Patricia Pearce
« on: January 31, 2010, 09:38:50 AM » |
 "COLT FORD IN CONCERT" March 6th with Lauren Briant & Fakahatchee! OVER $25,000 in CA$H & PRIZES!! SWAMP BUGGY (nicest in show) TRUCKS (nicest in show) ATV MUD RACE BIKINI BULL RIDING WET-T-SHIRT CONTEST PAY OUTS FOR ABOVE EVENTS AS FOLLOWS: 1st Place $1,000 in cash, annual pass for 1 2nd Place $300 in cash, weekend pass for 2 3rd Place $200 in cash, weekend pass for 1 Gates open Friday March 5th @ 9am and never close until Sun. @ 5pm. Weekend pass $40 or all ladies arriving before 5pm on Fri. 1/2 price! This is an adults only event, you must be at least 18 years old with a valid photo ID to attend! FOOD & CLOTHING VENDORS ON SITE!! Camping, Concert, Multiple mud holes, warm showers, clean port-a-lets, sorry no hookups, generators WELCOME! For more information:
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2010, 07:04:04 PM » |
not that great at math but the prizes you mention total 1500 bucks... long way from 25,000 you are advertising
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2010, 07:24:27 PM » |
No, it comes up more, get your calculator out.
Five contests paying out at those amounts. Include the cost of the passes. Also be aware that they may have other plans that would make up the difference in value. Maybe you should go to the venue site and see if there are other things like the ATV raffle and the Bass Pro Shop prize.
Adding up for you yet??
« Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 07:27:06 PM by renmus »
crom A zone
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2010, 08:29:50 PM » |
he cant add to much time at bamboo has fried his brian. maybe he should come to a real place to ride that is clean, safe and most of all fun 
2008 brute force 750
30inch itp mulite xxl on ss108s rad reloated and mimb snorkles gold/red epi clutch springs hl springs and extream 2inch lift
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2010, 03:15:13 AM » |
wow gettin kind of personal with your attacks there boys.I like L-cross and have never bad mouthed the place.I just asked a question,i am sorry to ruffle your feathers for you guys workin patty for a free pass.Matt you need to be careful with that type of may be riding near me one day and regret some of your misplaced are making assumptions about my intent and i think you are confused.I would love to attend l-cross more often,but thats not always possible.Its a great place to ride.there are many places to ride and i am glad we have all of them.I dont see the reason to bad mouth one or the other continually like you do matt.see you there.
crom A zone
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2010, 04:59:14 PM » |
who said anything bout working for free pass?  i drive bright orange 2wd at l cross kinda stands out and i am pretty sure if we rode next to each other you would either say hi and give beer and we have fun or u would tuck your tail and ride other way with out sayin a word. and also all i did was state a fact l cross is clean safe and fun and i invited you. witch means i got you a few drinks up there cause thats how i roll. and reason i keep stating how bad bamboo is..... because people need to really understand how dirty and unsafe it is. you can go ther all the time just like some of my freinds do in the jeeps and trucks on weekends but you will never see me there unless owner changes(not just his additude his shirt and pants too.) so back on track come march 5th we meet have few drinks and i will watch u win one or more of the events and u live with alot of cash in pocket and we have good fun clean wee  :)kend
2008 brute force 750
30inch itp mulite xxl on ss108s rad reloated and mimb snorkles gold/red epi clutch springs hl springs and extream 2inch lift
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2010, 06:01:42 PM » |
Damn Matt, You almost used spell check. LOL or did you let the fat chic type it for you. 
crom A zone
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2010, 06:50:00 PM » |
nope fat girl was at all you can eat buffet at casino for $4.99 lol
that typing was all me think bout if i ever tryed to care enought o type right how it would come out lol
2008 brute force 750
30inch itp mulite xxl on ss108s rad reloated and mimb snorkles gold/red epi clutch springs hl springs and extream 2inch lift
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2010, 07:14:22 PM » |
you guys speaking about beer it just reminded me i have to start stacking up beer for muddi gras 
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2010, 07:23:42 PM » |
So Vin, how high will you stack the beer? Just askin. I think the manufacturer recomends not to go more than 4 high.
