« on: July 14, 2009, 09:46:47 PM » |
Triple Canopy Ranch would like to personally invite you to our Labor Day Mud-a-thon event. If you are ready to party with us, kick back and most of all get down right dirty, then Triple Canopy Ranch is where you want to be September 4th, 5th, 6th & 7th. So make your plans now and we promise you won't be disappointed. We have the badest mud pits around, tested and approved by some of the baddest trucks, buggies and ATV's in Florida. Make your plans now and if you have any questions contact me at"Play Dirty or Don't Play at All"
crom A zone
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2009, 11:47:18 PM » |
thats a big no go for me and few others in my crew, evan tho we love to come and show people how to ride. But my bike is technicly a 2wd sport bike says u wont let me in. The only funny thing is i am on 27inch tractor tires. o well think u guys should change rule to mud vechils
2008 brute force 750
30inch itp mulite xxl on ss108s rad reloated and mimb snorkles gold/red epi clutch springs hl springs and extream 2inch lift
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2009, 12:39:32 AM » |
i dunno for me it's a toss up between thee plex and tcr. i thought you were ok to ride here matt? what happened?q
08 Brute 750 Snorkel/Radiator Relocated, 29.5's, Muzzy, PCIII, UNI, and a few other custom mods
Patricia Pearce
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2009, 10:08:49 AM » |
We will miss all of you with MUDNECK at L-Cross Laborday weekend!  Hope to see you in October for our Adult Halloween Party!!! 
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2009, 01:28:21 PM » |
Thanks Patti. What is the date for your Halloween event?
Patricia Pearce
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2009, 06:56:30 PM » |
The weekend of October 30th-Nov. 1st. Halloween is on Saturday night.
crom A zone
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2009, 07:50:07 PM » |
2008 brute force 750
30inch itp mulite xxl on ss108s rad reloated and mimb snorkles gold/red epi clutch springs hl springs and extream 2inch lift
Junior Member

Location: Polk County
Posts: 64
Botas Rule ! ! !
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2009, 10:29:37 PM » |
How come I saw sport quads there last time? 
08 RTV1100 03 Rincon 03 E-Z Go
crom A zone
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2009, 08:00:43 AM » |
not sure i heard from mudneck and head of security there that there will be NO 2WD ATVS and i heard there was too. would like to check place out but i no driving 3plus hours to get turned away at the gate.
2008 brute force 750
30inch itp mulite xxl on ss108s rad reloated and mimb snorkles gold/red epi clutch springs hl springs and extream 2inch lift
Junior Member

Location: Polk County
Posts: 64
Botas Rule ! ! !
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2009, 11:24:07 AM » |
They wouldn't let us in the RR gate w/ one sport on paddles, but we saw 2 or 3 runnin around in the background. ! ! ! 
08 RTV1100 03 Rincon 03 E-Z Go
crom A zone
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2009, 11:43:54 AM » |
like i said L cross is by far one of the best places in Florida, redneck yatch club is right behind l cross and than the plex and than tcr is at the bottom of the list untill they get there stuff str8. the only bad thing is tcr could be a good spot if they dont have rules that let certain bikes in and some not.
If the owner of tcr comes on this sit or anyone knows him tell him change rule to mud vessels only and it be alot better. and by mud vessels the definition should stand at any atv modified from factory to be able to ride in mud and water.
that is the nice way to say that 2wd sport bikes are not aloud in tcr. just my .2 what do i no?
2008 brute force 750
30inch itp mulite xxl on ss108s rad reloated and mimb snorkles gold/red epi clutch springs hl springs and extream 2inch lift
Polaris Dave
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2009, 07:58:33 PM » |
Can't believe anyone would call your creation a "sport Quad". We parked next to each other at C&R a year or 2 ago. Me and my friend on sportsman 500s. Is that the same quad before you slightly modded it? Saw it RYC. You ain't losing that thing in a crowd.
