I know it's not in my best interest to make my first reply a negative one but ....
You sir are an idiot.
You didn't "Win" anything. You where selected at random to purchase a permit for the quota hunt. Several are handed out every year. You can apply for wherever you want but you only get picked for one location. So it's a rather obvious statement that you "only got picked for Martin County".
The fact that you're asking "were they at" hurts my head even more. The permit you received and purchased has very specific instructions as to what days and what body of water you can hunt them in. It is not a general open permit to shoot any gator on the side of the road in Martin County.....
If you don't even know "were they at" I find it awfully hard to believe you will somehow magically become a licensed trapper. I hope We do not read about you in the news as either being eaten or arrested, all though one of those will make me chuckle.