« on: January 31, 2010, 05:06:40 PM » |
first i would like to introduce myself, my name is clayton and i live in upstate ny, i am a 27 year old custom car builder. i dont wanna bore you with my life details just thought id introduce myself as i am brand new to the forum. so straight to the problem i guess.
first problem is i bought a roketa gk-19 250cc buggy. i bought this brand new and since day 1 i have had nothing but problems. and the particular place i bought it from must not employ enough people to answer the phone.
anyway this is pretty long but i am trying to put in every detail i can think of so it may better help someone understand what the problem is
i rode the buggy a while ago as i was getting ready to winterize it and wanted one last ride. anyway while riding it after about 15 minutes it started getting doggy and sluggish a bit. it was spitting and sputtering some and i just assumed it was bad gas. so i brought it home and parked it put some fresh gas in it and started it back up. this time it started pretty hard and i let some of the new gas run through it. about a week goes by, i tried start it to drive it into the garage for storage but it would not start, it wouldnt even turn over. the battery completely dead. so i pushed it to the garage threw the trickle charger on for a few hours,
when i came back and tried to start it nothing. it would catch and backfire some but would not start after a while of trying and trying. i did manage to get it to start if i held the throttle flat out full throttle. being theres no neutral position on the buggy i had it up on blocks without the back tires touching. anyway it would run full throttle for about a minute and die. if i kept screwing with the throttle (pumping it) i could manage to keep it running a bit longer. so i ran some carb and choke cleaner through it didnt do anything.
so i decided to take the carb apart and clean it. i could not find a single speck of dirt in it. i put the carb back on same thing. would not start unless held wide open. now being that i have been goofing off trying to start it i have fried the starter relay. ( i ordered one its on its way already) i also ordered a cdi because now its backfiring out of the carburator and i think maybe the cdi might be controlling the timing improperly. thats my only two ideas.
i did however change the ignition switch as i apparently wore it out trying to trouble shoot my problems. and get it to run. now i have spark and i know its getting gas if i turn it over with no plug in the whole it sends gas out of the spark plug hole.
anyone have an suggestions. like i said i ordered a new cdi box. i also have a new starter relay coming. i can get it to turn over if i jump the starter relay but all it does is backfire sometimes out the carb sometimes out of the exhaust.
like i said i know i have spark i can see it spark if i ground the plug against the engine and turn it over. does this sound like a carb problem? or is this just something really dumb that i am over looking
thank you very much in advance im pulling my hair out on this dumb thing. i spent 2500 on it and would like to be able to ride it.
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2010, 02:33:44 PM » |
Change your plugs. They may have fouled up. Have you checked all your tubes? Sometimes there's a tube from the motor that pressurizes (?) the fuel to the carb, or perhaps it acts as a fuel pump. If this is not on, it's not pumping fuel to the carb. Just a few thoughts...
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2010, 03:50:50 PM » |
i know the plug i good. and i know fuel is getting to the carb because after a while of cranking gas runs out of the carb as it floods istelf. but i did think of the fuel not getting to carb so i disconnected it from carb to see if gas would pump out. and i pumps just fine. thats why i was leaning towards the cdi box crapping out. i will know in a few days when i recieve it. i picked it up off of ebay for 9 bucks. the manufacturer wanted alot more than that.
i have also been reading on how the cn250 carburators are junk and that i should just replace it with a mikuni (sp?) with a manual choke. but i dont know if want to do that yet. i will see what happens with the cdi.
thank you very much for your reply, if you have any other ideas or suggestions i would greatly appreciate it.
thanx clayton
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2010, 08:16:43 PM » |
i changed the cdi box.... that wasnt it.. when i changed it i no longer had any spark at the spark plug at all. so i put the old cdi back in and had spark again... maybe a bad cdi? who knows im about to pour 5 gallons of gas on it and burn it.
and what makes things even worse the f&@king manufacturer is a joke.. cant get ahold of anyone for technical support.. i think i may end up taking this somewhere to have it fixed. either that or i have a v-twin motorcycle engine and transmission im not using for anything..
please guys if you have any ideas let me know. my next buy is gonna be a whole new carb... which i just tore back down a few minutes ago.... completely squeaky clean not even a fingerprint on it anywhere. everything is totally clean. but i have read that the cn250s are known for junk carbs straight from the factory.
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2010, 02:25:28 PM » |
Air Fuel Spark
The three ingredients that every cumbustion engine needs.
Air - Is air filter clean? Is choke stuck closed? Any debris blocking air flow? Fuel - Is Carb clean? Fuel tank with debris? Is there a fuel filter that may be clogged? Spark - Spark Plug and/or plug wires. CDI.
I know it's not just that simple, but those are the basics to check for... OK, well that taps MY knowledge of motors.
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2010, 06:21:17 PM » |
I most deffinetly appreciate your response, your absolutely right sometimes back to basics is the way to go. i went way back to basics this morning. i tore off the carb again and cleaned it again. still no debris. i do have it running now but only with the idle screw all the way in so it idles wicked high.. i think i just need to adjust the carb a little and clean out that damn electric choke. i think thats all my problem the auto choke deally that i know absolutely nothing about...
anyone know how to clean it??
i feel better now that it runs lol
atleast its not a blown motor or anything too crazy
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2010, 04:17:50 PM » |
anyone know what would happen if i unplugged the auto choke and took it off???
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2010, 08:41:44 PM » |
alright so i figured it out finally..... it was the gas tank... well not the tank its self but the part the fuel lines hook to... it is a two way pump dealy thing. it has a fuel line with a filter that goes to the carb. then it has another line that moves air. well anyway i wasnt getting proper gas to the carburator i was getting mosty air.... now i just gotta get this carb adjusted.. its fine at half throttle but it spits and sputters at full throttle.
any suggestions would be appreciated...
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2010, 07:55:59 PM » |
Best move you could make... then go buy a Honda Pilot!
Jeff L
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2010, 08:19:44 PM » |
Valves are tight, adjust them.