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Author Topic: What the Hell.........  (Read 21250 times)
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« Reply #25 on: January 13, 2010, 06:27:42 AM »

Quick someone call Al Gore and tell about this inconvenient truth 
We will still be above the yearly average in temperature Einstein.....  Nerd

Guess you haven't used Al's internet to read up on some of the hacked  emails where the scientists conspire to obscure the truth.  Roll Eyes

I know, you were busy at the Pickle  Wink
If youve ever taken and eight grade science class, you would know that the earth is getting hotter. unless every single scientist, teacher, meteorologist, climatologist, college professor, or anyone else with a thermometer is a liar.

FRED#192 - HONDA 450R
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« Reply #26 on: January 13, 2010, 10:18:41 AM »

Quick someone call Al Gore and tell about this inconvenient truth 
We will still be above the yearly average in temperature Einstein.....  Nerd

Guess you haven't used Al's internet to read up on some of the hacked  emails where the scientists conspire to obscure the truth.  Roll Eyes

I know, you were busy at the Pickle  Wink
If youve ever taken and eight grade science class, you would know that the earth is getting hotter. unless every single scientist, teacher, meteorologist, climatologist, college professor, or anyone else with a thermometer is a liar.

Yes that's why I dropped out in 6th grade  Cheesy   Its known that the earth does indeed fluctuate in temperature, just as occasionally the poles go through a complete reversal of polarity, and even when they don't they actually wander. However, we're talking about global warming and how some claim our cars or actions are driving the temp up at an abnormal rate. the main proponents of this theory have hidden and destroyed data to keep it from skeptics and even admitted to manipulating and even falsifying results and reports. Believe what you want, but don't attempt an insult without considering both sides  and all the facts instead of the progressive propaganda  Wink

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« Reply #27 on: January 13, 2010, 10:52:23 AM »

Well if Al and company are correct we are all doomed because Croom and Ocala will be flooded by the rising sea and we will have to trade in the ATV's for arks! Cry

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« Reply #28 on: January 13, 2010, 11:04:54 AM »

Well if Al and company are correct we are all doomed because Croom and Ocala will be flooded by the rising sea and we will have to trade in the ATV's for arks! Cry

LMAO ! Not to worry, we'll just trade in for some of these


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« Reply #29 on: January 13, 2010, 11:57:01 AM »

Outstanding we are safe, where can I pick one up.  LOL  Toast

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« Reply #30 on: January 13, 2010, 12:29:46 PM »

sweet,  Wink

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« Reply #31 on: January 13, 2010, 05:47:35 PM »

Quick someone call Al Gore and tell about this inconvenient truth 
We will still be above the yearly average in temperature Einstein.....  Nerd

Guess you haven't used Al's internet to read up on some of the hacked  emails where the scientists conspire to obscure the truth.  Roll Eyes

I know, you were busy at the Pickle  Wink
If youve ever taken and eight grade science class, you would know that the earth is getting hotter. unless every single scientist, teacher, meteorologist, climatologist, college professor, or anyone else with a thermometer is a liar.

Yes that's why I dropped out in 6th grade  Cheesy   Its known that the earth does indeed fluctuate in temperature, just as occasionally the poles go through a complete reversal of polarity, and even when they don't they actually wander. However, we're talking about global warming and how some claim our cars or actions are driving the temp up at an abnormal rate. the main proponents of this theory have hidden and destroyed data to keep it from skeptics and even admitted to manipulating and even falsifying results and reports. Believe what you want, but don't attempt an insult without considering both sides  and all the facts instead of the progressive propaganda  Wink
Excess gases in the atmosphere could be causing this heat, or maybe increased solar activity is causing the warming. Maybe, like in a tight room, a bunch of people are making the earth heat up by just being there. Either way, regardless of how the earth is getting warmer, its still getting warmer. Maybe, just maybe, these scientists exaggerated the data because they knew that mankind would do nothing about the problem if there was only a very slight change in the earths temperature. What Im saying is most people do nothing untill its too late, so by telling everyone that this is an urgent problem, they might actually act on it before it does become too late.

FRED#192 - HONDA 450R
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« Reply #32 on: January 13, 2010, 08:12:01 PM »

 COULD be are the pivotal words in the first sentence. Regardless of what the scientists THINK people will or will not do, that's no reason to lie and falsify data or results. Scientists are supposed to research and present the data and facts, not manipulate them to get what ever result they want. Part of the problem with your assertion is that the scientists that have told everyone the earth is warming are the ones that lied. So we can't accept their findings or conclusions. I don’t take to the whole I was lying for a good reason but now I’m telling the truth so believe me thing. And IF the earth is warming, how do we know it’s due to human activity and not just another natural warming trend like the earth has gone through since the beginning ? These well intentioned scientists that you place so much trust in have even admitted that the most significant source of greenhouse gases is methane from animals. Looks like humans aren’t doing too much harm if we haven’t surpassed the damage done  by cow farts. Regardless, lying and making things up doesn’t help, and it’s nothing to base multi-trillion dollar steps upon. I think we do need to be conscious of what impact we have on the earth. Even if we haven’t done serious damage we surely will if we don’t take precautions. That said, I’m still unconvinced by the lying, exaggerating scientists and believe we have more pressing issues to spend money on. Perhaps with some reliable, credible, relevant research I could be convinced otherwise.

