Yeah right ! I spent close to 20 hours between Sat and Sun out in the arctic air ! The polar ice caps can't be melting when it's almost cold enough to ice skate on my pool !
But anyway, our team, Leitner's Looneys (Pigtail division 10-13 year old girls), came in #2 out of 22 teams. We were down 2 runs when time ran out. The girls played 9 - 1 hour + games in 2 days in those freezing temps

(not to mention all the warm up and prep time)
They did great, but I have to tip my hat to the Lutz Lady Rays for coming in first.
My little girls' team (Pixie division 5-9) plays this weekend. I'm hoping for the best, but it's hard to keep them from building sand castles in the clay