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Please sign pledge form for a place to ride!!!!!!!!!!!! In Dade county soon!!!
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Topic: Please sign pledge form for a place to ride!!!!!!!!!!!! In Dade county soon!!! (Read 36436 times)
crom A zone
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Re: Please sign pledge form for a place to ride!!!!!!!!!!!! In Dade county!!!!!!
Reply #25 on:
June 12, 2010, 06:07:09 PM »
Quote from: quadracer1992 on June 11, 2010, 04:49:25 PM
Quote from: crom A zone on June 09, 2010, 09:13:07 PM
the invite still open u more than welcome to come ride with us when ever u want.
Why would anyone want to ride with you? You say its alright to ride in flip flops and under the influence of alcohol? You're a fool and if I ever see you doing what you described I will report your @** to the authorities.
Zman, thanks for the effort, at least someone is trying to keep this sport alive.
ill make sure i pm u next time i go ride. u can come get pics of me too. its funny just 2 weeks ago i made local newspapers over florida area and june 16th i will be on a tv show too. i had plenty of refreshments(it was hot out there had to stay hydrated) and sunglasses on for safty (sun was bright) and i think i was barefoot (evan better than flip flops) so maybe u need to adjust way you look at people ride
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Re: Please sign pledge form for a place to ride!!!!!!!!!!!! In Dade county!!!!!!!
Reply #26 on:
June 14, 2010, 08:22:07 AM »
I will be getting some results back this week regarding the use of the property for ATV's. So far all is thumbs up!!! and progress is being made!!!! I could sure use some help from the riders!!!! SIGN THE FORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Youve gotta pin it to win it!
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Re: Please sign pledge form for a place to ride!!!!!!!!!!!! In Dade county!!!!!!
Reply #27 on:
June 14, 2010, 02:19:57 PM »
I ride drunk n high all the time.......call the police on me snitch boy.............bet u can't catch me boy
............what u really need to do is save dat phone call n shove it up ur u know what. Hope u fools enjoy ur prison park...screw the authorities u needa watch out for diz RuDe BoY R3@L3$+ N!gg@
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Re: Please sign pledge form for a place to ride!!!!!!!!!!!! In Dade county!!!!!!!
Reply #28 on:
June 14, 2010, 02:43:01 PM »
Hey Zman! Remember me talking about the idiots that got the Holeylands closed down?
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Re: Please sign pledge form for a place to ride!!!!!!!!!!!! In Dade county!!!!!!!
Reply #29 on:
June 14, 2010, 04:11:09 PM »
Every dog has his day!!! Im sure his day will come!!! Remember that this guy only represents an extremely miniscule % of riders. There are far more people that do this activity they way it was intended. Your always gonna have a guy like this that chooses to do things to the contrary or in rebellion to the normal. Its sad but he will be a statistic one day. Right now he's seeming to need some attention and for whatever reason enjoys being persude by the police while under the influence of drugs and alchohol. I can tell you he's probably not going to be seen in to many places that the MAJORITY of people go to.
Last Edit: June 14, 2010, 10:02:54 PM by zman03
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***Anthony*** **FF+J Racing**
Re: Please sign pledge form for a place to ride!!!!!!!!!!!! In Dade county!!!!!!
Reply #30 on:
June 14, 2010, 09:58:56 PM »
Quote from: DeeSteady on June 14, 2010, 02:19:57 PM
I ride drunk n high all the time.......call the police on me snitch boy.............bet u can't catch me boy
............what u really need to do is save dat phone call n shove it up ur u know what. Hope u fools enjoy ur prison park...screw the authorities u needa watch out for diz RuDe BoY R3@L3$+ N!gg@
Please take your immature and idiotic remarks elsewhere. And I would snitch on you if it meant keeping this sport alive for those who have respect for themselves and other riders. Its not even worth arguing about. You'll do whatever you want, and when you get yourself or someone else hurt, then you will pay the consequences. I feel bad for you, I truly do. I just hope what you do doesn't get someone killed.
FRED#192 - HONDA 450R
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Re: Please sign pledge form for a place to ride!!!!!!!!!!!! In Dade county!!!!!!
