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Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
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Topic: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions (Read 25914 times)
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Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
February 03, 2009, 06:32:29 PM »
First, I am a newbie.
I have heard that Ocala National Forest is one of the best places in Florida to ride an ATV. I also heard that it is also dangerous. More than one person has told me that if you go into this forest, then you better be armed. I am talking a loaded gun and be ready. I like excitement, but not this kind,
Is this true? Is this a place you can take a 11 year old boy and be safe?
Is there a place close to the forest where I could rent a side by side or a basic 4 wheel ATV that is relatively safe.
Any other recommendations for a person interested in this sport.
Thanks and I sincerely appreciate your response.
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Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
Reply #1 on:
February 03, 2009, 06:57:36 PM »
I live there and no you dont need to be armed as a matter of fact unless you have a carry permit you better not be armed
I dont know of any rental places here at all sorry
With that be said I will tell you the rangers there are a bunch of horses butts
The trailers are slow ride and one way but it would probably be a good place to take a youngster if they have the approved course and all the required stuff for the gastopo
I promise they will check you and check you and check you again and find a reason to write you.
With that said said I am sure there is a place to ride that will cost a few dollars more but be a lot less harassment than ONF I ride there in a Jeep weekly and have never had problems except with Barney Fifes Hope this helps have a safe trip
the following is from another post on here
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Re: ONF is getting insane
« Reply #17 on: November 08, 2008, 05:05:44 PM »
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Just so everyone knows and understands what really is going on in the Ocala Forest. My friends and I have been riding there off and on for 12 years and have witnessed vast changes from whom, to what is enforced in the forest.
Here's the deal; Not everyone who gets hassled by various "enforcement entities" (notice how "law" as intentionally left out) who have the ability to ticket and will, are the same people. You need not have to give an attitude to receive one. You can pull out all of the rules you want and it'll just get you more tickets. The rule for the tires is no rule @ all and is typically written up under the general violation of "destruction of natural resources", in which these people have been trained to use their discretion. This can involve oversize tires, aggressive tread, mud actually on your truck or quad (no matter where it came from), I have never been given a ticket but I have personally witnessed them being handed out. The fine for the destruction is "variable" and based once again upon discretion. This is like "criminal mischeif" laws designed to create a situation where someone can be ticketed or arrested for nothing other than a cop saying so, it's a catch all. The laws recently changed in this state allowing ATV's on public unimproved roads (dirt) with no posted limit or a limit of under 35 unless the local jurisdiction overrides that law with one of their own. The forest is Federal property and does not recognize this law. Once again, they do what they want. The reason for their "generosity" in creating a trail system as it has been described to me is basically to get all the law abiding folks and the ticket book crowd in the same place to generate some revenue (yes, I've had a couple of the rangers whom I've come to know personally over the years tell me this, these are the same people who live there and have for some time and are tired of watching the land be destroyed and actually use some discretion rather than just getting out the ticket book on every occasion). Problems aren't created by who is riding so much as where. If you ride in places where there is mostly just local riders, you see very little problems vs. Big Scrub and the surrounding areas where you see plenty of abuse of power and bad attitudes to go with it.
I have seen fines range up to $550.00 and the kicker is, they are federal violations. To "fight" requires more than just arming yourself with a list of Federal Statutes, it requires an attorney and a trip to Tallahassee. If you just decide to ignore it, they don't suspend your license, they issue a federal warrant for your arrest and send the US Marshals to your house. They do a better job of tracking down Forest violators than guys who kidnap kids and take them across state lines to have sex with them.
Your best bet is to park off the highway somewhere, carry no forms of ID, that's all I'll say about that.
so you decide
Last Edit: February 03, 2009, 07:02:12 PM by auctioneer
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Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
Reply #2 on:
February 03, 2009, 08:17:28 PM »
Here's some food for thought:
We have been going at least once or twice a month for almost two years now and have been stopped by Rangers a total of 4-5 times. They have always treated us with an equal amount of what we give them. One time, the first person they spoke to was the one person in our group who really should never be allowed to talk to a person in charge. That day, that person was asked to leave the Forest for some violations that he did in fact commit. He left, and no citations were issued. He has been back since, and he doesn't commit those violations anymore, and we have seen the same Ranger since without incident.
