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where is the SDTA board ?
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Topic: where is the SDTA board ? (Read 11071 times)
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where is the SDTA board ?
March 29, 2012, 03:28:43 PM »
what happened to the SDTA board !!
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Re: where is the SDTA board ?
Reply #1 on:
March 29, 2012, 04:17:23 PM »
They asked me to shut it down and said it wasn't needed. So that's what I did.
Riding Old Reliable --> The Honda Recon
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Re: where is the SDTA board ?
Reply #2 on:
March 29, 2012, 06:29:32 PM »
SDTA is not a quad racing orginization. Motorcycles rule with them. No big deal..... unless you like racing slow tracks. I vote bill at ocala micro speedway just runs a TT series! He seems to care about us quad guys and all it takes is a man like bill to spark the interest. which in turns allows people to have fun which makes the riders tell their frineds and then they tell their friends and so on.... next thing you know their will be a crowd of racers and some awesome racing. I have seen this happen many times in quad racing.... we just need that spark! The SDTA killed it and quad racing slowly died. This is our chance guys! Lets be there and support bill !!
> Mystic Motorsports<
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Re: where is the SDTA board ?
Reply #3 on:
March 29, 2012, 08:06:23 PM »
the SDTA was formed and built up by
riders , the bike guys came on later .
they had no business asking it to be closed ,there are posts-info in there dating way back to the old Thunderbowl days, and people should be able to acces those !
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Re: where is the SDTA board ?
Reply #4 on:
March 29, 2012, 08:44:26 PM »
Funny, I formed the same opinion about the SDTA that you all shared with me last Saturday. Like I said in an earlier post "I have no intention of running flat track on the 7th". However I have every intention of running TT. I will support Bill and what he has started. I reccomend to everyone that we all do the same. Definately don't sweep the track for them.
1991 FMC MX Champion
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Re: where is the SDTA board ?
Reply #5 on:
March 29, 2012, 10:05:18 PM »
we intend to support Bill in TT and Flat Track, we love to race both !
I'm not sure how many of the current group wants to run FT , but I would really hate to see it die out !!
in the last few races the SDTA had listened and sorted out a few issues that were brought up, and it was good racing !
I know they seem to have been wearing blinders as to the wants/needs, of anything with more than 2 wheels,but that may change in time .
I believe we should work together ,QUADS , SDTA , M.C.S as a collective ,I think we will get to a better level of racing in the long run , we don't have the #'s to support a great turnout of our own yet , and running on SDTA days is easier for Bill.
BUT,I guess if all else fails maybe we could run FT with the sprints .
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Re: where is the SDTA board ?
Reply #6 on:
March 29, 2012, 10:29:06 PM »
Hey guys Thanks for the support. Please let me share something with you, I appreciate everyone that comes to the track to support it. Everyone needs to realize that it takes everybody to make MCS work. I work endlessly trying to make MCS a great palce to race, and with everybody's support it will work. For the last 2 years I have taken money out of my pocket to run MCS knowing it is a risk. But for the love of the sport (all racing included)I do it. Shawn and the SDTA has been very supportive of MCS. He and his crew has only tried to help build MCS. I do not know why there are differences between the TT guys and Flat track guys. I heard you voice some of your opinions last Saturday and was a little confused. If we all love racing and want a place to race, then maybe we should be supportive of each other as well. I spoke with Shawn after the race on Saturday to ask why there is so many differences between the two groups and told him what I heard Saturday. The only reason I had asked Shawn this was because I did not understand. I heard that the SDTA treats Quad riders like second class citizens, and they are rude to quad riders. I might not know why these things have been said, so I called Shawn to ask why. without going into all that, he basically said that the SDTA treats everyone the same. I have witnessed that as well with me dealings with the SDTA.
Shawn had offered to help get the TT racing going again knowing, if the TT grows it will help ease the pain of digging into my pocket every week to provide you guys with a place to race.
Lets all talk on the 7th and put aside these differences, if we all work together, MCS will be around for a long time. If we can't then someone will have to explain to me why!! MCS is a business that eventually needs to at least break even once in a while. I have shown you guys my dedication by the improvments and endless hours I put into the place, show me yours, lets work together.
I am not here to open old wounds just looking for the support that you guys mentioned in previous posts. It is not about me, it is about racing and everyone supporting each other. Everyone has been so supportive from the go karts to the car guys the the quads & bikes. No one is trying to do anything but help, and I am greatful for that.