"Our government is too big, and it spends too much".......Ronald Reagan

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« Reply #33 on: January 18, 2010, 07:10:49 PM »

 COULD be are the pivotal words in the first sentence. Regardless of what the scientists THINK people will or will not do, that's no reason to lie and falsify data or results. Scientists are supposed to research and present the data and facts, not manipulate them to get what ever result they want. Part of the problem with your assertion is that the scientists that have told everyone the earth is warming are the ones that lied. So we can't accept their findings or conclusions. I don’t take to the whole I was lying for a good reason but now I’m telling the truth so believe me thing. And IF the earth is warming, how do we know it’s due to human activity and not just another natural warming trend like the earth has gone through since the beginning ? These well intentioned scientists that you place so much trust in have even admitted that the most significant source of greenhouse gases is methane from animals. Looks like humans aren’t doing too much harm if we haven’t surpassed the damage done  by cow farts. Regardless, lying and making things up doesn’t help, and it’s nothing to base multi-trillion dollar steps upon. I think we do need to be conscious of what impact we have on the earth. Even if we haven’t done serious damage we surely will if we don’t take precautions. That said, I’m still unconvinced by the lying, exaggerating scientists and believe we have more pressing issues to spend money on. Perhaps with some reliable, credible, relevant research I could be convinced otherwise.

I completely agree with you! I have written a few term papers on this subject for a few science classes in college and have gotten into a few spouts with my earth science teacher on this topic. C02 has nothing to do with the warming of the earth. It is an extremely dense gas and stays close to the Earth's surface.

-2006 Suzuki LT-R450-
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« Reply #34 on: January 18, 2010, 07:57:23 PM »

http://www.zetatalk.com/theword/tword15n.htm  Wink

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« Reply #35 on: January 18, 2010, 10:10:35 PM »

That article is from 1998...

http://nov55.com/gbwm.html   Wink

-2006 Suzuki LT-R450-
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« Reply #36 on: January 18, 2010, 10:29:50 PM »

You'll have to forgive Trx, he's  20  + years behind in everything. Im glad he as able to type in global warming scam to look it up  Wink


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« Reply #37 on: January 18, 2010, 10:30:46 PM »

Must be a hand picked scientist brought to you by the oil industry.  Wink

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« Reply #38 on: January 18, 2010, 10:33:48 PM »

You'll have to forgive Trx, he's  20  + years behind in everything. Im glad he as able to type in global warming scam to look it up  Wink

Get your head out of Limbaugh's arse, i think its cutting off your air flow to your brain. Kiss

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« Reply #39 on: January 18, 2010, 10:54:50 PM »

You'll have to forgive Trx, he's  20  + years behind in everything. Im glad he as able to type in global warming scam to look it up  Wink


Lol it's funny because he is my cousin.

Eric, where did you find he was a scientist picked by the oil industry? lol, this really has nothing to do with politics, this is about science. I know you have your views, but the same corrupt parties that you hate so much are the same ones that started and still support the global warming scam. The Earth is warming, slightly. Roughly 1.5 degrees over the past century. It is just a warming cycle, in medieval times, it was so warm, there were vineyards in the coldest spots in England. 165 million years ago during the age of the dinosaurs C02 atmospheric concentrations were incredibly higher than they are today, at 6,000 parts per million. Yet earth was more than just fine, it was bombarded by and filled with life.Current carbon dioxide levels hover around 385 parts per million, a relatively minor constituent of earth’s entire atmosphere. This number is less than 4/100ths of one percent of all gases present! You also have to take into account that Earth’s vegetation respiration cycle is completely opposite to that of mammals and other living vertebrae creatures. They breathe in carbon dioxide, and release oxygen. If we were to release more C02 into the air, we would be getting more Oxygen back.

« Last Edit: January 18, 2010, 10:57:41 PM by Team Alba Z400 Rider 43 » Logged

-2006 Suzuki LT-R450-
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« Reply #40 on: January 18, 2010, 11:12:39 PM »

Lol it's funny because he is my cousin.

Well you know what they say, you can't pick you family  Shocked    Grin

" You also have to take into account that Earth’s vegetation respiration cycle is completely opposite to that of mammals and other living vertebrae creatures. They breathe in carbon dioxide, and release oxygen. If we were to release more C02 into the air, we would be getting more Oxygen back."

Amen to that brother !

