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Author Topic: New Trail System-Ocala National Forest  (Read 18760 times)
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« Reply #25 on: October 04, 2005, 02:15:30 PM »

agreed if you can catch me ill pay the fine

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« Reply #26 on: October 04, 2005, 05:15:54 PM »

This is the kind of attitude that will lose the rest of our riding areas. Maybe if the rules were followed we would have more places to ride, obviously not following them is getting nowhere as areas keep closing not opening. Huh
Very good point!  All it takes is a few to ruin it for everyone else.  Seems only then will everyone cry about why it happened. 

Everyone likes the have a good time, but be courteous and ride safe guys!
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« Reply #27 on: October 04, 2005, 10:53:18 PM »

Does anybody knows any e-mail or contact info for Croom. I think that for $50 that we been charge the Trails should be maintain better and smooth down some of the whoops. It is a good and covenient place to go riding for few hours if you can't make the trip to ONF.
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« Reply #28 on: October 04, 2005, 11:03:01 PM »

I bet they can't catch me on the banshee

New to the Engine 421cc Cheetah Cubs that are fully race ported, Hot Rods 4mm Stroker Crank, Ricky Stator fly wheel and 200watt stator also timing plate is at +5, NOSS Head with 17cc domes, V force 3 reeds and 36mm MIKUNI Flat Slide carbs

« Reply #29 on: October 04, 2005, 11:09:21 PM »

FYI for you guys that want to out run the police and forestry people.  They can find you.  If you out run the forestry they will turn you over to the police.  If you out run the police you can go to jail and/or have your quad confiscated.  Remember they live in the area and see the regular riders and know those that are causing problems.  They aren't stupid and will eventually find you.  Is it really worth jail time or losing your quad for evading reather than taking a ticket?  In addition it is that type of attitude and behavior that gives us a bad name and makes them more likely to limit where we can ride and what we can do.  What is so difficult about riding w/in the rules?
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« Reply #30 on: October 05, 2005, 07:15:03 AM »

FYI for you guys that want to out run the police and forestry people.  They can find you.  If you out run the forestry they will turn you over to the police.  If you out run the police you can go to jail and/or have your quad confiscated.  Remember they live in the area and see the regular riders and know those that are causing problems.  They aren't stupid and will eventually find you.  Is it really worth jail time or losing your quad for evading reather than taking a ticket?  In addition it is that type of attitude and behavior that gives us a bad name and makes them more likely to limit where we can ride and what we can do.  What is so difficult about riding w/in the rules?

What she said!!  Everyones tune will change once they have to pay to get their quad back from the impound.  Or better yet, removing it from a tree that moved in front of ya while looking back to see if they're still behind you.

« Reply #31 on: October 05, 2005, 02:25:49 PM »

I think there are some good points to regulating the trails, and there are some bad. Of course I don't like someone telling me where I have to ride or what direction to go; because I'm not really looking at where I'm going, I'm just going. But having trails marked is kewl, because everyone knows it's not fun getting lost.
  As far as they say we're destroying the eco sytems...that is unrealistic. I've worked with forestry. They plant trees for production ,tear down the trees,clear the land and replant. I've done controlled burning -the whole nine yards.There is no way we do more damage to the environment than they do.
  I think the whole issue is money. Croom charges money,they also give the government money. The government sees the growing number of riders...someone is gonna see money.
   The ever growing population is gonna continue...and it might be necessary for us to do certain things to ensure we maintain places for us to ride.
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« Reply #32 on: October 05, 2005, 02:28:05 PM »

FYI for you guys that want to out run the police and forestry people.  They can find you.  If you out run the forestry they will turn you over to the police.  If you out run the police you can go to jail and/or have your quad confiscated.  Remember they live in the area and see the regular riders and know those that are causing problems.  They aren't stupid and will eventually find you.  Is it really worth jail time or losing your quad for evading reather than taking a ticket?  In addition it is that type of attitude and behavior that gives us a bad name and makes them more likely to limit where we can ride and what we can do.  What is so difficult about riding w/in the rules?

your'e just saying that because you can't outrun anyone with a sticking rear brake ;-)



Id@ M@nn

'99 Honda 400EX ATP'd (quietly making noise)
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« Reply #33 on: October 05, 2005, 02:48:15 PM »

FYI for you guys that want to out run the police and forestry people.  They can find you.  If you out run the forestry they will turn you over to the police.  If you out run the police you can go to jail and/or have your quad confiscated.  Remember they live in the area and see the regular riders and know those that are causing problems.  They aren't stupid and will eventually find you.  Is it really worth jail time or losing your quad for evading reather than taking a ticket?  In addition it is that type of attitude and behavior that gives us a bad name and makes them more likely to limit where we can ride and what we can do.  What is so difficult about riding w/in the rules?

