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TT RACING???????
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Topic: TT RACING??????? (Read 64554 times)
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Re: TT RACING???????
Reply #100 on:
March 24, 2012, 05:28:21 PM »
Awesome job Bill! My first TT race since 1996! Great to be on the track again with old friends! I will start spreading the word!
1991 FMC MX Champion
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Re: TT RACING???????
Reply #101 on:
March 24, 2012, 09:13:18 PM »
Had a great time, and lots of arm pump! Can't
wait till the next one!!!!!
07 Maxium TT Vet champ
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Re: TT RACING???????
Reply #102 on:
March 25, 2012, 05:02:12 PM »
Thank you guys for coming out!!
We will make the changes to the track suggested to make it better.
Thanks for the help spreading the word. The TT races will only grow form here.
See ya'll in a couple of weeks!!
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Re: TT RACING???????
Reply #103 on:
March 26, 2012, 02:31:05 PM »
I do have one suggestion... instead of starting with a flag drop i would like to use the red light, green light like we do in flattrack. I watched the video and nobody was leaving at the same time. Too much grey area with the flag drop. Green light makes it fair for everyone. Either its green or its not....
I DO like the starts further back... that was perfect. Gives a chance for everyone to spread out before turn one instead of bunching up. As far as the jump goes i kinda liked it. To me having a track that requires finess and timing is cooler than one you just hold it wide open. I vote leave the jump like it is but i may be out voted there....
Thanks again bill....!
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Re: TT RACING???????
Reply #104 on:
March 26, 2012, 04:12:25 PM »
I agree with Derek about starting with the lights and lining up farther back, but Im still on the fence about the jump.
I dont care if the jump gets extended back or not, as long as it doesnt get tamed down any,its small enough now !
Thanks Bill , we had a lot of fun , and it was good to see everyone again, its been a while !!
Alicia recorded a few races I will post up later !
lets spread the word , start hittin up our riding buddies ,old racer friends, people we meet at other tracks - riding events , maybe get some flyers made up , lets get the classes filled again !
Last Edit: March 26, 2012, 05:22:00 PM by cj
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Marion County Speedway TT race video's 3-24-12
Reply #105 on:
March 26, 2012, 06:21:09 PM »
here are the race video's from sat.
this was alicia's first attempt at filming the races and she missed a few starts because the camera shuts off after a moment or so of inactivity, and in the vets main the batt died !!
open class ht 1
open class ht 2
open class main
Vet 30+ main
all class pratice
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Re: TT RACING???????
Reply #106 on:
March 26, 2012, 09:27:35 PM »
Great videos! I hope the same group shows up on the 7th. I will, but do not plan on running SDTA flat track. What time will the TT portion get underway so I don't waste the whole day watching dirt bikes turn left.
1991 FMC MX Champion
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Re: TT RACING???????
Reply #107 on:
March 26, 2012, 09:36:56 PM »
I plan on being there on the 7th!!!
07 Maxium TT Vet champ
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Mystic Motorsports #5
Re: TT RACING???????
Reply #108 on:
March 26, 2012, 09:49:38 PM »
It was good talking to all the riders on Saturday, but on here I can't figure out who is who from your screen names.
I'm Scott Sheffield (#5), and I'm the guy who didn't have any race pants Saturday.....lol or I would have raced the Open or Vet class. My bike did make the race though,and almost pulled it out in the Open Class......Good riding Derek!
RRBABY, Sandbagger11, What are your names? I'd like to get to know everyone I race with. Some of you(Eric Rice), I raced back in the long since defunct FMC 20 years ago.
Quad32X...where were you on Saturday?
1998 GFTL Open Pro Champion
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Mystic Motorsports #5
Re: TT RACING???????
Reply #109 on:
March 26, 2012, 10:00:54 PM »
I have a a couple suggestions too. Can we get a little 15 minute intermission to rest up a little before the main and put a light bit of water on the track (not much)?
Also, can the quads race TT before the motorcycle SDTA races? The motorcycles really mess up the track in the turns and add braking bumps coming in to the turns too.
Thanks Bill!
1998 GFTL Open Pro Champion
2006 SFTL Open Class Champion
......Thanks Derek
Mystic Motorsports - 3 Time Champions....Congratulations Derek on a great 2010 season!!!
