« Reply #50 on: October 22, 2011, 01:37:54 PM » |
new to the area - will be out there tomorrow morning if you want to meet up to ride. Ride a trx450r and there will a dirt bike.
« Reply #51 on: October 22, 2011, 11:39:34 PM » |
new to the area - will be out there tomorrow morning if you want to meet up to ride. Ride a trx450r and there will a dirt bike.
What time you gonna get there? Just got back from ONF! Man what a great day to be riding!!! We made it back to the trail head as the sun went down.
Green 2011 Polaris Sportsman 500 H.O. 3500# winch 26" Mud Trax X/L on 14" STI's Ricochet a-arm guards Rev. over ride kit 3 HID light kit 3 light mod.
Uni air filters on both.
Red 2011 Polaris Sportsman 500 H.O. Ricochet a-arm guards HID 3 light kit 3 light mod. Winch,wheels & tires still to
« Reply #52 on: October 24, 2011, 09:36:44 AM » |
sorry we missed you. we were there from 9:30 to 1. Pretty wet still but probably not a prob for you. Was with a couple 3 wheelers that could not go through the water. But did get to the back section in the morning.
« Reply #53 on: October 24, 2011, 11:39:29 AM » |
No problem Kevchil! Maybe we can meet up next time you go. Made it out there about 11am. Didn't get back from ONF till late. Bumped into Dirty Brutes & his wife, little girl & rode around with them. Talked with a few riders that i have towed back to the front. Hate to see anyone stranded!!!! Man them skeeters have gotten intense in the back tho!!!!
Green 2011 Polaris Sportsman 500 H.O. 3500# winch 26" Mud Trax X/L on 14" STI's Ricochet a-arm guards Rev. over ride kit 3 HID light kit 3 light mod.
Uni air filters on both.
Red 2011 Polaris Sportsman 500 H.O. Ricochet a-arm guards HID 3 light kit 3 light mod. Winch,wheels & tires still to
Master Blaster
« Reply #54 on: November 18, 2011, 10:53:22 PM » |
One question can you still ride out there i heard they will arrest anyone out there and sieze both your ATV and your car and take you to jail.... i have ridden out there last year and now i have my ATV back and completely re-biult i was eager to go but then i heard that you cant ride there anymore i want to go riding but not sure if your allowed
« Reply #55 on: November 19, 2011, 06:03:03 AM » |
Still open, haven't seen anyone go to jail or get their stuff impounded!!!!! I'll be riding there this weekend!
Green 2011 Polaris Sportsman 500 H.O. 3500# winch 26" Mud Trax X/L on 14" STI's Ricochet a-arm guards Rev. over ride kit 3 HID light kit 3 light mod.
Uni air filters on both.
Red 2011 Polaris Sportsman 500 H.O. Ricochet a-arm guards HID 3 light kit 3 light mod. Winch,wheels & tires still to
« Reply #56 on: November 21, 2011, 09:25:18 AM » |
Was great to meet you out there this weekend.
2012 sportsman 500ho red
« Reply #57 on: November 21, 2011, 09:51:03 AM » |
Same here!!! Had fun as usual. Post up when you go riding again & will to try to meet up! Enjoy the new wheeler!!!!!!!!!!
Green 2011 Polaris Sportsman 500 H.O. 3500# winch 26" Mud Trax X/L on 14" STI's Ricochet a-arm guards Rev. over ride kit 3 HID light kit 3 light mod.
Uni air filters on both.
Red 2011 Polaris Sportsman 500 H.O. Ricochet a-arm guards HID 3 light kit 3 light mod. Winch,wheels & tires still to
« Reply #58 on: November 21, 2011, 09:35:42 PM » |
So SMP63 what is the status at Rancho I am hearing horror stories? Would like to come ride with you one of theses days.
(AKA) Ayatollah Patches Quad32Ex-lax has a mangina! Quad32Ex-lax worse nightmare Quad32Ex-laxblows! Quad32Ex-lax likes men! Quad32Ex-lax likes Sheep!
« Reply #59 on: November 22, 2011, 12:03:23 AM » |
Hows it been going patches? What you been hearing? Allot of people starting to camp out again. The front is starting to dry up finally, won't be long before the main entrance will be in use. David, the guy who parks people in his yard is going to have to stop soon. The county said he needs to have a common use permit to park vehicles on his property. The only bad thing I've seen recently is the scumbag thieves trashed a stolen Chevy SUV early Sunday morning sometime after 1am, it wasn't there when i left but was when i went back out there about noon. AZZHOLES!!!! Other than that haven't seen or heard anything bad. I'm there to ride & have fun not look for trouble!
I have talked to people out there that Croom is supposed to be putting on a person that is supposed to groom the trails fulltime, I hope that happens, would buy a sticker & start riding there some. We'll get together one of these day & ride, don't have to be @ Rancho!!!