your'e just saying that because you can't outrun anyone with a sticking rear brake ;-)



LMBO!  Got the brakes fixed now though.
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« Reply #34 on: October 05, 2005, 05:54:14 PM »

FYI for you guys that want to out run the police and forestry people.  They can find you.  If you out run the forestry they will turn you over to the police.  If you out run the police you can go to jail and/or have your quad confiscated.  Remember they live in the area and see the regular riders and know those that are causing problems.  They aren't stupid and will eventually find you.  Is it really worth jail time or losing your quad for evading reather than taking a ticket?  In addition it is that type of attitude and behavior that gives us a bad name and makes them more likely to limit where we can ride and what we can do.  What is so difficult about riding w/in the rules?


 Clapper Clapper Clapper Clapper Clapper Clapper

You gotta realize, if you run, they will not give up. Because if they give up, they send a message that it's OK to run. I'm tellin' ya, it'll be ugly. QT is right. You'll lose your quad, you'll get criminal charges, and it'll cost you thousands of dollars. Is it worth it to prove a point? Roll Eyes

Kurt Hargarten
2005 Suzuki Eiger 4X4 5 speed
Warn Winch

« Reply #35 on: October 08, 2005, 07:21:40 PM »

I have read several of the threads, and It's not the garbage that is the problem, it seems to me that there seems to be new trails, that people have created by going cross country thus the destruction of the environment. The trail system is international, from the US to New Zealand. It has worked out in California for quite a long time. The threads seem to be complaining about something that can't be changed. It seems like this is a done deal, the more resistance the worse it is going to be for all of us, and I like riding in the forest, 150 miles of trails is better than none. Besides it is my understanding that the ATV have 150 miles of trails, the motorcycles should be complaining they have only 13 miles of trails. It sounds to me like the ATV has the best of all plans.

The Orlando Sential did an article on this several months ago, and they said if you are caught off the trail, there will be a $500.00 fine. I personally can not afford that stiff of a fine. True catch me if you can, with that kind of fine, they will eventually catch you.

OHV Florida is also working trying to find new sites that the OHV can use. The riding place in North Florida Tates something I believe was done in conjuction with OHV Florida.

There was a website up in December of Last year, that explained the deal, had maps of the existing trails and the proposed trails. There was also a email application that you could send to the appropiate people on what you thought of the new system. That was the time to make your voice heard, to late now. I found post for this website on a lot of motorcycle, atv etc websites, you couldn't miss it. If you didn't send one in and voice your opinion do you have the right to complain?

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« Reply #36 on: October 08, 2005, 07:56:49 PM »

I have read several of the threads, and It's not the garbage that is the problem, it seems to me that there seems to be new trails, that people have created by going cross country thus the destruction of the environment. The trail system is international, from the US to New Zealand. It has worked out in California for quite a long time. The threads seem to be complaining about something that can't be changed. It seems like this is a done deal, the more resistance the worse it is going to be for all of us, and I like riding in the forest, 150 miles of trails is better than none. Besides it is my understanding that the ATV have 150 miles of trails, the motorcycles should be complaining they have only 13 miles of trails. It sounds to me like the ATV has the best of all plans.

The Orlando Sential did an article on this several months ago, and they said if you are caught off the trail, there will be a $500.00 fine. I personally can not afford that stiff of a fine. True catch me if you can, with that kind of fine, they will eventually catch you.

OHV Florida is also working trying to find new sites that the OHV can use. The riding place in North Florida Tates something I believe was done in conjuction with OHV Florida.

There was a website up in December of Last year, that explained the deal, had maps of the existing trails and the proposed trails. There was also a email application that you could send to the appropiate people on what you thought of the new system. That was the time to make your voice heard, to late now. I found post for this website on a lot of motorcycle, atv etc websites, you couldn't miss it. If you didn't send one in and voice your opinion do you have the right to complain?

You hit the proverbial nail on the head.

Kurt Hargarten
2005 Suzuki Eiger 4X4 5 speed
Warn Winch

« Reply #37 on: October 08, 2005, 08:08:54 PM »

I haven't even picked up my 2000 grizzly and already I am getting bummed about how few places I may have to ride it.
  You guys who want to outrun the police, break rules etc......maybe you can find someones posted land to do it on?
  I hate to think I am driving over to sarasota from Daytona.....just to tow an ATV back home to put it up for sale.
  Makes me think I should have gone with a waverunner.