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Re: TT RACING???????
Reply #110 on:
March 27, 2012, 08:22:42 AM »
Hey Scott,
RRBABY= Rice, Rice baby! One of the announcers from the '91 FMC season gave me that nickname. Randy says hello, he will probably come watch us some.
1991 FMC MX Champion
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Mystic Motorsports #5
Re: TT RACING???????
Reply #111 on:
March 28, 2012, 08:42:54 PM »
I haven't seen Randy since he first got me into flat tracking way back in 1997. Be sure to tell him I said hello, and I look forward to seeing him again.
1998 GFTL Open Pro Champion
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Re: TT RACING???????
Reply #112 on:
March 28, 2012, 10:15:34 PM »
Do you have to have TT tires to run? Also is there every any open practice nights for guys that just want to give it a try? Very interested but don't want to try and borrow tires/wheels unless I have too
Charlie Swartz - #890
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#119 - Old & Slow
Re: TT RACING???????
Reply #113 on:
March 29, 2012, 06:55:11 PM »
I had fun also,I think I smoked my clutch.. and I need to do some tuning!! My name is Michael Kohler and I had to psh my bike to start it..lol
2006 680 Rincon- HMF pipe, snorkle, rad relocated, 2 1/2" lift, highlifter springs
2004 LSR CRF 450r Hybrid MX, nolink swinger
2001 LSR 330R -XC setup, nolink swinger
1988 TRX 344R TT nolink swinger, PEP's
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Re: TT RACING???????
Reply #114 on:
March 29, 2012, 08:16:25 PM »
Quote from: 08Honda400EX on March 28, 2012, 10:15:34 PM
Do you have to have TT tires to run? Also is there every any open practice nights for guys that just want to give it a try? Very interested but don't want to try and borrow tires/wheels unless I have too
on race day you will need race tires , on a pratice day Bill will more than likley allow knobies ,but i would wait to hear from him before hauling up for a pratice !
someone may lend you an old set to run for race day , I would but I only have Yamaha pattern wheels .
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Re: TT RACING???????
Reply #115 on:
March 29, 2012, 08:21:12 PM »
Quote from: koh0001 on March 29, 2012, 06:55:11 PM
I had fun also,I think I smoked my clutch.. and I need to do some tuning!! My name is Michael Kohler and I NEED TO PUSH MY BIKE OFF A CLIFF..lol
need power and traction to smoke a clutch !!
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Re: TT RACING???????
Reply #116 on:
March 29, 2012, 10:31:25 PM »
Hey guys Thanks for the support. Please let me share something with you, I appreciate everyone that comes to the track to support it. Everyone needs to realize that it takes everybody to make MCS work. I work endlessly trying to make MCS a great palce to race, and with everybody's support it will work. For the last 2 years I have taken money out of my pocket to run MCS knowing it is a risk. But for the love of the sport (all racing included)I do it. Shawn and the SDTA has been very supportive of MCS. He and his crew has only tried to help build MCS. I do not know why there are differences between the TT guys and Flat track guys. I heard you voice some of your opinions last Saturday and was a little confused. If we all love racing and want a place to race, then maybe we should be supportive of each other as well. I spoke with Shawn after the race on Saturday to ask why there is so many differences between the two groups and told him what I heard Saturday. The only reason I had asked Shawn this was because I did not understand. I heard that the SDTA treats Quad riders like second class citizens, and they are rude to quad riders. I might not know why these things have been said, so I called Shawn to ask why. without going into all that, he basically said that the SDTA treats everyone the same. I have witnessed that as well with me dealings with the SDTA.
Shawn had offered to help get the TT racing going again knowing, if the TT grows it will help ease the pain of digging into my pocket every week to provide you guys with a place to race.
Lets all talk on the 7th and put aside these differences, if we all work together, MCS will be around for a long time. If we can't then someone will have to explain to me why!! MCS is a business that eventually needs to at least break even once in a while. I have shown you guys my dedication by the improvments and endless hours I put into the place, show me yours, lets work together.