Green 2011 Polaris Sportsman 500 H.O. 3500# winch 26" Mud Trax X/L on 14" STI's Ricochet a-arm guards Rev. over ride kit 3 HID light kit 3 light mod.
Uni air filters on both.
Red 2011 Polaris Sportsman 500 H.O. Ricochet a-arm guards HID 3 light kit 3 light mod. Winch,wheels & tires still to
« Reply #60 on: November 22, 2011, 05:33:42 PM » |
I am great SPM63 thanks for asking. Just that the entry ways to Rancho were being monitored and folks getting locked up for trespassing. I have no problem if they are illegally dumping or riding hot wheels and get sent to the pokey but I do not see how a blanket no tresspass warning for all would be legal. There are multipal property owners out there and they would all have to agree on this blanket no trespass issue.
Groomed trails at Croom that would be outstanding. Croom is one of my favorite places to ride.
One of they days we will get it together for a ride.
(AKA) Ayatollah Patches Quad32Ex-lax has a mangina! Quad32Ex-lax worse nightmare Quad32Ex-laxblows! Quad32Ex-lax likes men! Quad32Ex-lax likes Sheep!
« Reply #61 on: November 22, 2011, 06:21:07 PM » |
Agree with the dumpers & thieves getting locked up!!!!!!! I have talked to 4 property owners that have been contacted & they say no to the blanket tresspass. After turkey day gonna try to become a property owner with 3 freinds to keep from getting locked out when they do shut it down.
Green 2011 Polaris Sportsman 500 H.O. 3500# winch 26" Mud Trax X/L on 14" STI's Ricochet a-arm guards Rev. over ride kit 3 HID light kit 3 light mod.
Uni air filters on both.
Red 2011 Polaris Sportsman 500 H.O. Ricochet a-arm guards HID 3 light kit 3 light mod. Winch,wheels & tires still to
« Reply #62 on: November 29, 2011, 09:04:05 AM » |
The paid parking @ RANCHO has officially CLOSED!!!!!!!!!!!! AZZHOLES playing their music too loud & riding like MORONS causing a constant dust cloud in the parking area this last weekend got the neighbors in an uproar. Code Enforcement of Polk County paid David a visit on Monday & they are going to start FINEING him if he does not stop!!!!!!!! Because of the MORONS & AZZHOLES listed above he has no choice but to CLOSE DOWN. Yet again the BAD FEW have gotten a GOOD thing for the many SHUT DOWN!!!!!!!
Green 2011 Polaris Sportsman 500 H.O. 3500# winch 26" Mud Trax X/L on 14" STI's Ricochet a-arm guards Rev. over ride kit 3 HID light kit 3 light mod.
Uni air filters on both.
Red 2011 Polaris Sportsman 500 H.O. Ricochet a-arm guards HID 3 light kit 3 light mod. Winch,wheels & tires still to
« Reply #63 on: November 29, 2011, 09:16:27 AM » |
Is he still able to let people drive threw? Never park there but like to camp just on the other side.
« Reply #64 on: November 29, 2011, 11:38:59 AM » |
Well thats sucks, I guess I will not be coming that way anymore my trailer is to big and heavy to go through all that mud and water at the main entrance. 
(AKA) Ayatollah Patches Quad32Ex-lax has a mangina! Quad32Ex-lax worse nightmare Quad32Ex-laxblows! Quad32Ex-lax likes men! Quad32Ex-lax likes Sheep!
« Reply #65 on: November 29, 2011, 12:19:34 PM » |
Is he still able to let people drive threw? Never park there but like to camp just on the other side.
I'll check it out & let you know!!!!!
Green 2011 Polaris Sportsman 500 H.O. 3500# winch 26" Mud Trax X/L on 14" STI's Ricochet a-arm guards Rev. over ride kit 3 HID light kit 3 light mod.
Uni air filters on both.
Red 2011 Polaris Sportsman 500 H.O. Ricochet a-arm guards HID 3 light kit 3 light mod. Winch,wheels & tires still to
« Reply #66 on: November 29, 2011, 04:20:53 PM » |
Is he still able to let people drive threw? Never park there but like to camp just on the other side.
I'll check it out & let you know!!!!!
Green 2011 Polaris Sportsman 500 H.O. 3500# winch 26" Mud Trax X/L on 14" STI's Ricochet a-arm guards Rev. over ride kit 3 HID light kit 3 light mod.
Uni air filters on both.
Red 2011 Polaris Sportsman 500 H.O. Ricochet a-arm guards HID 3 light kit 3 light mod. Winch,wheels & tires still to
« Reply #67 on: November 29, 2011, 08:19:57 PM » |
The paid parking @ RANCHO has officially CLOSED!!!!!!!!!!!! AZZHOLES playing their music too loud & riding like MORONS causing a constant dust cloud in the parking area this last weekend got the neighbors in an uproar. Code Enforcement of Polk County paid David a visit on Monday & they are going to start FINEING him if he does not stop!!!!!!!! Because of the MORONS & AZZHOLES listed above he has no choice but to CLOSE DOWN. Yet again the BAD FEW have gotten a GOOD thing for the many SHUT DOWN!!!!!!!
