It's hard to call anyone a sandbagger in that class.
Obviously Nick might have to get bumped up at some point, but the class is for first time racers and I think it was his first time racing.
When we were setting up the classes, it was pretty much felt that if you hit any of the jumps on the back section, you were not really a novice. The problem is twofold; one we made some of the jumps easier, but more the point...people are just getting better.
Personally, the first race I wasn't hitting anything back there, but truthfully after 1 race and 2~3 practices, I was hitting the step down by the road, 50% of Big Kahunas, and 2 of the 4 jumps on the back, prior to my retirement...I think with Matt's continual goading, I was a practice away from hitting the step up too.
I know Mr Seckel has improved enormously through the series...I don't think it's fair to penalize him for that.