I am not here to open old wounds just looking for the support that you guys mentioned in previous posts. It is not about me, it is about racing and everyone supporting each other. Everyone has been so supportive from the go karts to the car guys the the quads & bikes. No one is trying to do anything but help, and I am greatful for that.
Our TT schedule shows events run by MCS and events run by SDTA, Shawn thought that alot of the bike riders would participate in the TT events if they were run on the same night as the Flat Track, and the Quad riders would appreciate being able to run both the TT & flat track if they chose to. I think it is a good concept, especially with gas prices the way they are.
Thanks for your time Bill
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#119 - Old & Slow
Re: TT RACING???????
Reply #117 on:
April 03, 2012, 05:28:05 PM »
need power and traction to smoke a clutch !! ...
.Yea..Yea..Yea.. If I don't get her to run right ... i'm buying a 14:1...plan and simply...stock is just not fast enough..
AND I'f that Thumper does't work I'll bring out ol' smokey..lol
2006 680 Rincon- HMF pipe, snorkle, rad relocated, 2 1/2" lift, highlifter springs
2004 LSR CRF 450r Hybrid MX, nolink swinger
2001 LSR 330R -XC setup, nolink swinger
1988 TRX 344R TT nolink swinger, PEP's
07 Eiger 400, HMF pipe, snorkle, crushlocks & 28" Outlaws
1994 TRX 90 Dual A arms
2 atc 70's
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annoying people since 1974
Re: TT RACING???????
Reply #118 on:
April 03, 2012, 08:36:52 PM »
I wish I could make it Sat for the TT, but we have alot of family in town for easter weekend.
I will deff. be at the next one! If anyone can make a flyer I can print them and drop them off at 3 local shops, Just a thought.
07 Maxium TT Vet champ
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Re: TT RACING???????
Reply #119 on:
April 05, 2012, 09:56:23 AM »
Quote from: koh0001 on April 03, 2012, 05:28:05 PM
need power and traction to smoke a clutch !! ...
.Yea..Yea..Yea.. If I don't get her to run right ... i'm buying a 14:1...plan and simply...stock is just not fast enough..
AND I'f that Thumper does't work I'll bring out ol' smokey..lol
arn't all Honda's SToCK
before you go in search of MO POWER, I would invest some time on the setup, or just get a crew cheif !
and I think you will just be going backwards with the mosquito killing,tire smoker !!
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Re: TT RACING???????
Reply #120 on:
April 05, 2012, 10:00:24 AM »
Quote from: Sandbagger11 on April 03, 2012, 08:36:52 PM
I wish I could make it Sat for the TT, but we have alot of family in town for easter weekend.
I will deff. be at the next one! If anyone can make a flyer I can print them and drop them off at 3 local shops, Just a thought.
HOLIDAYS , sounds like a perfect excuse for a TRACK DAY !!
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Mystic Motorsports #5
Re: TT RACING???????
Reply #121 on:
April 05, 2012, 10:06:23 PM »
Quote from: cj on April 05, 2012, 09:56:23 AM
arn't all Honda's SToCK
before you go in search of MO POWER, I would invest some time on the setup, or just get a crew cheif !
and I think you will just be going backwards with the mosquito killing,tire smoker !!
....So is that why Jon runs the Banshee in FT?...lol
1998 GFTL Open Pro Champion
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Re: TT RACING???????
Reply #122 on:
April 05, 2012, 11:07:32 PM »
I wasnt bagging on 2 strks, just HIS tire smoking R !
Jon runs the yfz on FT sometimes,but I would rather save the YFZ for TT.
+ the 370 is 4X cheeper to rebuild !
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Re: TT RACING???????
Reply #123 on:
April 06, 2012, 08:55:25 AM »
My honda has always been stock......
see you guys tommorow. I cant bring my bike, it needs work but i just havent had time to mess with it. Too many irons in the fire. I will get it working by the next race for sure.
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Re: TT RACING???????
Reply #124 on:
April 06, 2012, 08:08:41 PM »
Ok I was able to get a full set of tires and wheels and will be racing with yall tomorrow. White and Black Honda 400EX #890. Question, the STDA website says gates open at 3pm but on here it says 10am? What's up with that?
Charlie Swartz - #890
2008 White/Black Honda TRX400EX
2011 Green Honda Recon 250TM
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