Reply #31 on:
June 14, 2010, 10:21:29 PM »
Quote from: DeeSteady on June 14, 2010, 02:19:57 PM
I ride drunk n high all the time.......call the police on me snitch boy.............bet u can't catch me boy
............what u really need to do is save dat phone call n shove it up ur u know what. Hope u fools enjoy ur prison park...screw the authorities u needa watch out for diz RuDe BoY R3@L3$+ N!gg@
Nigga pleeze!!!!!!!!!!!
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crom A zone
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Re: Please sign pledge form for a place to ride!!!!!!!!!!!! In Dade county!!!!!!
Reply #32 on:
June 15, 2010, 03:11:12 PM »
Quote from: DeeSteady on June 14, 2010, 02:19:57 PM
I ride drunk n high all the time.......call the police on me snitch boy.............bet u can't catch me boy
............what u really need to do is save dat phone call n shove it up ur u know what. Hope u fools enjoy ur prison park...screw the authorities u needa watch out for diz RuDe BoY R3@L3$+ N!gg@
you more than welcome to come ride where my group does dont worry the only rule is have fun
quadracer1992 u ride tracks and race i and bunch other ride for fun so there is no sport as u call it how we ride so if u dont like it dont show up where my group rides and how would u sleep at night knowing u ratted some 1 out for just having fun?/?
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Re: Please sign pledge form for a place to ride!!!!!!!!!!!! In Dade county!!!!!!!
Reply #33 on:
June 15, 2010, 05:53:16 PM »
Some of the things you call fun are against the law and some of these people have children when they ride and would not want them to be in that type of environment.
Youve gotta pin it to win it!
crom A zone
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Re: Please sign pledge form for a place to ride!!!!!!!!!!!! In Dade county!!!!!!!
Reply #34 on:
June 16, 2010, 06:15:07 AM »
k then all they have to say is wont be there not tryin to rat some 1 out,
2008 brute force 750
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***Anthony*** **FF+J Racing**
Re: Please sign pledge form for a place to ride!!!!!!!!!!!! In Dade county!!!!!!!
Reply #35 on:
June 17, 2010, 11:33:11 PM »
Quote from: zman03 on June 15, 2010, 05:53:16 PM
Some of the things you call fun are against the law and some of these people have children when they ride and would not want them to be in that type of environment.
I think hes just trying to tick us off. Anyways, where is this riding area you're trying to get opened up?
FRED#192 - HONDA 450R
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***Anthony*** **FF+J Racing**
Re: Please sign pledge form for a place to ride!!!!!!!!!!!! In Dade county!!!!!!!
Reply #36 on:
June 18, 2010, 05:21:34 PM »
Lol I didnt even read the topic. I dont live in Dade county , but if theres a good riding area opened up its probably closer than the other places I ride at.
FRED#192 - HONDA 450R
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Re: Please sign pledge form for a place to ride!!!!!!!!!!!! In Dade county!!!!!!!
Reply #37 on:
June 22, 2010, 03:54:50 PM »
Quote from: zman03 on June 09, 2010, 03:32:40 PM
deesteady , you want freedom to ride ? then go where you've been going and drink whatever you want!!! If you cant follow simple rules that are at most places to ride throughout the state then dont go. There are plenty of places and lots of people you can go with or hang with. I have over a hundred people that are willing to follow simple safety guidelines and enjoy a safe place for their family and kids. If your choice is to drink,get drunk, and be a FOOL on an ATV, then go ahead. JUST DONT THINK ITS GONNA HAPPEN AT THIS PLACE!!! Liquid courage is not the fuel of choice for ATV'S I can tell you the decision to not allow alchohol was easy. It simplifies things, so I dont have to deal with the patrons that prefer that type of environment. If I had an interest in serving beer or liqour I would open a bar or club, not a place to ride ATV'S through trails!!!! I am sorry you guys cant seem to enjoy such a great activity WITHOUT BEING DRUNK. I wont miss the drunken flip flop wearin ATVER"S that's for sure!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Please sign pledge form for a place to ride!!!!!!!!!!!! In Dade county!!!!!!!
