Few weeks ago on a Saturday evening my buds showup and say lets hit the trails.Well I just got home from the liquor store and it sounded like a great idea to me.We take off and we come across 2 oldtimers on the prairie so we stop and have a few beers (2.5 cases to be exact) by this time we are out of beer BUT!!!! I have a bottle of Sailor Jerry and a 12 pack of cokes/sprite.So we pound the bottle and my buddy ask me to take him to this new trail I have been ranting about.Since it is dry and this is the only trail holding water we decided to try it out.Needless to say I ended up pulling everyone out with my RZR while getting a new ass chewed by my wife.WE go to my house finish the bottle and head backout the nextday.To this very day we have no idea how the other 4 people got stuck that night.I blame the SAilor tho