Our TT schedule shows events run by MCS and events run by SDTA, Shawn thought that alot of the bike riders would participate in the TT events if they were run on the same night as the Flat Track, and the Quad riders would appreciate being able to run both the TT & flat track if they chose to. I think it is a good concept, especially with gas prices the way they are.
Thanks for your time Bill
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Re: where is the SDTA board ?
Reply #7 on:
March 29, 2012, 10:41:26 PM »
well put !
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Re: where is the SDTA board ?
Reply #8 on:
March 30, 2012, 08:52:27 AM »
My problem with FT is that it takes way too long. I drive 1.5 hours to get there @ 1-1:50, get on the track for usually very "wet" practice laps which is a waste since I learn nothing about what the track. Then we run 2 six lap heats @ approximately 15-16 seconds per lap which equates to 3 minutes. Then, since the SDTA doesn't seem to like "blue groove" the track is watered again and drug which takes a good amount of time. Then the quads are sent out first again to run their main after a couple slippery hot laps. Mains are approximately another 3 minutes for 8-10 laps. So I just spent 40 dollars in gas, 10 at the gate and 40 at sign up to get 6-10 minutes of track time. Now its 9:30 at night and I have another 1.5 hour drive home expending another 40 in gas. So I am looking at $130 in exspenses for 10 minutes.....thats $13.00 per lap.
I am not even adding if my wife comes thats another 10 at the gate and race gas, tires, oil, and the countless hours spent wrenching. SDTA requires 5 to make it a class worthy of payback which is the first time in my 20+ years of racing that ratio is used. It used to be 3 for 1 or 7 for 2 or 3 for 9 and so on. So many times last season we had 3-4 riders in open and amature so we all went home with nothing to show for it. At the end of the season I ended up with a pair of 10 dollar tire spoons and a plate with my name mis-spelled. In the first race of the season we combined all quads so someone would get something back and a couple of us did. They scored a guy that was lapped in second a few days later in the email points update so I pointed out the error and to this day haven't received a reply about my inquiry. No biggy, I did get the prize money that night. These are my issues, and they seem to fall on deaf ears.
1991 FMC MX Champion
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Re: where is the SDTA board ?
Reply #9 on:
March 30, 2012, 10:32:10 AM »
Well put Eric,
Last year we were charged an extra $10 per rider on top of the regular fee to be called an "Open Class." This was supposed to be a money payout or at least trophies, 1 for each three riders.
Our last race in Jasper last year on 5/2011, they charged us extra, combined the classes so we had 6 and neither gave a trophy"plate" or a money to 1st and 2nd place. All this while being forced to race in the muddiest main I have ever raced in 21 years.
I won 2 races last year, had to pay extra to get the one "plate" and was told I would receive one also for my Thunderbowl win on 3/26/11, but it never happened.
The irony is, as Chris said, the SDTA was founded by QUADS, yet once the "motorcycle guys" took over we were brushed aside.
There was even a post made by a "motorcycle guy" about how it is so much harder to ride a motorcycle. That's funny because the Open Quad Class turns faster lap times than of any of the motorcycle classes. Is it harder to be slow?
I'd be interested in FT/TT with MCS but not SDTA at the moment. I don't have to pay money to be treated like second class.
I think the request by the "motorcycle guys" to close OUR message board pretty much reinforces everything we are all saying. They think they are better than us, they think that money and trophies are only for the motorcycle classes. They have completely forgotten WE started it all back in 2006.
1998 GFTL Open Pro Champion
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Re: where is the SDTA board ?
Reply #10 on:
March 30, 2012, 10:44:53 AM »
You guys have very interesting opinions on "what killed the quad racing" quad racing is not dead just not very active that can only be attributed to the amount of quad entries that attend the SDTA events, if you want actual statistics I am happy to share them with you directly from the software. If you want things to change or you have problems with the SDTA all you have to do is come talk to us, posting negative comments on here is not going to fix anything.
We have the same rules for every class that attends our events, same laps same entry fees same starting procedure same everything. 2 races ago one of the quad riders asked to not be first on the track after the heats so we changed the order and they are no longer first out. RR Baby has a long winded post about many things most of which are facts, meaning the cost of fuel the drive time the amount of laps but every single rider that shows up has the exact same expense and some drive further. The 5 rider minimum has been in effect since Sept 2009 when we took over the SDTA, what we have done in the past few races when only 5-7 TOTAL quads showed up is also them to combine the AM/Open to race for $$ this is not something we had to do but felt compelled to allow the quads to race for $$. After reading your comments and opinions we will probably not do this at future races.