Well it explains why more people are coming to Hudson to ride now and it won't be long before they get run out of there too thanks to all the trash being left around, people riding up and down the streets all day and night, loud late night music and rampant gunfire. Just a fair warning to anyone coming this way,"ENJOY IT, DON'T DESTROY IT".
« Reply #68 on: December 02, 2011, 02:33:27 PM » |
Is he still able to let people drive threw? Never park there but like to camp just on the other side.
I'll check it out & let you know!!!!! The Answer is "NO" on the drive thru!!!!!!!!!!
Green 2011 Polaris Sportsman 500 H.O. 3500# winch 26" Mud Trax X/L on 14" STI's Ricochet a-arm guards Rev. over ride kit 3 HID light kit 3 light mod.
Uni air filters on both.
Red 2011 Polaris Sportsman 500 H.O. Ricochet a-arm guards HID 3 light kit 3 light mod. Winch,wheels & tires still to
« Reply #69 on: December 02, 2011, 02:44:29 PM » |
Well was fun while it lasted.... 
« Reply #70 on: December 02, 2011, 03:13:36 PM » |
It won't be long & the main entrance will be dry!!!!!!!
Green 2011 Polaris Sportsman 500 H.O. 3500# winch 26" Mud Trax X/L on 14" STI's Ricochet a-arm guards Rev. over ride kit 3 HID light kit 3 light mod.
Uni air filters on both.
Red 2011 Polaris Sportsman 500 H.O. Ricochet a-arm guards HID 3 light kit 3 light mod. Winch,wheels & tires still to
« Reply #71 on: December 11, 2011, 02:01:00 PM » |
Just did a drive by Rancho. Azzholes & morons have cut the fence & broke off the fence posts of a property owner just off the main entrance & are parking all over it. They got a surprise coming for as i went to 54 & 98 to turn around, Polk County's finest are fixin to go teach them a lesson. Stopped & talked with them & they are responding to said property owners complaint. They are parked so you can't see them from the main entrance & according to the officer i spoke to if there stuff ain't right there going for a ride!!!!! I will never understand why people got to tear up, destroy, or steal other peoples property. I'm glad I was raised better than that!!!!
Green 2011 Polaris Sportsman 500 H.O. 3500# winch 26" Mud Trax X/L on 14" STI's Ricochet a-arm guards Rev. over ride kit 3 HID light kit 3 light mod.
Uni air filters on both.
Red 2011 Polaris Sportsman 500 H.O. Ricochet a-arm guards HID 3 light kit 3 light mod. Winch,wheels & tires still to
« Reply #72 on: December 11, 2011, 06:26:31 PM » |
Playing it safe so I rode Croom today, no arz holes in sight!
(AKA) Ayatollah Patches Quad32Ex-lax has a mangina! Quad32Ex-lax worse nightmare Quad32Ex-laxblows! Quad32Ex-lax likes men! Quad32Ex-lax likes Sheep!
« Reply #73 on: December 12, 2011, 07:07:10 AM » |
Playing it safe so I rode Croom today, no arz holes in sight!
Hope you & Dirty Girl had a good time!!!!!!!! Wanted to make out there but didn't get back in time. Went to the wife's Xmas party @ Downtown Tampa Marriott Waterside & spent the night. Them Doctors know how to party!!! Good food & they gave away some great stuff! They pick names of employees from a big basket,from $100 gas cards to a 40" LCD. Employee of the year gets $1,500 cash & gets to park in the Doctors parking spot of their choice for a year!! Wanted to get an earlier start yesterday but the wife had alittle hangover. We almost killed a 1.75L of Bacardi. I'd rather poke a grizzly bear with a stick than mess with the wife when shes gotta hangover!!! LMAO! Gotta call from a couple friends that were hanging out in the back of Rancho waiting for the cops to get done & asked if I would ride out & take a look to see if they were gone. The only one there was the property owner fixing up his fence once again. Lets just say he was really unhappy!!!!!!!
Green 2011 Polaris Sportsman 500 H.O. 3500# winch 26" Mud Trax X/L on 14" STI's Ricochet a-arm guards Rev. over ride kit 3 HID light kit 3 light mod.
Uni air filters on both.
Red 2011 Polaris Sportsman 500 H.O. Ricochet a-arm guards HID 3 light kit 3 light mod. Winch,wheels & tires still to
Location: Saint Petersburg, FL
Posts: 16
« Reply #74 on: December 13, 2011, 09:47:12 AM » |
WOM said they were closed down, not sure though! It is a fun spot to ride, but don't bring kids there after dark or overnight!
Mikki #200C '08 Honda 450R Proud dad of Mikayla Hayes-"2012/2013 Quad Super Pee-Wee B Champion" '11 Raptor 125
"Ride Fast Or Be Last"