- We have NEVER been ticketed.
- Our group of riders ranges in ages from 11 to 60 years old.
- Mostly guys, but we do have a few gals with us from time to time.
- We ride ULTRA FAST in some sections, we ride slow in some sections.
- We have had people injured in our group (broken arm after falling off a 90cc quad), but never anything that wasn't our own damn fault.
- We encounter traffic in a head-on fashion almost every weekend, although we have never had an incident.
- We have never encountered anyone brandishing a weapon, except for hunters when it's hunting season.
- Three of the people we ride with regularly have Concealed Weapons Permits, and they may or may not be armed when we ride. I don't ask because I don't care and don't think it is an issue. I have my permit, but have never felt it necessary to ride with a weapon.
So make sure you follow the rules:
1. Make sure your son has his ATV Certification
2. Make sure your ATV's are registered.
3. Make sure you don't ride double if the ATV is not equipped for passengers.
4. Make sure you ride at a prudent speed and with good judgement.
5. Make sure you pay the $10/3 day pass or the $75 Annual Pass.
6. Make sure you aren't destroying the wildlife anymore than an ATV normally does.
7. Keep the ATV's on the Trails. You are allowed to be off the trails on foot by the way. This would be the one time I would recommend having a weapon to defend yourself from wildlife rather than from other miscreants.
If you're located in Orlando as your Username indicates, please feel free to e-mail or PM me and I would even love to arrange to include you on our rides if you're interested. As I mentioned before, we go up 1-2 times a month, usually for 2-3 days at a time.
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Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
Reply #3 on:
April 16, 2009, 10:00:01 AM »
Quote from: SpeedQuest on February 03, 2009, 08:17:28 PM
- We have NEVER been ticketed.
- Our group of riders ranges in ages from 11 to 60 years old.
- Mostly guys, but we do have a few gals with us from time to time.
- We ride ULTRA FAST in some sections, we ride slow in some sections.
- We have had people injured in our group (broken arm after falling off a 90cc quad), but never anything that wasn't our own damn fault.
- We encounter traffic in a head-on fashion almost every weekend, although we have never had an incident.
- We have never encountered anyone brandishing a weapon, except for hunters when it's hunting season.
- Three of the people we ride with regularly have Concealed Weapons Permits, and they may or may not be armed when we ride. I don't ask because I don't care and don't think it is an issue. I have my permit, but have never felt it necessary to ride with a weapon.
Ultra fast (I seriously doubt it)? So you break the speed limit? Hum.....No incident "as of yet" with the head on traffic!!! I hope to God that nothing ever happens to anyone in your crew but I will tell you that there will be more injuries and they will be serious ones, at that!
DO NOT GO TO OCALA. THERE ARE OTHER PLACES TO RIDE. PM me and I can give you some insight.....
Last Edit: April 16, 2009, 10:01:35 AM by Eworm
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Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
Reply #4 on:
April 16, 2009, 10:34:16 AM »
I was up in Ocala last week and explored a lot of the OHV North trails and had a great time. I only saw 2 other people on the trails after 3 days of riding (wed-fri). I would expect to see more people out there on the weekends.
Some of the trails were the best I've ever ridden on, flat, sandy, no stumps or roots. They aren't all like that, but coming from someone who rides Croom regularly, it was a paradise.
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Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
Reply #5 on:
April 16, 2009, 11:55:24 AM »
Quote from: mrbones on April 16, 2009, 10:34:16 AM
I was up in Ocala last week and explored a lot of the OHV North trails and had a great time. I only saw 2 other people on the trails after 3 days of riding (wed-fri). I would expect to see more people out there on the weekends.
