ M@nn
'99 Honda 400EX ATP'd (quietly making noise)
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #2 on:
November 28, 2005, 10:16:48 PM »
by the way, the GPS coordinates for the above is:
Id@ M@nn
'99 Honda 400EX ATP'd (quietly making noise)
'02 Honda Foreman Rubicon
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #3 on:
November 28, 2005, 10:21:33 PM »
i want to ride their soon, just so you know, this 15 year old knows exactly what woolie boogers are, i have them on my 185 3wheeler and was almost going to get some for my warrior, they still sell them at a shop by my house.
i use to ride at all the places you said like us 27 when i was younger with my dad.
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #4 on:
November 28, 2005, 10:35:24 PM »
Well now, You da Man....thats the beauty of the Hump. Its like Disney World .....theres something for everyone (except mountains.....darn you Florida) . Cause my friend, if you scroll your map a little to the right and / or south you'll see these pretty white lines all over the place (zoom).......you guessed it......rock roads. Just like ashphalt, only better..................No Policia! Not that we worry about such things.
Equally important, is the fact that it is finally drying up out there. If I can convince ole Dragon of the Pavement to bring his trusty rusty camera crew out there everyone could get a close up of what it looks like now.
"Hard Core" is after a wicked wreck the first thing you ask is "How's my quad?"
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #5 on:
November 28, 2005, 10:44:34 PM »
Hey Klutchbuster350,
I will tell you it was a sad day when I saw them doze that area over. I lived on 201st and Griffin for 10 years back in the late 70's and early 80's and there was no better riding than the geographical box of Griffin to Pines and from Flamingo to US 27.
Its good to hear that there are those that still remember it.
"Hard Core" is after a wicked wreck the first thing you ask is "How's my quad?"
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #6 on:
November 28, 2005, 10:47:09 PM »
got plenty of pics of it, best times of my life probably.i was to young to remember the dozing, but i sure remember not going back their.
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #7 on:
November 28, 2005, 10:47:58 PM »
now for some old school,,,,My first quad was a 1988 Honda Fourtrax 200,,,everything kept stock on that, next was a 1987 Suzuki LT230 Quadsport, I put TrailClaw II tires on the rear and a Cobra Jet exhaust slip-on.
it was loud and slow, but it was mine. I used to think that it's top speed was all the speed I would ever need(about 30-35mph) and now,,,,,I'd be upset being limited to that.
Id@ M@nn
'99 Honda 400EX ATP'd (quietly making noise)
'02 Honda Foreman Rubicon
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"Show me a smooth operation and I'll show you someone who is hiding mistakes, real boats rock."
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #8 on:
November 28, 2005, 10:53:44 PM »
heres oldschool for ya lol
my first muddin experience
and now look, its the future!
man i wish i was this age back then.
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #9 on:
November 28, 2005, 11:04:27 PM »
Well Klutchbuster you put a smile on my face and thats a hard thing to do when I realize all of the kick bootA riding I've missed out on over the past fifteen years....Let this be a lesson to you. Don't join the Navy ...........Not a whole lot of mud in the middle of the Indian Ocean know what I mean?
"Hard Core" is after a wicked wreck the first thing you ask is "How's my quad?"
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #10 on:
November 28, 2005, 11:08:39 PM »
Now then Mr. Mann.........you know full well old school never starts with anything on four wheels.
However, being that you had an 87 Suzuki........we'll let it slide.
My gosh 30 something miles an hour,,,,,, just hearing it hurts, doesn't it?
"Hard Core" is after a wicked wreck the first thing you ask is "How's my quad?"
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #11 on:
November 29, 2005, 08:10:32 AM »
i used to ride there all the time but now its suposedly ileagle because thats privite proprty owned by the county
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #12 on:
November 29, 2005, 12:39:29 PM »
ahh........ the good ole days.
riding at us27 and griffin.
you must remember a little place they used to call flamingo.
how bout the sand dunes at virginia key, behind the treatment plant.
and of course areas like 8 street(southside) and lostlake
i remember my suped up 200s. we used to fly down them trails. i swear those 3 wheelers would float over the mud.
good times...........
hey this is klutchbuster350, me and rl400*mostly rl400* made my dad this sig. now lets see how long it takes him to notice lol
hey while im here...........klutchbuster rules!!!!!!
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #13 on:
November 29, 2005, 01:11:38 PM »
Quote from: Pastense on November 28, 2005, 11:08:39 PM
Now then Mr. Mann.........you know full well old school never starts with anything on four wheels.
However, being that you had an 87 Suzuki........we'll let it slide.
