Got to a local range to try out the new M&P .22 today and loved it ! Took my 8 and 9 year olds along and they had a blast. I had talked about it being particular on what brand ammo and all, but found out it works well with the Federal bulk ammo. I was able to get 525 rounds for less than $20, so shooting is not only fun but cheap. I didn't get video, but the kids did very well. Started them out at 20-25 feet and within 3 shots they each had a bullseye. My 8 year old boy decided he wanted to try the 9mm pistol I brought as well. I honestly thought he might drop it or something, but not only did he hold on to it, he hit the target in the 8 ring. Having a new toy is nice, but being able to share it with the kids is much better