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do u think,after market exhausts are worth there cost??
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Topic: do u think,after market exhausts are worth there cost?? (Read 10972 times)
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do u think,after market exhausts are worth there cost??
December 20, 2012, 08:50:51 PM »
...I was at a local honda dealer & noticed on display a Pro circuit ti-4r, exhaust system for a honda crf250r & the price was $1,200.+tax about another $70.00.
.im like ru kindding me 1200. 4 a skiny head pipe & muffler? the sales guy said yes u will gain 4 horsepower and its 3lbs liter them stock..$1200 for 4HP & 3lbs less? come on do u think the price of these after market pipes/mufflers are insanely priced??. in ur opinion is it realllllly worth shelling out over $1200 bigones
??..im still with my mouth open in shock...what do u all think???
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Re: do u think,after market exhausts are worth there cost??
Reply #1 on:
December 20, 2012, 09:43:10 PM »
They're definitely worth it, but all those shops mark up the price.
3 Seconds of googling shows it for $900 on the procircuit website
5 seconds of googling (when did googling become a legitimate word?) results in
Which is much cheaper.
But if you look around you'll find that same exhaust much cheaper, or other exhaust systems for a cheaper price.
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Re: do u think,after market exhausts are worth there cost??
Reply #2 on:
December 21, 2012, 10:43:34 AM »
IMHO, they are not worth it. Big cost low gain. The biggest gain is the decibel levels and how much others are annoyed by you who run next to or behind you.
2019 Can Am 850 XMR
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Re: do u think,after market exhausts are worth there cost??
Reply #3 on:
December 21, 2012, 11:47:42 AM »
$900 ok a bit cheaper but its still $900 +tax$63.which u are at alomst$1000.00...i totaly agree with (keeter)..and after u install ur $1000, exhaust system the costs dont end there, then u have rejet ur carb,possibly upgrade ur air filter and airbox,..the only thing ur gonna get 4sure is more noise,which is gonna draw negative attention from everybody..ive seen a honda 450 race quad being dyno'ed with oem pipe & then a pricey after market pipe, the gains were soo minor that it reallllllllllly wasnt worth the $$$..the after market exhaust industry has created an industry on false & hyped up claims..
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Re: do u think,after market exhausts are worth there cost??
Reply #4 on:
December 23, 2012, 08:02:32 AM »
Quote from: cr500pro on December 21, 2012, 11:47:42 AM
$900 ok a bit cheaper but its still $900 +tax$63.which u are at alomst$1000.00...i totaly agree with (keeter)..and after u install ur $1000, exhaust system the costs dont end there, then u have rejet ur carb,possibly upgrade ur air filter and airbox,..the only thing ur gonna get 4sure is more noise,which is gonna draw negative attention from everybody..ive seen a honda 450 race quad being dyno'ed with oem pipe & then a pricey after market pipe, the gains were soo minor that it reallllllllllly wasnt worth the $$$..the after market exhaust industry has created an industry on false & hyped up claims..
X2 Well said
2019 Can Am 850 XMR
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Re: do u think,after market exhausts are worth there cost??
Reply #5 on:
December 24, 2012, 11:40:49 AM »
i cant agree... there is a noticable difference, but... you have to tune for it.
and.... if you are going to stay stock, stay stock, its not worth the $
if you are going with modifications...then you get the difference but are spending even more $
i have a 450r with just a HRC kit (no box lid, cams, jetting, rev limit mod & header).... when i got my HMF pro series it WAS a noticable difference in power compared to stock with restrictor removed...
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Re: do u think,after market exhausts are worth there cost??
Reply #6 on:
December 24, 2012, 01:53:08 PM »
My Can Am has Motoworks SR4 G2 and it is WAY faster and peppier than with the stock exhaust. Plus the stock weighs about 3 times my G2. I do have the pink wire mod with no lid and remapped ECM, which require aftermarket exhaust. Now when it comes to full pipe or slip on, generally slip on adds a couple HP. And, full is a waste without internal engine mods, at least with the DS450.
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Re: do u think,after market exhausts are worth there cost??