My gosh 30 something miles an hour,,,,,, just hearing it hurts, doesn't it?
well, the first ride was a little Honda 50 2 wheeler,,,,then a Big Red, then the quads,,,,but the quads were the first ones I owned.
almost forgot the TW200,,,,that was the only full-sized motorcycle I ever liked.
Id@ M@nn
'99 Honda 400EX ATP'd (quietly making noise)
'02 Honda Foreman Rubicon
'00 Honda TRX90
8 X 20 Enclosed hauler/camper
"Show me a smooth operation and I'll show you someone who is hiding mistakes, real boats rock."
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #14 on:
November 29, 2005, 02:49:33 PM »
By the by, I need to mention that IDa Manns screenshot and cooodinates are "dead on balls" accurate as to the local of The Hump.
"Hard Core" is after a wicked wreck the first thing you ask is "How's my quad?"
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #15 on:
November 29, 2005, 02:59:00 PM »
Never been there but I hope to go soon. And I wish it was not so much a mission to go and ride without the cops buggin you, a dream of simpler times.
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #16 on:
November 29, 2005, 04:12:46 PM »
ok guys i ride there often but hat to say it it wont be there much longer cuz of bilding house and yes there is cops out there i live right next to it so i can always get home ( not run from them just tell them where i live and i can get away with it also cuz i know ppl) but yes i love tthis place but wont be there for long also when is the lats time u went out there i went out not to long ago and its drying up alot
87 s10 2/3 soon to be bagged
85 honda 110 atc(22" bearclaws & snorkeld)
01 kx 125 (pc pipe,tag bar's,pro racing rear rim,some lil other stuff
I hate it when you microwave something, then you start eating it, and it's cold in the middle...makes me wanna punch a
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #17 on:
November 29, 2005, 07:36:44 PM »
Hey Rancher 350Kid
I agree with you about the housing. I live over in Keysgate and I went out last weekend. I saw that there starting to doze down the area surrounding the rock roads. The main rock road (north-south) that everyone uses is SW 167th avenue, it is a continuation of the road that runs in fornt of Homestead Senior High School. Its still rock road but I am not sure for how long. Hey, anytime is better than no time. The other main drag running (east-west) is in between SW 356th and SW 360th street. Actually, that will probably never get paved as it is an access road for FPL (it runs under the transmission lines that come from Turkey Point). That access road runs all the way to Turkey Point. I don't see to many people on it probably because its a little tricky to get to. Theres no direct access to it from the main rock road, the afore mentioned SW 167th. You have to take one of three roads SW 352th (runs behind Veneitan Gardens development), SW 356th (roack road between two fields) , or SW 360th (a continuation of the main road that leads from the Hump) east to SW 162nd and then go either north or south to the access road.
Theres a canal starting at 167th that runs along side 360th. Me and a buddy were thinking of building a bridge (nothing fancy...... PT plywood, 55 gallon drums and some welding) across it so we would have a direct access to the new rock pit south of the canal (this is NOT Florida Rock and Sands main quarry off US1). South of the rock pit are a continuation of the North and South runs of FPLs Transmission lines and more nothingness to ride on. (Nothingness good!).
A couple of things for you 4x2's, that main road that comes from Cardsound to the Hump and then eventually to 167th has a big sunken divet in the middle of it. If you come from the side of 167th you'll see an old abandoned hulk of a car there. It is deep! However, I ride a 400ex with a battery box (it has a ported lid) and no snorkel. I make through with no trouble. Just don't stop midway through, and watch out for the low trees.
In so far as the land development goes theres a road (SW137th) that runs North-South from Palm Drive all the way down to Cardsound almost to Alabama Jacks. That would be a kick azz run. There also seems to be a way to get to the bay as well when your down there. Those are a couple of runs I haven't made yet but would love too. Might be even able to make it to Alabama Jacks, yeah right!
Anyway there has got to be places to ride off all of these roads for years to come. And when thats over then we'll ride over off of US1 down the stretch. We shall not be denied! Eventually we will find a place thats so damn worthless that the developers will just not care. (dream) After all, ATVers live for worthless land.
By the way if you don't have Google Earth then you just aren't living. The views are outdated by a year or two but it is still an indespensible tool for anyone who rides. The best feature is that where ever you put your mouse you see your GPS coodinates. Bingo Bango Bongo baby!!!!!!! No more "Meet me at that place I told you about that time" If you don't have a GPS get one its indespensable, especially if you want to tell your riding buddies were in the heck you are.
"Hard Core" is after a wicked wreck the first thing you ask is "How's my quad?"