We closed the SDTA board because the SDTA is our business, the SDTA is an official licensed business in the State of Florida under the LLC, promoting racing and running the SDTA is exactly that a business how many of you believe we could continue to run the SDTA with 5-7 quads showing up if we did not have 70-80 bikes attending and growing. We are and always have been a organization that supports all classes including the Quads but you guys are making it very hard to continue with that same philosophy when you post things like this but NONE of you took the time to call me Ray or Ward or send an email to discuss this like Men and solve the problems.
I encourage all of you to attend our event on April 7th and enter both the Flat Track quad classes and the Quad TT class, if you are interested we can sit down like Men before practice is started and discuss your concerns as a group and hopefully move forward, 2:00 would be the ideal time, if not I understand and wish you guys the best of luck on starting your own racing series and organization and promoting your events scoring the events tracking the points organizing the year end banquet and talking with track owners to secure new venues.
The statement below is taken right from the email I sent to close the SDTA board.
Good Morning Mr. Bones,
I wanted to bring it to your attention that the contact us link from the home page is not working, the message below is what comes up when you click on the link.
Please remove the SDTA tab from the child boards, this site is rarely used by our members anymore due to the SDTA growing and having our own website and Facebook page, we have our hands full with managing both of those which means this one is rarely used, ATV involvement in our racing series is subpar at best, we truly thank you for allowing us the opportunity to have the dedicated forum section and when we first started this was our only source of communication with our members.
Regards to all
Shawn McNary, Ray Delacqueseaux & Ward Jones
See you at the races
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Re: where is the SDTA board ?
Reply #11 on:
March 30, 2012, 11:21:29 AM »
For the record, i was lied to. I told you face to face shawn and all i got was an " i dont care look" and this was my last sdta event. I must say you make it sound like everyone just quit and thats not the case at all, shawn has even told me that he dont like the quads! So its funny how shawn pipes up now and says its all good but NEVER contacted me to ask what the deal is. The only reason i never called you shawn is i didnt think you cared! Was i wrong? If so you fooled me..... anyone can ask any of the hardcore quad racers what happened, if their man enough they will say the same thing! The thing is you can only crap on a man so many time before he gets tired of it and gets out from under the crapie. Shawn, you really wanna make this right? Call me.... 229-873-5010
> Mystic Motorsports<
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Re: where is the SDTA board ?
Reply #12 on:
March 30, 2012, 11:34:15 AM »
I just called and got your voicemail, left message to call me back.
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Mystic Motorsports #5
Re: where is the SDTA board ?
Reply #13 on:
March 30, 2012, 11:35:01 AM »
This is why we said nothing last year. No one listens anyway. If my memory serves me correctly, it was YOU who made the comment about it being so much harder to ride motorcycles than quads.
Getting charged extra by the SDTA to race in super muddy conditions for absolutely nothing, Is it really any wonder why we stopped coming?
I am game for racing FT with the sprints, they lay down a really wide smooth groove in the corners. Can we race TT beforehand?
1998 GFTL Open Pro Champion
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Re: where is the SDTA board ?
Reply #14 on:
March 30, 2012, 01:32:35 PM »
Quote from: 2 wheeled flat tracker on March 30, 2012, 10:44:53 AM
You guys have very interesting opinions on "what killed the quad racing" quad racing is not dead just not very active that can only be attributed to the amount of quad entries that attend the SDTA events, if you want actual statistics I am happy to share them with you directly from the software. If you want things to change or you have problems with the SDTA all you have to do is come talk to us, posting negative comments on here is not going to fix anything.
and the root cause of the decline in entries can be attributed, to your/ SDTA actions
We have the same rules for every class that attends our events, same laps same entry fees same starting procedure same everything. 2 races ago one of the quad riders asked to not be first on the track after the heats so we changed the order and they are no longer first out. RR Baby has a long winded post about many things most of which are facts, meaning the cost of fuel the drive time the amount of laps but every single rider that shows up has the exact same expense and some drive further. The 5 rider minimum has been in effect since Sept 2009 when we took over the SDTA, what we have done in the past few races when only 5-7 TOTAL quads showed up is also them to combine the AM/Open to race for $$ this is not something we had to do but felt compelled to allow the quads to race for $$. After reading your comments and opinions we will probably not do this at future races.
the same this, the same that ,
who cares !!