Reply #7 on:
December 24, 2012, 05:30:39 PM »
well if ur gonna go with bored out cyl.cams.head work.stroker cranks then ofcorse u need a good after market pipe,does it really matter 2 spend an extra $1000 on a pipe after u have spend $4grand on ur motor??...but when it comes to just a pipe & jet kit on a stock atv/dirt bikes,ive seen many dyno sheets of {before n after} and the horsepower really isnt much compaired to the what ur spending$$..and unless u dyno ur atv ,before n after u realy have no proof that u gain any power,everybody think there bike got faster,after a pipe n jet kit,the dyme is the only thing that tells the truth,,ive seen many dyno sheets where the bike got a 3hp increase in the midrange but lost HP on top end,,pipes n jets kits on stock motors is a tricky thing,u can actually lose power,run rough,ruin sparkplugs and damage your top end...but i know riders, r fasinated with noisey exhausts & being noticed..hahaha
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Re: do u think,after market exhausts are worth there cost??
Reply #8 on:
December 25, 2012, 11:00:04 AM »
There is a psychological factor to consider too. Yeah, you might think the quad is faster with a louder exhaust, therefore making you ride a little more aggressive.
I know I rode better in the woods after I changed exhaust simply because I could hear and feel the engine better than with my stocker. So I guess the question isn't always is the quad faster, but can ya ride better= faster?
? Kinda like the smell of race gas! I bet ya a pro is almost as fast on a stock quad versus a modded quad. Most stuff is "bling" that makes the quad more comfortable and more importantly durable, other than maybe engine work and suspension. I think rider skill is 80% of FAST. Just my .02 cents.
Always wanted to see guys like Natalie or Borich run a course on something like a bone stock 400, I bet ya they'd still be sick fast! Of course they'd probably only last one lap before they exploded the thing into pieces!
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Re: do u think,after market exhausts are worth there cost??
Reply #9 on:
December 25, 2012, 06:15:12 PM »
duroc.i do agree with u 100%..alot of riders think there bike got faster becasue its louder & yes i can see it possibly enhancing ur riding skill a lil better. the skills of the rider is way more important then the horse power..
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Re: do u think,after market exhausts are worth there cost??
Reply #10 on:
December 26, 2012, 02:35:01 AM »
Honestly, that money can be better spent, but I love my yoshi exhaust.
My Z is decked out suspension-wise, and that allowed me to blow past most of the 450's out at Seminole. I never really had a complaint about the power even though it's a 400; lately however I do feel it can use a bit more. Using this week's check to buy a carb and some cams to compliment the exhaust.
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Re: do u think,after market exhausts are worth there cost??
Reply #11 on:
December 26, 2012, 04:45:41 PM »
the carb & cams should make a nice differnce,especialy the cams ( denpending on what u get)...i installed a racing cam on a 100% stock,1999 honda xr600r dirt bike,for it made kick starting alot easier & it bumped up power a noticiable amount, especialy in the lower en & mid range power band...i always tell riders.if u want real power..4get the pipes.cams,igniton..put racing cams,bore ur cyl, put a high comprestion piston &/or use a stroker crank..
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Re: do u think,after market exhausts are worth there cost??
Reply #12 on:
December 29, 2012, 08:22:56 PM »
this is why i dont belive or care for after market pipes..i just finished talking 2 a buddy on the phone,he has a 2010 hon,trx400.he bought a full race pipe $800.+instalaion$,plus a jet kit,air filter,after market air box & ignition coil,total cost of all the parts & labor $2000..he cliamed it was alot faster,i was on his ass, dyno ur bike and see the #'s..well he put it on a dyno machine today,gained 2.8 horsepower.on top end.the #'s for low end & midrange r almost identical to a 100% stock trx400.
.he was so pissed off 2.8HP for $2grand down the drain.
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Re: do u think,after market exhausts are worth there cost??
Reply #13 on:
January 02, 2013, 04:11:30 PM »
Put a Muzzy exhaust system on my Rhino along with a K&N filter and a tuner (that was calibrated for the items installed). Very noticable difference off the bottom and in the mid-range but not much on top. Still falls on its face around 41 mph. But, I also added bigger tires which takes more power to turn, so perhaps it would have been a better experience with the stock wheels and tires. Engine is definitely louder but I like it. Don't like the sound? Then ride in front if you can!