Reply #38 on:
June 22, 2010, 05:15:56 PM »
Quote from: zman03 on June 22, 2010, 04:19:15 PM
Yellow rr, I dont get it?
Z. I am 100% in agreement with your logic. Dress for the crash not for the ride. I have broken my ankle twice, my kneecap, my big toe and now my wrist....and i wear gear. See ya out there!
2007 LTR450
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Re: Please sign pledge form for a place to ride!!!!!!!!!!!! In Dade county!!!!!!!
Reply #39 on:
June 27, 2010, 01:02:04 PM »
They tried this for a martin county ride area....that was four years ago "Maybe more", they are approved, the only downside is the GOVERNMENT wont allow it to go through??? they are tied up in the governments cluster F@#k, hundreds signed the pledge, hundreds called the county, hundreds donated money....still nothing.
As far as I know anyway....thats what I was told last time I talked to them.
I will be more then happy to sign your pledge, even donate, but the GOVERNMENT sucks.
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Re: Please sign pledge form for a place to ride!!!!!!!!!!!! In Dade county!!!!!!!
Reply #40 on:
June 27, 2010, 03:42:24 PM »
I am gettin closer to making this place open every week!!! If I dont see there is a NEED Ill let the Idea DIE and you guys can figure it out yourselves. I NEED PEOPLE TO SIGN THE PLEDGE FORM!!!!!! IF I DONT SEE THE INTEREST FROM THE RIDERS, THAN WHATS THE POINT?
Youve gotta pin it to win it!
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Re: Please sign pledge form for a place to ride!!!!!!!!!!!! In Dade county!!!!!!
Reply #41 on:
June 28, 2010, 09:12:44 PM »
You will die trying, the goverment sucks, your rules suck and your park sucks.....nobody want a park where you u can't drink, smoke, or see a$$ n t!t!es cuz without beer or liqour there won't b no ass n tities....there's plenty off place to ride in miami where u can do whateva u want n I won't tell no one cuz then they will spoil it.....you're better off riding your own n mindin ur own cuz ur idea really SUCKS....Zman no one will never catch me cuz they won't make it where I go threw something ur lil girly bike will never go threw.....dry trails in south florida please ride with me n my crew n you will have n experience you have never had b4 but we don't like punks n snitches so I guess that will never happen ...RuDeBoY. R3@!3$+ N!GG@
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Re: Please sign pledge form for a place to ride!!!!!!!!!!!! In Dade county!!!!!!
Reply #42 on:
June 28, 2010, 09:23:12 PM »
Quote from: DeeSteady on June 28, 2010, 09:12:44 PM
You will die trying, the goverment sucks, your rules suck and your park sucks.....nobody want a park where you u can't drink, smoke, or see a$$ n t!t!es cuz without beer or liqour there won't b no ass n tities....there's plenty off place to ride in miami where u can do whateva u want n I won't tell no one cuz then they will spoil it.....you're better off riding your own n mindin ur own cuz ur idea really SUCKS....Zman no one will never catch me cuz they won't make it where I go threw something ur lil girly bike will never go threw.....dry trails in south florida please ride with me n my crew n you will have n experience you have never had b4 but we don't like punks n snitches so I guess that will never happen ...RuDeBoY. R3@!3$+ N!GG@
Ladies and gentlemen...I present to you (arguably) the dumbest person to ever post on this site.
One of the penalties for refusing to participte in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. ~ Plato
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crom A zone
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Re: Please sign pledge form for a place to ride!!!!!!!!!!!! In Dade county!!!!!!!
Reply #43 on:
June 28, 2010, 09:27:52 PM »
hell ya its not me anymore
2008 brute force 750
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Re: Please sign pledge form for a place to ride!!!!!!!!!!!! In Dade county!!!!!!!
Reply #44 on:
June 28, 2010, 09:32:02 PM »
Quote from: crom A zone on June 28, 2010, 09:27:52 PM
hell ya its not me anymore
You're not dumb Matt.
And, you've got cool crocs!
But that guy?
He's a idiot and a punk.
One of the penalties for refusing to participte in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. ~ Plato
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Re: Please sign pledge form for a place to ride!!!!!!!!!!!! In Dade county!!!!!!!