'02 Sportsman 500. 27" Mud B--ch tires, HL springs, HL high comp piston, Heelclicker clutch kit, Dynojet kit, Rad relocated, Custom Rad bracket & rad cover, Custom Snorkles. Rediculous amount of man hours.
crom A zone
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2009, 11:11:23 AM » |
yes at c and r that bike was bome stock 2 years later its whole new animal. and o yea u cant miss it in a crowed
2008 brute force 750
30inch itp mulite xxl on ss108s rad reloated and mimb snorkles gold/red epi clutch springs hl springs and extream 2inch lift
Polaris Dave
« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2009, 11:43:29 AM » |
My popo has had a few mods since then. It took alot of work but she will swim as deep as I dare take her. the .020 high comp piston made alot more low end power. Now I gotta work on keeping her upright.
'02 Sportsman 500. 27" Mud B--ch tires, HL springs, HL high comp piston, Heelclicker clutch kit, Dynojet kit, Rad relocated, Custom Rad bracket & rad cover, Custom Snorkles. Rediculous amount of man hours.
crom A zone
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2009, 06:42:51 PM » |
thats sweet. just keep look out on for progress on my bike really good people over there
2008 brute force 750
30inch itp mulite xxl on ss108s rad reloated and mimb snorkles gold/red epi clutch springs hl springs and extream 2inch lift
Kaw3604x4 Princess
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2009, 12:46:21 PM » |
We are looking forward to this event, and are happy that TCR is a bit more family oriented than others so we can feel comfortable bringing our girls. 
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders & says...
`Oh sh*t....she's awake!!`
« Reply #16 on: August 07, 2009, 04:24:10 PM » |
Not us. River Ranch has plenty of water and mud for us at no extra cost. Yall have fun now.
Mine: Camo 2010 Honda Rincon Son's: Yellow 2003 Honda, Foreman ES Husband's:Yellow 2004 Honda, Foreman ES
« Reply #17 on: August 28, 2009, 12:32:22 PM » |
$30 for RR members?? Should be less. Wonder how many people come through the RR gate versus the front gate. Just saying.
Got real hot out there last breeze. Might want to consider those "Cool Zones" work great. WDW uses them ..BTW
2019 Can Am 850 XMR
« Reply #18 on: August 28, 2009, 12:38:15 PM » |
The River Ranch gate fee is $20 for the day or $30 for the weekend. The gate between us will be open 24/7. We have also added a lot of bigger areas for the ATV's/UTV's and stock trucks. We have 16 Vendors that will be there and Mud Life Magazine wand Woods-n-water will be there taping and doing photos for Magazine. Also, we do now allow sports quads not sure if anyone new after the feedback we made those changes.
Thanks Hope to See Everyone Soon!
« Reply #19 on: August 28, 2009, 01:36:42 PM » |
The River Ranch gate fee is $20 for the day or $30 for the weekend. The gate between us will be open 24/7. We have also added a lot of bigger areas for the ATV's/UTV's and stock trucks. We have 16 Vendors that will be there and Mud Life Magazine wand Woods-n-water will be there taping and doing photos for Magazine. Also, we do now allow sports quads not sure if anyone new after the feedback we made those changes.
Thanks Hope to See Everyone Soon!
Thanks...Though, still could have gone without the Sport Quads.sssshhhhhh  Also, please tell me you did not change the ATV was perfect.  24/7 RR gate??? One word "AWESOME"!!!!! I like some of the changes already. Oh..gonna have a dozer on site this time? We all know why.........  I will be there. Truck and ATV. 
2019 Can Am 850 XMR
« Reply #20 on: August 28, 2009, 02:30:25 PM » |
This is from Chucks Trucks
Hello Gang to answer your questions:
River Ranch Gate $20 day pass Saturday & Sunday or $30 for the entire 4 days to come and go gates open 24/7 I was going to hand out fliers at RR gate Thursday & Friday explaining the gate admission & directions to the gate but the board denied it because members and others are not allowed to advertise
What we are doing is putting huge flying balloons at the entrance so you can see what direction to come and for those at River Ranch please let people know it will help
Anymore questions I am full of .....answers! lol Don't forget it's my birthday weekend so I want lot's of good gifts. I know I am pushing my luck just show up and that will be good enough.