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Re: do u think,after market exhausts are worth there cost??
Reply #14 on:
January 02, 2013, 06:28:28 PM »
Quote from: cr500pro on December 29, 2012, 08:22:56 PM
this is why i dont belive or care for after market pipes..i just finished talking 2 a buddy on the phone,he has a 2010 hon,trx400.he bought a full race pipe $800.+instalaion$,plus a jet kit,air filter,after market air box & ignition coil,total cost of all the parts & labor $2000..he cliamed it was alot faster,i was on his ass, dyno ur bike and see the #'s..well he put it on a dyno machine today,gained 2.8 horsepower.on top end.the #'s for low end & midrange r almost identical to a 100% stock trx400.
.he was so pissed off 2.8HP for $2grand down the drain.
well that statement makes me about give up being helpful....really...your making a decision and statements based off of an old technology air cooled engine? with only basically a little more air flow before/after the engine compared to stock?
its a relationship with restriction...if your engine itself can only breath so much, a less restrictive intake/exhaust will not do much. now an engine built to breath with cams, displacement, compression, etc will see a greater difference with less restrictive intake/exhaust increasing velocity of air.
i would not have wasted the $ on a 400 either!
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Re: do u think,after market exhausts are worth there cost??
Reply #15 on:
January 02, 2013, 09:18:07 PM »
You also have to know which pipe best compliments your bike and riding style.I wouldn't spend more than $700 on a good full system exhaust, and the exhaust will allow you to further beef up your engine.
Sure you might not feel a difference with only a pipe (Even though I did), but it'll make your bike more susceptible to upgrades and getting the full potential out of them.
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Re: do u think,after market exhausts are worth there cost??
Reply #16 on:
January 09, 2013, 07:57:02 AM »
go to any atv dealer,shop,mechanic or tuner..and ask them,if i spend $2 or 3 grand in ur shop,adding a full after market racepipe,jet kit,air filter,airbox & ignition to my stock bike,will u guarantee me that my bike will increase at least 1 horse power over stock thru the full power band (low-mid-high ranges) if we put it on a dyno machine to verify it? i assumeeeeeeeee u there answer will be nooo i cant guarantee anything...i love it when dealers,mechanics & shops tell you well it could enhance ur power.hahah what BS,,if i spend a few grand i want my power to be way more then just enhanced.
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Re: do u think,after market exhausts are worth there cost??
Reply #17 on:
January 09, 2013, 01:01:03 PM »
Quote from: cr500pro on January 09, 2013, 07:57:02 AM
go to any atv dealer,shop,mechanic or tuner..and ask them,if i spend $2 or 3 grand in ur shop,adding a full after market racepipe,jet kit,air filter,airbox & ignition to my stock bike,will u guarantee me that my bike will increase at least 1 horse power over stock thru the full power band (low-mid-high ranges) if we put it on a dyno machine to verify it? i assumeeeeeeeee u there answer will be nooo i cant guarantee anything...i love it when dealers,mechanics & shops tell you well it could enhance ur power.hahah what BS,,if i spend a few grand i want my power to be way more then just enhanced.
again you missing the point....without motor work those items will NOT give much increase but WILL if the motor can breath more than stock.
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Re: do u think,after market exhausts are worth there cost??
Reply #18 on:
January 09, 2013, 05:10:04 PM »
i have an old 1986 hon,atv 200x trike,its has a stock pipe,carb,ignition,sparkplug and air filter.all stock with the exception that i had 2 rebuild its motor,in which i bored the cylinder 40ver,put in a high compression piston & a race camshaft nothing else & put it on a dyno machine and gained 14.8 horse power on top end,.thats a great increase considering i only spent $100 for the piston/ring kit,$50 to bore the cyl.$160 for the camshaft.$45.top end gasket. a total of $355.00 for almost 15 extra horse power(id the labor my self)..thats a power increase worth every penny and i got a new motor too.
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