,we still get a lot less for even more money than we did !!
you "felt compelled to allow it" !!, who asked you !! , who asked you to change anything from the start !
you took over SDTA and started making changes with no input from the riders that run in it.
you seem to have moved to an AMA style of event ,give me your $40 ,give me your fee's, take your few laps and GTFO, and it sucks !!
this is a
grass roots
sport, we do come to race , we come to win , but most of all we come to have
I hate AMA racing the only thing they care about is $$
We closed the SDTA board because the SDTA is our business, the SDTA is an official licensed business in the State of Florida under the LLC, promoting racing and running the SDTA is exactly that a business how many of you believe we could continue to run the SDTA with 5-7 quads showing up if we did not have 70-80 bikes attending and growing. We are and always have been a organization that supports all classes including the Quads but you guys are making it very hard to continue with that same philosophy when you post things like this but NONE of you took the time to call me Ray or Ward or send an email to discuss this like Men and solve the problems.
so "the SDTA is an official licensed business in the State FL" , WoW !!!
you still took something that other people built up, and did all the leg work, and now you've made it YOUR business !!
and now out of spite had an info board closed that has been open for many years.
I encourage all of you to attend our event on April 7th and enter both the Flat Track quad classes and the Quad TT class, if you are interested we can sit down like Men before practice is started and discuss your concerns as a group and hopefully move forward, 2:00 would be the ideal time, if not I understand and wish you guys the best of luck on starting your own racing series and organization and promoting your events scoring the events tracking the points organizing the year end banquet and talking with track owners to secure new venues.
Im glad the STDA was kept alive when Brady and Dave stepped down, I would hate to have seen FT die off in FL.
I also give you guys props for the continued promotion of FT and the SDTA website ,and the current bike attendance as well.
but with that said , there needs to be some issues addressed, and hopefully everyone can get together for the greater good of racing !!
The statement below is taken right from the email I sent to close the SDTA board.
Good Morning Mr. Bones,
I wanted to bring it to your attention that the contact us link from the home page is not working, the message below is what comes up when you click on the link.
Please remove the SDTA tab from the child boards, this site is rarely used by our members anymore due to the SDTA growing and having our own website and Facebook page, we have our hands full with managing both of those which means this one is rarely used, ATV involvement in our racing series is subpar at best, we truly thank you for allowing us the opportunity to have the dedicated forum section and when we first started this was our only source of communication with our members.
Regards to all
Shawn McNary, Ray Delacqueseaux & Ward Jones
See you at the races
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Re: where is the SDTA board ?
Reply #15 on:
March 30, 2012, 01:34:41 PM »
Quote from: Scott270r on March 30, 2012, 11:35:01 AM
This is why we said nothing last year. No one listens anyway. If my memory serves me correctly, it was YOU who made the comment about it being so much harder to ride motorcycles than quads.
Getting charged extra by the SDTA to race in super muddy conditions for absolutely nothing, Is it really any wonder why we stopped coming?
I am game for racing FT with the sprints, they lay down a really wide smooth groove in the corners. Can we race TT beforehand?
thats Shawn's post not Ward's
Backwoods Racin
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Re: where is the SDTA board ?
Reply #16 on:
March 30, 2012, 05:20:58 PM »
I have to say that as a family we lost interest when the amount of quads went down and the motorcycles took over. Back then it did seem as though the 2wheelers were the main choice of SDTA. Just my opinion. Randy
Backwoods Racin!
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Re: where is the SDTA board ?
Reply #17 on:
March 30, 2012, 07:27:39 PM »
Wow! You have the gaul to call me long winded! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. As you said my post is based on facts. I don't deal in half truths or out right lies. As far as questioning my "manhood" all I have to say is that you have some pretty big balls for a guy that runs 2 seconds a lap slower that this 46 year old fat guy! Not to mention you are on an ATV forum telling us all what a bunch of liars we are! Its called free speech Shawn....guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America! I will be at MCS on the 7th and I will run TT, and we need to have a serious conversation about rider representation. Not asking for special treatment....just equal treatment.
Erik Rice
1991 FMC MX Champion
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Re: where is the SDTA board ?
Reply #18 on:
March 31, 2012, 06:47:13 AM »
Re: SDTA Round 1 Recap / Up Coming Events / General NewsFriday, January 27, 2012 1:25 AMFrom: "Erik and Tammy Rice" <
>Add sender to ContactsTo: "Edward Jones" <
Need to look at the quad results. I finished second in the main not third. The rider you have finishing 2nd finished 4th.
