Is there really any contest?? I mean fuel injected ,dual exhaust and its a Polaris.
this is an article from atv magazine:
First I want to start off and state that I am not brand loyal. I filmed it also but I only have dial up so it would take too long to download, but I can tell everyone what the outcome was. It was awesome as I've never seen a Pull where every Big Bore was there.
Polaris 800
Bombardier 800
Kawi Brute Force 750
Kawi Prairie 700
Suzuki King Quad 700
2 Polaris 700's
Yamaha Grizzly 660
AC 650
Kawi Brut Force 650
Okay, first off, everyone thought the new BOMB would rock, well it was a JOKE along with the rest of them except 1. All the machines were pulling
4450.00 LBS on the SLED, I was amazed they would pull that weight alone. Instead of posting the exact distance I'll give the average as I'd have to go and watch the video again to see exact pulls. But they were all withing 2 feet of each other except the WINNER.
King Quad pulled 70 FEET MAX, NO Bottom end power, lags for some reason. So bad that guys girlfriend was yelling at him to make sure it was in LOW on second PULL, he was pissed as it was. Even the 660 grizzly did better.
The CLEAR winner was the Polaris SPortsman 800 EFI, Full Pull 125 FEET
Now the Polaris did go first, so people started commenting, so I went over to the lad as I knew him and told him, no problem he had to run it again as his dad had ran it the first time and it was his turn. He also did a FULL PULL 125 feet.
Now there was a tie between Father and Son, so they had to go head to head to see who would win. They added weight on the foot of the sled the part that has the skid on it.
Father goes first and gets a FULL PUll again, but this time barley.
Son goes and hesitated off the line for a split second and LOST, got only 123 Feet. BTW it was the same bike they were using, just different drivers. Father won the first prize.
I couldn't believe the 800 Polaris was pulling an average of 50 FEET more then eveyone else, and its on film. And for those who will say the Polaris is much heavier, all the machines had equal weight as they had sand bags on them to make sure.
I tell ya one thing, you can see the POWER on the bottom end, when he'd take off the sled would be dragging quick.
I thought the BOMB would of done better as it had the same STOCK tires as the Polaris, and the KAWI had big horns on it, which should of helped it pull as there a good tire for that kind of thing but it did nothing.
Congrats Polaris, you sold a few machines that night.