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #18 on:
November 29, 2005, 07:46:30 PM »
As far as cops go...................... I just don't see them. I ride there probably every weekend lots of trucks lots of traliers a shite load of quads / trikes but no Mr Policeman.
"Hard Core" is after a wicked wreck the first thing you ask is "How's my quad?"
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #19 on:
November 29, 2005, 10:25:19 PM »
sent u pm funny i live in keys gate to what part do u live in what a small world lol i live in north gate lol
87 s10 2/3 soon to be bagged
85 honda 110 atc(22" bearclaws & snorkeld)
01 kx 125 (pc pipe,tag bar's,pro racing rear rim,some lil other stuff
I hate it when you microwave something, then you start eating it, and it's cold in the middle...makes me wanna punch a
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #20 on:
November 30, 2005, 10:58:16 AM »
I live in the Fairways
"Hard Core" is after a wicked wreck the first thing you ask is "How's my quad?"
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #21 on:
November 30, 2005, 12:21:40 PM »
It is illegal to ride there and your bike can and will get confiscated. At best, you will get ticketed. ATV's are illegal in all of Dade county. REALLY SUCKS!!!!
But reality bites...
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #22 on:
November 30, 2005, 01:29:17 PM »
Quote from: Eworm on November 30, 2005, 12:21:40 PM
It is illegal to ride there and your bike can and will get confiscated. At best, you will get ticketed. ATV's are illegal in all of Dade county. REALLY SUCKS!!!!
But reality bites...
I would have to honestly say that theres got to be at least 100 or so riders that I see there every weekend that would have to disagree with you.
However, the day that I do see a officer of the law thats out there ticketing .......I'll be the first to mention it on this board.
"Hard Core" is after a wicked wreck the first thing you ask is "How's my quad?"
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #23 on:
December 03, 2005, 09:15:10 AM »
I plan on going to either Holeylands or the Humps tommoro (SUNDAY).. Whaich one is drier right now? I have been buried at the humps in thick, pastelike mud, ..then again..that has happened at Holeylands also. I have a 4x2..so I want the drier of the two. Any suggestions?
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #24 on:
December 03, 2005, 03:41:02 PM »
i might be going out to the hump tomower i got a 300ex but i wont be going in mud or water with it but i live nere by and if it looks a lil bit to muddy then ill just go get my rancher out there ill be with a blue banshee too
87 s10 2/3 soon to be bagged
85 honda 110 atc(22" bearclaws & snorkeld)
01 kx 125 (pc pipe,tag bar's,pro racing rear rim,some lil other stuff
I hate it when you microwave something, then you start eating it, and it's cold in the middle...makes me wanna punch a
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #25 on:
December 03, 2005, 03:55:56 PM »
efren , you and I know there's no need for the 4x4 right now , its SO dry. lol. too bad i wont have my blaster. but wait till i make a comeback with my 400ex.
How we ride today determines IF we can ride tommorow.
'89 240sx sil-coupe (drift car)
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #26 on:
December 05, 2005, 02:11:56 PM »
Met up with Efran and his friends this weekend........really good group of kids to ride with. Had a blast. Even got to see some otters in a nearby canal we jumped in after riding. Me and my boy had a really kick azz time. We'll have to do it again soon.
"Hard Core" is after a wicked wreck the first thing you ask is "How's my quad?"
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #27 on:
December 05, 2005, 02:56:24 PM »
I got a ticket this Sunday at the humps and they told me never to go back there or they would impound the bike!!!! SUCKS!!!!
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #28 on:
December 05, 2005, 03:55:28 PM »
had a great time next time it will be just sports and we will do a dry ride lol no more mud lol i wanana use my 300 lol
Last Edit: December 05, 2005, 04:09:08 PM by rancher350kid
87 s10 2/3 soon to be bagged
85 honda 110 atc(22" bearclaws & snorkeld)
01 kx 125 (pc pipe,tag bar's,pro racing rear rim,some lil other stuff
I hate it when you microwave something, then you start eating it, and it's cold in the middle...makes me wanna punch a
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #29 on:
December 05, 2005, 04:24:11 PM »
Watch the cops and florida wildlife officers.
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #30 on:
December 05, 2005, 09:18:56 PM »
Quote from: Eworm on December 05, 2005, 02:56:24 PM
I got a ticket this Sunday at the humps and they told me never to go back there or they would impound the bike!!!! SUCKS!!!!
i'm thinkin of goimg to check it out, but i keep getting mixed signals. some of ya'll go out and have a great time and then some guys go out and get tickets. i dont understand.
p.s. --- sorry to hear you got a ticket. it sucks. cops really know how to ruin what would have been a great day of riding.
hey this is klutchbuster350, me and rl400*mostly rl400* made my dad this sig. now lets see how long it takes him to notice lol
hey while im here...........klutchbuster rules!!!!!!
