Got this in an email thought it was funny!!!
Last year I bought my mother-n-law a cemetery plot for CHRISTMAS and this year I didn't get her anything when she ask why I told her you haven't used the present I got you last year
the fight started
I was watching TV last night and my wife said whats on TV?I said dust
the fight started
I bumped into another car in town the other day and a midget got out of his car walked up to me and said im not happy
I said which one are you
the fight started
My wife and I were watching who wants to be a millionaire the other night when I said to her want to make love
she said no I said is that your final answer without looking at me she said yes
I said Id like to phone a friend
the fight started
My wife told me the other day she wanted something nice and shiny that would go from 0 to 150 in 3 seconds so I bought her a bathroom scale
the fight started