My 99' Kawasaki has had two factory recalls on it. Besides that, while stuck in the mud, the fan apparently got mud in the motor and burned up. [that was expensive] Later,the rear axile also had water get inside somewhere. Within a year, my quad was squeaking whenever it first started going. Then it took longer to get it rolling, until one day it was seezed up. The rear end was taken apart and it was rusted to the point it would not go. The rust had to be hand sanded completely off and it runs fine. You would think that a quad would be sealed better against the elements.
Anyway, I do not consider my Kawaskai junk. In fact, I love my Kawasaki. I was on another ATV site that has forum sections for all the named ATV manufactures. Scrolling through, they all have unhappy customers.
I recently talked to two quad racers that race on the circuit. They both race Yamahas. They started on Hondas, but said they spent too much time repairing the Hondas and now race only Yamahas. However; there are other racers that love their Hondas and that is all they will race.
Like posted, all makes have problems. But in this case, it does seem that the individual dealer may not have been taking care of his customers as he should. 5 months to get a bike repaired seems excessive. That doesn't mean that Polaris sucks. Hopefully if it is taken care of and ridden properly, it will last this kid. I hear that one of the best Polaris dealers to deal with is in Crystal River. I have never been there, but the dealer there has an awesome customer service reputation.

Thank you for keeping this thread alive the POLARIS & the dealer in P.C. appreciates it also.
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