Reply #45 on:
June 28, 2010, 09:36:34 PM »
I will certainly not miss this guys support!!!! His own post speaks volumes!!!! no more need be said!!!
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Re: Please sign pledge form for a place to ride!!!!!!!!!!!! In Dade county!!!!!!!
Reply #46 on:
June 28, 2010, 09:39:36 PM »
Brother send me one
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Re: Please sign pledge form for a place to ride!!!!!!!!!!!! In Dade county!!!!!!
Reply #47 on:
June 28, 2010, 10:22:05 PM »
Quote from: Anoriginal on June 28, 2010, 09:23:12 PM
Quote from: DeeSteady on June 28, 2010, 09:12:44 PM
You will die trying, the goverment sucks, your rules suck and your park sucks.....nobody want a park where you u can't drink, smoke, or see a$$ n t!t!es cuz without beer or liqour there won't b no ass n tities....there's plenty off place to ride in miami where u can do whateva u want n I won't tell no one cuz then they will spoil it.....you're better off riding your own n mindin ur own cuz ur idea really SUCKS....Zman no one will never catch me cuz they won't make it where I go threw something ur lil girly bike will never go threw.....dry trails in south florida please ride with me n my crew n you will have n experience you have never had b4 but we don't like punks n snitches so I guess that will never happen ...RuDeBoY. R3@!3$+ N!GG@
Ladies and gentlemen...I present to you (arguably) the dumbest person to ever post on this site.
I'd like to meet him on some trails and would totally enjoy stuffing his ass into a tree. Freekin Hoodrat......
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Re: Please sign pledge form for a place to ride!!!!!!!!!!!! In Dade county!!!!!!
Reply #48 on:
July 07, 2010, 10:45:08 PM »
Quote from: DeeSteady on June 28, 2010, 09:12:44 PM
You will die trying, the goverment sucks, your rules suck and your park sucks.....nobody want a park where you u can't drink, smoke, or see a$$ n t!t!es cuz without beer or liqour there won't b no ass n tities....there's plenty off place to ride in miami where u can do whateva u want n I won't tell no one cuz then they will spoil it.....you're better off riding your own n mindin ur own cuz ur idea really SUCKS....Zman no one will never catch me cuz they won't make it where I go threw something ur lil girly bike will never go threw.....dry trails in south florida please ride with me n my crew n you will have n experience you have never had b4 but we don't like punks n snitches so I guess that will never happen ...RuDeBoY. R3@!3$+ N!GG@
If all you want to do is see "a$$ n t!t!es " there are places to go for that and for a lot less money than what an ATV costs. So do you buy a 7000.00 ATV so you can look at "a$$ n t!t!es " or go riding? I have never tried but I would think for 7000.00 you may be able to do more than just look at "a$$ n t!t!es ". So my suggestion would be sell the ATV and go to the strip club because it sounds like all you care about is "a$$ n t!t!es " can I fit it in the post again?
"a$$ n t!t!es " yep!
And zman03 quit clogging up the forum!
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Re: Please sign pledge form for a place to ride!!!!!!!!!!!! In Dade county!!!!!!
Reply #49 on:
July 07, 2010, 10:51:55 PM »
Quote from: Anoriginal on June 28, 2010, 09:23:12 PM
Quote from: DeeSteady on June 28, 2010, 09:12:44 PM
You will die trying, the goverment sucks, your rules suck and your park sucks.....nobody want a park where you u can't drink, smoke, or see a$$ n t!t!es cuz without beer or liqour there won't b no ass n tities....there's plenty off place to ride in miami where u can do whateva u want n I won't tell no one cuz then they will spoil it.....you're better off riding your own n mindin ur own cuz ur idea really SUCKS....Zman no one will never catch me cuz they won't make it where I go threw something ur lil girly bike will never go threw.....dry trails in south florida please ride with me n my crew n you will have n experience you have never had b4 but we don't like punks n snitches so I guess that will never happen ...RuDeBoY. R3@!3$+ N!GG@
Ladies and gentlemen...I present to you (arguably) the dumbest person to ever post on this site.
Agreed 100%, this guy is pure thug wanna be, probably rides a stolen quad too.
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