Hey I wonder if these global warming nuts are the same folks that predicted the crash of civilization due to the Y2K thing  Wink


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« Reply #41 on: January 18, 2010, 11:13:50 PM »

You'll have to forgive Trx, he's  20  + years behind in everything. Im glad he as able to type in global warming scam to look it up  Wink


Lol it's funny because he is my cousin.

Eric, where did you find he was a scientist picked by the oil industry? lol, this really has nothing to do with politics, this is about science. I know you have your views, but the same corrupt parties that you hate so much are the same ones that started and still support the global warming scam. The Earth is warming, slightly. Roughly 1.5 degrees over the past century. It is just a warming cycle, in medieval times, it was so warm, there were vineyards in the coldest spots in England. 165 million years ago during the age of the dinosaurs C02 atmospheric concentrations were incredibly higher than they are today, at 6,000 parts per million. Yet earth was more than just fine, it was bombarded by and filled with life.Current carbon dioxide levels hover around 385 parts per million, a relatively minor constituent of earth’s entire atmosphere. This number is less than 4/100ths of one percent of all gases present! You also have to take into account that Earth’s vegetation respiration cycle is completely opposite to that of mammals and other living vertebrae creatures. They breathe in carbon dioxide, and release oxygen. If we were to release more C02 into the air, we would be getting more Oxygen back.

I have 90 percents of the world's scientist on my side, you maybe have 10% on yours. It's a chance you just can't take, we have seen a rapid warming quicker than any other period of warming. Wake up...............Cuz........... Wink

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« Reply #42 on: January 18, 2010, 11:18:31 PM »

Even with that said, there is still no cold hard data that proves with the scientific method that Humans are the main contributing factor to Earth's mild climate change. So I'm taking that chance! You will find that more and more scientists are finding data that prove otherwise, at a surprisingly growing rate. It's funny that the owner of the weather channel even stated global warming is a hoax and by the year 2020 when we finally accept that human kind has no significant atmospherical impact on the earth, we will have already spent trillions of dollars in efforts to subdue our "greenhouse gas emissions" which in reality didn't do a thing.

Better trade in your duramax for a prius Cheesy, just playing with ya!
« Last Edit: January 18, 2010, 11:25:52 PM by Team Alba Z400 Rider 43 » Logged

-2006 Suzuki LT-R450-
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« Reply #43 on: January 18, 2010, 11:21:49 PM »

I'm taking that chance! You will find that more and more scientists are finding data that prove otherwise, at a surprisingly growing rate.

Not to mention the scientists that Trx supports being caught lying and covering up real evidence because it doesn't support their claims of doom and gloom.

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« Reply #44 on: January 18, 2010, 11:22:58 PM »

I'm taking that chance! You will find that more and more scientists are finding data that prove otherwise, at a surprisingly growing rate.

Better trade in your duramax for a prius Cheesy, just playing with ya!
Oil industry does have a strong lobbyist presence.  Wink

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« Reply #45 on: January 18, 2010, 11:29:24 PM »

They sure do, and so does Al Gore.

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« Reply #46 on: January 19, 2010, 10:41:08 AM »

Mn. was once covered by a giacier long before CO2 was being mass produced by humans.  They have found topical plant evidence under the ice in Greenland.  When the dinosaurs wallked the earth it was hotter than hell.  Flaming The planet goes through cycles and if Al Gore thinks we can change what mother nature does he needs meds! Bang Head

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« Reply #47 on: January 19, 2010, 02:17:59 PM »

Mn. was once covered by a giacier long before CO2 was being mass produced by humans.  They have found topical plant evidence under the ice in Greenland.  When the dinosaurs wallked the earth it was hotter than hell.  Flaming The planet goes through cycles and if Al Gore thinks we can change what mother nature does he needs meds! Bang Head

It's not about his meds, it's about his bank account. He's selling these carbon credits, and being paid tons of money to go places and talk about the myth of global warming. He's not delusional, he's a scam artist using made up evidence to scare money right into his pocket. If he was really worried about global warming he wouldn't have a multi-thousand dollar per month electric bill. He is a great example of hypocrisy in action.

"Our government is too big, and it spends too much".......Ronald Reagan

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« Reply #48 on: January 19, 2010, 04:01:40 PM »

Lol it's funny because he is my cousin.

Well you know what they say, you can't pick you family  Shocked    Grin

" You also have to take into account that Earth’s vegetation respiration cycle is completely opposite to that of mammals and other living vertebrae creatures. They breathe in carbon dioxide, and release oxygen. If we were to release more C02 into the air, we would be getting more Oxygen back."

Amen to that brother !

Hey I wonder if these global warming nuts are the same folks that predicted the crash of civilization due to the Y2K thing  Wink

Could very well be man haha, along with our world going to end on December 21, 2012.

-2006 Suzuki LT-R450-
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 Harry: "Yeah I called her up, she gave me a bunch of crap about me not listening to her, or something, I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention." - Dumb and Dumber
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