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2010, 10:33:58 PM » |
I know what you and your machine look like.I dont think we will be buddies.I just ask you to be civil and not be such an ass.I dont race or participate in races but i do like to watch others do it.
crom A zone
« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2010, 08:31:51 AM » |
awe thats sooo nice of you to be stalking me 
2008 brute force 750
30inch itp mulite xxl on ss108s rad reloated and mimb snorkles gold/red epi clutch springs hl springs and extream 2inch lift
« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2010, 08:43:52 AM » |
girls play nice 
Patricia Pearce
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2010, 09:47:58 AM » |
That's right, life's too short for such nonsense!! We want this to be an AWESOME EVENT FOR EVERYBODY!!!!! 
crom A zone
« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2010, 11:55:43 AM » |
i agree with you patti, all egos and additudes stay at home because the weekend wil be a blast what is it like 3 more weeks 
2008 brute force 750
30inch itp mulite xxl on ss108s rad reloated and mimb snorkles gold/red epi clutch springs hl springs and extream 2inch lift
« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2010, 12:05:42 PM » |
hey mudneck sorry i ment stock  im taking as much as i can fit in my boat coolers and ill see if i have space for food  so ur more that welcome to go and pass by and have a beer
« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2010, 12:15:32 PM » |
hey mudneck sorry i ment stock  im taking as much as i can fit in my boat coolers and ill see if i have space for food  so ur more that welcome to go and pass by and have a beer better get an extra cooler....just sayin
Patricia Pearce
« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2010, 12:30:57 PM » |
crom A zone
« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2010, 05:19:24 PM » |
o no last time mudneck was drinking out of someones cooler ............ ill let u find out vinny lol j/k mudneck is good and nice vender
dont worry ill have the plastic bottle of capitan and dew
2008 brute force 750
30inch itp mulite xxl on ss108s rad reloated and mimb snorkles gold/red epi clutch springs hl springs and extream 2inch lift
« Reply #19 on: February 12, 2010, 07:07:51 PM » |
theres a big difference between stalking and ignoring.your not that important .
crom A zone
« Reply #20 on: February 12, 2010, 08:46:47 PM » |
2008 brute force 750
30inch itp mulite xxl on ss108s rad reloated and mimb snorkles gold/red epi clutch springs hl springs and extream 2inch lift
Psycho Ward
Junior Member

Location: Stuart , Fl
Posts: 75
Team psycho racing
« Reply #21 on: February 13, 2010, 03:52:52 PM » |
I'll be there for sure Can't wait!!!!!!!!!
07' Can-Am 800 Renegade (stealth snorkled) 28" Silverbacks on vision 159's, UNI filter, BRP pre- filter,BRP rear hitch,Pro Taper bars,death grips, HMF Penland pro pipe, Dalton Clutch, 650 helix mod,custom front bumper,LED brake light and diamond plate CV guards. <a href="
Patricia Pearce
« Reply #22 on: February 14, 2010, 12:01:17 AM » |
 Went and saw Colt in concert at the Martin County fair tonight. Great show, they are so excited about coming to L-Cross. 20 days!!!!
« Reply #23 on: February 14, 2010, 10:44:58 AM » |
i was there to last night .was a great show and look forward to seein him again at l-cross.that will be a good place for colt.I hope they get the sound system better than they had at martin county fair tho.a lot of bands carry the same gear for indoor shows to do outdoor shows and it just doesnt work as well outdoors.colt put on a good show and was cool after the show and came out and visited with people and signed stuff and posed for pics.we had a great time.
Patricia Pearce
« Reply #24 on: February 15, 2010, 10:38:38 AM » |
You are sooo right, the sound was so bad!! Some local sound company donated their system for the show. We talked to the road manager after the show and found out what the problem was. The server for the system went down 30 seconds into the 1st song. After that he could not turn the volume up. He was red lining and afraid he would blow the whole system. That is why we could not hear them very well in the little area that was packed. The sound should have been booming!! You are right about outdoor setups as well. It takes a whole different setup. We are ready!! We have hired a sound company that has done 9 outdoor shows for him in the past and knows what it takes!! SOO excited!! The radio spots will start on all of the stations from Key West to Melbourne, Ocala, Gainesville, Tampa, Ft Myers, Okeechobee, Kiss Country this Saturday!! All of them will be giving away tickets on the air as well as Roundup in Ft. Lauderdale on Ladie's night. So listen to your local stations and get FREE weekend passes!!!