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« Reply #38 on: October 08, 2005, 09:14:12 PM »

I haven't even picked up my 2000 grizzly and already I am getting bummed about how few places I may have to ride it.
  You guys who want to outrun the police, break rules etc......maybe you can find someones posted land to do it on?
  I hate to think I am driving over to sarasota from Daytona.....just to tow an ATV back home to put it up for sale.
  Makes me think I should have gone with a waverunner.


Hey chuck and welcome to "the site"  Grin  Don't despair, there's lots of great riding places, you just need to hook up with a group of us on one of our next rides.  Check out that section and start finding out what's going on.  As far as ONF, they have been talking up there about the trails for a long time, this summer a ranger told me that by October, the trails would be in place.  Well, I don't see it yet, not to say it won't happen.  Hope to see you on the trails soon.  Smiley


« Reply #39 on: October 09, 2005, 05:43:44 AM »

Talked to a ranger yesterday, it seems January will be the start of the new trail system, but we will see.
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« Reply #40 on: October 09, 2005, 12:58:09 PM »

Designated trails will become the norm for all areas eventually.  I think riding where you want is history unless its at a private place like Underhills or River Ranch.  I just hope they make some of the designated trails through mud holes so the utilitys can still have some fun but I doubt it.
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« Reply #41 on: October 09, 2005, 03:59:34 PM »

first I'd like to say I have not ever ridden on a trail system so I don;t know if it will be good or bad . but I'm willing to try if I have to and it sounds as though I will have to . second, there is an old saying , you may out run my police car but you won't out run my radio, and i'm sure that would apply to atv's as well. I for one can't take the results of loseing that kind of a race. at best it would cost $$$$ at worst I'd be a crippeled wreck and out a lot of money.  or I could be some place where nothing would matter.(dead)

« Reply #42 on: October 09, 2005, 07:10:22 PM »

Your right trail systems will become the Norm. I have ridden several what some people closed trail systems on several occassions. It wasn't that bad, actually I kind of liked it. I knew getting lost was not an issue or running out of gas. If the forest service do the trail system right, it won't be bad. Even some of the private areas won't let you go cross country and you have to stay on the trails. My view is 150 miles is better than none, and I am going to ride what I can now. I have been on one of the trails, I think, it was awsome. The trail was narrow, not real wide, so my ATV skills got tested. The ATV races are on closed courses and much shorter.

Some of the advantages is I am not going to get lost, and I won't have to run up the numbered roads to find my way home, and possible get a fine. I think another advantage is if I am riding with a group of riders that are faster than I am, they don't have to wait for me so I can find my way home.

I don't agree that big brother is telling me where to ride, but I don't have a choice, so a positive attatude is the best. I think since this is so new in the Ocala National Forest, there will be room for growth, and that will be the time to put your two cents in. But I think we should give it a chance.
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« Reply #43 on: October 11, 2005, 05:44:12 AM »

Part of the fun of riding is getting lost, then finding your way back. The thrill of exploring is gone when your on a designated system, you know your going the same place everyone else has been, and there's no chance your gonna run out of gas cause it's been made simple. I don't condone creating a trail through a enviormentally sensitive area, but whats wrong with exploring the forest?

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« Reply #44 on: October 11, 2005, 03:23:46 PM »

Part of the fun of riding is getting lost, then finding your way back. The thrill of exploring is gone when your on a designated system, you know your going the same place everyone else has been, and there's no chance your gonna run out of gas cause it's been made simple. I don't condone creating a trail through a enviormentally sensitive area, but whats wrong with exploring the forest?

amen brutha


Id@ M@nn

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« Reply #45 on: October 11, 2005, 03:47:27 PM »


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« Reply #46 on: October 11, 2005, 08:49:58 PM »

"catch me if you can"
 Not hard to do if you are the only one on the trail.....

   I remember driving on Daytona Beach with a car. Used to be able to do it 24 hours a day....FREE.  Now you can only drive a part of the beach...until sunset AND pay for the privledge.
  Not hard to catch you when you are alone on the beach.
  Not many complained when they took the driving "priveledge" away........
      Like I have said before....I am JUST getting started with ATVing.  I am not a young man.  So you think you can break rules and get away with it.....yup, maybe you can.  But what happens when everyone is banned because you couldn't stay on the trail?  I do not try to run peoples lives, but sometimes other peoples actions cause consequences for others.
     Do what you want.....I have been there and done that.
  Florida is getting smaller, we may need to get together just to keep a
one way 15 MPH trail open........AND pay big bucks for the ride.

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