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #31 on:
December 06, 2005, 04:40:44 PM »
Quote from: gery350 on December 05, 2005, 09:18:56 PM
Quote from: Eworm on December 05, 2005, 02:56:24 PM
I got a ticket this Sunday at the humps and they told me never to go back there or they would impound the bike!!!! SUCKS!!!!
i'm thinkin of goimg to check it out, but i keep getting mixed signals. some of ya'll go out and have a great time and then some guys go out and get tickets. i dont understand.
p.s. --- sorry to hear you got a ticket. it sucks. cops really know how to ruin what would have been a great day of riding.
I PM'd you Gery.
"Hard Core" is after a wicked wreck the first thing you ask is "How's my quad?"
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #32 on:
December 06, 2005, 08:32:13 PM »
Quote from: gery350 on December 05, 2005, 09:18:56 PM
Quote from: Eworm on December 05, 2005, 02:56:24 PM
I got a ticket this Sunday at the humps and they told me never to go back there or they would impound the bike!!!! SUCKS!!!!
i'm thinkin of goimg to check it out, but i keep getting mixed signals. some of ya'll go out and have a great time and then some guys go out and get tickets. i dont understand.
p.s. --- sorry to hear you got a ticket. it sucks. cops really know how to ruin what would have been a great day of riding.
well i want to start goiing back out there we used to go out there all the timw on saturday nights on sometimes ride on sunday but i hear the cops are coming down on there all well maybe next weekend ill head out there with my uncle in his truck and see whats up
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #33 on:
December 06, 2005, 08:50:31 PM »
You may get lucky but the cop told me there was a lot of underage drinking out there. That's what got them out there in the 1st place.
I think I am just gonna sell my bike and get a bigger, better boat.
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #34 on:
December 08, 2005, 05:47:05 PM »
I will tell you that one of the things that everyone does out there that the police will never like is riding without a helmet.
I am going to create a post on this.
"Hard Core" is after a wicked wreck the first thing you ask is "How's my quad?"
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #35 on:
December 08, 2005, 05:50:44 PM »
im sry but im one of them i just dont like to were my lid when i go mudin but next time i will trust me when im on my 300 i have every thing of gear lol
87 s10 2/3 soon to be bagged
85 honda 110 atc(22" bearclaws & snorkeld)
01 kx 125 (pc pipe,tag bar's,pro racing rear rim,some lil other stuff
I hate it when you microwave something, then you start eating it, and it's cold in the middle...makes me wanna punch a
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #36 on:
December 08, 2005, 05:57:58 PM »
i wear a helemt everytime i go riding.unless its just to move a bike around camp
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #37 on:
December 20, 2005, 12:15:39 PM »
For DZ 350
"Hard Core" is after a wicked wreck the first thing you ask is "How's my quad?"
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #38 on:
December 20, 2005, 03:03:01 PM »
Quote from: gery350 on December 05, 2005, 09:18:56 PM
Quote from: Eworm on December 05, 2005, 02:56:24 PM
I got a ticket this Sunday at the humps and they told me never to go back there or they would impound the bike!!!! SUCKS!!!!
i'm thinkin of goimg to check it out, but i keep getting mixed signals. some of ya'll go out and have a great time and then some guys go out and get tickets. i dont understand.
p.s. --- sorry to hear you got a ticket. it sucks. cops really know how to ruin what would have been a great day of riding.
so how bout that ride dad?
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #39 on:
December 20, 2005, 05:30:31 PM »
There was a huge rumble out there this past weekend, watch out boys!!!
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Location: Miami, FL
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #40 on:
February 15, 2006, 07:49:32 PM »
Im bumping this back up for the lost crowd!
1988 Honda Fourtrax 300 4x4
25" Vampires
1988 Honda Fourtrax 300 4x4
25" Stockers
Sweet Z
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #41 on:
February 16, 2006, 11:19:01 PM »
We should try and get another group ride down there. The last one was fun.
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #42 on:
February 17, 2006, 07:49:21 AM »
perhaps a trail/mudding one
[><]Southern by the grace of God[><]
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Location: Miami, FL
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Re: The Hump; South Floridas Mecca of ATV/ATC riding
Reply #43 on:
February 17, 2006, 09:26:46 AM »
Im down and have been wanting to go. Im going sunday to check it out if any 4x4's want to come along also. Even 4x2's are welcome!
1988 Honda Fourtrax 300 4x4
25" Vampires
1988 Honda Fourtrax 300 4x4
25" Stockers
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