This is the email I sent after the January round that was never answered. "Just the facts ma'am, just the facts".
1991 FMC MX Champion
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Re: where is the SDTA board ?
Reply #19 on:
March 31, 2012, 07:51:31 AM »
Good Morning Gentlemen
Ward Jones here. Just got back from my normal work travels which takes me across the country. Not a great thing to see in all the negative comments and personal attacks in this thread. I would like to think that we are all generally great people that just want to have a good place to race whether it be TT or flat track. If it has a motor and wheels and it is what you like to do then that is all that matters. I would also like to think that none of us are liars or bigger men than others. That it is just misunderstandings, misinterpretations of what may have been sutle comments to start that got out of hand. Whether one type of race bike is harder to ride or has faster lap times is not the measure of a man. I ride a 750 twin and by cc displacement is one of the largest motorcycles on the track and am guessing larger than most quads. This also does not make me more of a man than anyone else. What does make men of us is if we can put our differences and emotions aside and go forward in such a manner with compromises to help Bill promote our flat track events and TT events. As I sit here writing this looking around my office. I see a total of 4 trophies that have steering wheels. Receiving these instead of a motorcycle trophy to me was not that big of a deal. I consider myself blessed to have a place to race and am/ greatful for whatever the track has to offer. My joy comes from being on the track racing in close competition whether I win lose. The mistake in the quad points was brought to my attention as indicated. Please keep in mind that when I go out of town for a week and come back. I have over 100 e mails to go thru and yes that e mail ended up way down on my e mails and missed. Sometimes I may have to be reminded more than once. We are always willing to correct errors when pointed out to us. Please e mail me the correct finish order for all riders and it will be corrected. Mispellings on my e mails or on trophies are also honest human errors that are correctable.
We have said many times in our riders meetings. We are racers with full time jobs, we promoting and manage our races in the best way we know. We make mistakes and try and learn from these mistakes. Some decesions may not please everyone but we hope it pleases most. The amount of work that we put into promoting, managing races is more than anyone really knows. Our primary goal is to provide a family oriented race venue for the kids which are our future.
This is the only comment I will make on this thread. I will start another thread with comments/suggestions going forward for the benefit of all. My suggestion is that you kill this thread as negative threads do not help bring promote or bring new people to TT or flat track races. It just makes us look like we are not uniform in our goal and not able to get along.
Ward Jones
Keep'n It Sideways!!
2008 SDTA Vintage Class State Champion
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Re: where is the SDTA board ?
Reply #20 on:
April 02, 2012, 11:06:45 AM »
OK guys, now that everyone has said what they need to say, i think we should move on and work out our problems with the SDTA. I spoke with both shawn and ward from sdta on saturday, filled them in on all of our concerns or at least the ones i know about. Shawn IS willing to work with us quad guys and would like us to squash all the beef and work oit our issues for the good of quad racing in florida .Bill from mcs is not going to start a series or anything of that sort. He wants to be a track owner only so we should respect this.
My point is the sdta is the only quad TT/ FT league and the only way were going to have s place to race is to stick with the sdta. So please, for the good of quad racing in florids, lets work all this out!
I am starting a new thread so we can discuss concerns/ suggestiins you may have. For those that do not know me, my name is derek, i have been racing with this league since 2005 and been racing quads since 97. Shawn wants me to be the quad " moderator" and i guess if no one has an issue with that i am willing....
Last Edit: April 02, 2012, 11:10:19 AM by derek330
> Mystic Motorsports<
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Re: where is the SDTA board ?
Reply #21 on:
April 03, 2012, 02:47:41 PM »
We'll be there Saturday with 2 quads (novice, Open-Vet). I sure hope everyone will come out and see these issues all get worked out.
Are you going to run both classes? (Vet FT,TT?)
1998 GFTL Open Pro Champion
2006 SFTL Open Class Champion
......Thanks Derek
Mystic Motorsports - 3 Time Champions....Congratulations Derek on a great 2010 season!!!
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Re: where is the SDTA board ?
Reply #22 on:
April 03, 2012, 07:26:28 PM »
Hey Scott,
Probably will only run TT. I am messing around with set up and don't think it would work very well on FT. At any rate, hope to see you Saturday.
1991 FMC MX Champion
1992 FMC MX Champion
2006 ATVA MX National #5 40+
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