« on: October 07, 2005, 03:53:09 PM » |
Just wondering if anyone was going to practice this weekend.
04 YFZ450 #77 Rossier Pipe Pro Design Intake Ported & Built By ATP Walsh LT A Arms w/pull rod on rear PEP LT Shocks front & rear Walsh +1 stem Tag T2 bars LSR axle LSR Front Brake Lines Precision Stabilizer Holeshots Front & Rear H.E.P. Race Fender Brackets ASV Levers Blingstar Nerfs
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2005, 03:54:48 PM » |
Hey Pat ,how is the track looking for this weekend ?
04 YFZ450 #77 Rossier Pipe Pro Design Intake Ported & Built By ATP Walsh LT A Arms w/pull rod on rear PEP LT Shocks front & rear Walsh +1 stem Tag T2 bars LSR axle LSR Front Brake Lines Precision Stabilizer Holeshots Front & Rear H.E.P. Race Fender Brackets ASV Levers Blingstar Nerfs
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Location: Lakeland
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« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2005, 04:16:06 PM » |
Hey Pat ,how is the track looking for this weekend ?
They are fixing to get a rain out there now the corners have water and the inside horseshoe is partly under water. Email me tomorrow and I will call out there and update you.
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2005, 05:56:41 PM » |
i cant go my 450 went ka-boom. 
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2005, 09:50:13 AM » |
Whats up Steve, Went and pick up my new 06 450 yesterday. I guess it is time to retire the Raptor.
K&K Motorsports Full Spectrum Racing 06' YFZ450 #12 08' KFX450 #21 08' LTR450 #132
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2005, 09:38:17 PM » |
i cant go my 450 went ka-boom.  You just got that bike... What happened?
If it'll run... I'm ridin'!!!
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2005, 10:08:02 PM » |
the person that had the head before i did.(not saying names) didnt greas the cams before he put them in.  causing my bike to sease up ( i think thats how you spell it)  causing my piston and cylinder to screw up.  it should be fixed soon i sent it to the guys at suncoast they sure hooked up my 350 so it should be better then ever. 
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2005, 10:47:09 PM » |
04 YFZ450 #77 Rossier Pipe Pro Design Intake Ported & Built By ATP Walsh LT A Arms w/pull rod on rear PEP LT Shocks front & rear Walsh +1 stem Tag T2 bars LSR axle LSR Front Brake Lines Precision Stabilizer Holeshots Front & Rear H.E.P. Race Fender Brackets ASV Levers Blingstar Nerfs
Junior Member

Posts: 70
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2005, 07:23:51 AM » |
are they havin tt practice calender says mx e-mailed 2 days ago no response
page me steve 158*24*32679
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2005, 01:20:00 PM » |
the person that had the head before i did.(not saying names) didnt greas the cams before he put them in.  causing my bike to sease up ( i think thats how you spell it)  causing my piston and cylinder to screw up.  it should be fixed soon i sent it to the guys at suncoast they sure hooked up my 350 so it should be better then ever.  Are you sure thats the reason because it doesn't sound like not greasing the cam will cause that kind of damage. Did you do the oil mod for the motor i think there's a topic on it in tec corner, it helps oil the top of the motor (rod, piston, ect.) . That could be your problem!!! 
"A SPECIAL THANKS TO MY SPONSORS" Big Knob racing!, NewMembers Mom! Sacks Gloryhole at the Little Bar! Qawd32 Colon massage inc.! Fuzzy Pickle race team!
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2005, 02:05:33 PM » |
the person that had the head before i did.(not saying names) didnt greas the cams before he put them in.  causing my bike to sease up ( i think thats how you spell it)  causing my piston and cylinder to screw up.  it should be fixed soon i sent it to the guys at suncoast they sure hooked up my 350 so it should be better then ever.  Are you sure thats the reason because it doesn't sound like not greasing the cam will cause that kind of damage. Did you do the oil mod for the motor i think there's a topic on it in tec corner, it helps oil the top of the motor (rod, piston, ect.) . That could be your problem!!!  no i havent dont the oil mod yet and every one i talked to said thats what caused to break. but it doesnt matter its getting fixed and it going to be better than ever. 
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2005, 02:10:45 PM » |
I've also heard about the oil mod, but I've had my bike almost 2yrs and haven't had ANY problems out of my bike other than the swingarm cracking. And I ride pretty darn hard on it.
If it'll run... I'm ridin'!!!
« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2005, 07:02:16 PM » |
NOt to mention the pipe Rob  , Hey Wayne congratulations I can't wait to see that new baby, now are you going to set it for "MX" or "WOODS" 
Luis Quad #29 XC
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2005, 08:39:08 PM » |
I've also heard about the oil mod, but I've had my bike almost 2yrs and haven't had ANY problems out of my bike other than the swingarm cracking. And I ride pretty darn hard on it.
I've heard the problem exist when you bump the compression up on the yama's so stock compression your probably ok, but raptor 350 quad has head work it might have been deck to bump up the compression. you never know what you buy sometimes (buyer beware)!!!
"A SPECIAL THANKS TO MY SPONSORS" Big Knob racing!, NewMembers Mom! Sacks Gloryhole at the Little Bar! Qawd32 Colon massage inc.! Fuzzy Pickle race team!
« Reply #14 on: October 09, 2005, 10:13:39 PM » |
That's makes sense TRX#9. Brett (Lost Cause) bought one of the 1st batches to come out and his bike has also run flawless. Mainly I think the peeps that do all those mods to them run into all the problems. A friend of mine bought a YFZ in December of 03 and called himself doing the cam mod, and probably GOD knows what else to it, he was putting race gas in it w/ stock compression and his connecting rod snapped like that. My theory was that the race fuel over time began to eat up his cylinder and no telling what else b/c of lack of compression to burn the fuel. He was also running VERY lean b/c he took all the damn packing out of his Alba pipe. I told him that thing was running lean b/c it was popping like the dickins and was shooting flames from the silencer. Of course he blamed it on the oil mod  .
« Last Edit: October 09, 2005, 10:16:11 PM by Ride1Rob »
If it'll run... I'm ridin'!!!
« Reply #15 on: October 10, 2005, 12:00:44 AM » |
I bought my yfz450 in June of 2004 ....I have a high compression piston that i put in myself ...cam mod with NO oil mod done, stock head,CS pipe...i drag race ,had it on a flat track , mx track and basically i ran it very hard for over a year! With no problems....Maybe its just a few 450's here and there that have trouble . I personally don't think its the high compression ....but who knows?
Pentium D dual core 3.2 extreme Asus P5ND2 sli mobo CorsairTwin5400c4 2gb 667 memory BFG 8600 gt oc PCI-e 512mb Enermax noisetaker 600w power Audigy2 zs sound 7.1