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Author Topic: Is it legal?  (Read 14032 times)

« Reply #50 on: October 25, 2005, 03:16:53 PM »

rake some leaves up, then at night go throw them in some yards. then the next day go ask you you can rake there leaves for money. repete often. Evil

just kidding if you make a dollar, save $0.50 of it for the atv relief fund  Grin

« Reply #51 on: October 25, 2005, 05:24:23 PM »

OK....pretty much, if you have to ask if it is illegal...you may already know the answer. 
   Collecting money for one purpose and the using it for another...is at best:
  Telemarketers that collect money and keep a little (or allot) and call it OVERHEAD.....is not fraud.  I don't donate to telemarketers either.
   So make up some business cards that say :"Mom told me to get a job so here I am lawn care."  OR: "Dad told me to stay out of trouble so here I am
car wash."

   Drag a lawnmower door too door or Tote a hose and a bucket with sponge/soap/etc....door to door.  HECK....leaves are falling. Have your Mom buy a box of large trash bags.....rake a lawn and sack the leaves for your neighbors.  You may be surprised at the response you get.  People say I have "no cash"?.......you might accept a "two day hold I.O.U."     The end result is you want to make money........not fool or scam anyone......and if you can get some money and keep it all to yourself?    That is the American way!   Yes, you may have to WORK for the cash........but it will be a good  "life" lesson.

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« Reply #52 on: October 25, 2005, 05:26:01 PM »

dude  im 15 and had to buy my quad.. i worked at a restaurant for 3 hours a day this summer and made $100 bucks a week.  Also i mowed lawns and made an additional $100-150.  Lawns are easy money pick up some more.  If your willing to wait, aorund Christmas you can easily pick up about $1000 picking up christmas trees for ppl.  blow leaves w/e  dont be a fag and steal from people who really need money...not because your selfish and dont have respect for other people    dude do it right or dont do it

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« Reply #53 on: October 25, 2005, 07:46:54 PM »

I think the kid was had his heart in the right place brain just wasnt in gear
when fired off his question.When you work for it taking care of stuff will be
important.Dont sell youre stuff if you dont have too.Depending of where
you live at after Wilma there will be a ton of limbs and tree debris as well
as clean up work.Sad to say but looks like plenty of that for a while.A friend
of mine was in dire financial straits before Ivan hit Pensacola.Luckily for him
he had a background in roofing.Guess what he had enough work to keep
himself busy for 2yrs.Moral of the story if you want it bad enought there is
a way get it through hard work and saving.
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