Some of the trails were the best I've ever ridden on, flat, sandy, no stumps or roots. They aren't all like that, but coming from someone who rides Croom regularly, it was a paradise.
Well there you go....Looks like there have been some changes recently. What kind of riding do you do, if you don't mind me asking?
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Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
Reply #6 on:
April 16, 2009, 11:58:58 AM »
We had a Rhino out there with two kids in the back and I went out on my own on a Kodiak 450. Sure there are whoops here and there but the ones I saw were 1/2 the size of the whooped monsters at Croom. This was primarily on the Hog Valley and Tobacco Patch trails.
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Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
Reply #7 on:
June 03, 2009, 05:40:18 PM »
Every once in a while you need some whoops! It builds character!
How are the trails Bonesy since the 20 billion inches of rain you had in the past weeks? We are thinking of coming up mid June if trails are still good. Thanks! Dawn
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Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
Reply #8 on:
June 04, 2009, 09:18:28 AM »
The big thing to remember is all trails are TWO way. If your 11 yr old needs certification, we run a class June 20th at 9:00 am. It is at the OHV Center in the middle of the northern trails. Sign up through the ATV Safety Institute. If you need a place to stay, I rent my place in Hog Valley for $90 per night. That is where Mr Bones stays.
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Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
Reply #9 on:
June 04, 2009, 12:45:24 PM »
Is it within stumbling distance of the pig pen, Gris?
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Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
Reply #10 on:
June 04, 2009, 12:52:16 PM »
By legal trails it is 5.3 miles, about 4 miles by car
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Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
Reply #11 on:
June 04, 2009, 12:55:10 PM »
The first time I went to the pig pen we were riding in the dunes and rode down on the quads. Last time I was riding in Ocala people were heading over to the dunes. Can you still ride out there in the dunes if you come over from ONF? Thanks, Dawn
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Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
Reply #12 on:
June 04, 2009, 12:57:24 PM »
The only dunes I know are either the Eureka Pit or Rodman pit. Both are closed.
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Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
Reply #13 on:
June 05, 2009, 06:23:03 AM »
Bummer. That was fun riding. Thanks, Gris. Dawn
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Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
Reply #14 on:
June 05, 2009, 09:43:03 AM »
It used to be a great place to ride. Not anymore.
I've got friends who bought a place up there near the Pig Pen just because they enjoyed riding so much. Now, with the ridiculous rule changes and the crap attitudes of the rangers, they don't even use it any longer and are probably going to sell the place.
Oh well, another place bites the dust.
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Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
Reply #15 on:
June 06, 2009, 06:08:44 AM »
Busta rides up there all the time and doesn't have any problems.
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Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
Reply #16 on:
June 06, 2009, 08:10:42 PM »
i have logged thousands of miles riding in onf but not on the new trail system. i plan to get all the stickers and whatever else they require and check out the trails. iv drove by several of the starting points lately and was suprised to see very few vehicles at them. not like the old days. there has always been two way traffic there so that does not concern me. ive never felt like i had to carry a gun there and i have been in as remote of areas (by my self and with others) as you could possibly get. do i like the idea of being regulated and restrickted? heck no! but this is a sign of the times so i will approach it with an open mind. my guess is with less people riding the trails they just might be better than they were before. hope im right.
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Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
Reply #17 on:
June 06, 2009, 08:39:33 PM »
Jeff, you can park at my place anytime. Probably wont run into any rangers that way.
When we went up on spring break a few months ago I took my bike just to go across the street an take a peek. Did about a 20 mile loop and came back and pulled my bike into the trailer and thats the last time I'll ride it there.
I was kinda dissapointed with not running into any of the fun prevention task force, wasn't planning on slowing down for a visit
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Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
Reply #18 on:
June 07, 2009, 12:11:39 PM »
it beats the hell out of riding in a mud hole in a cow pasture
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Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
Reply #19 on:
June 07, 2009, 03:26:18 PM »
Quote from: Busta Nutt on June 07, 2009, 12:11:39 PM
it beats the hell out of riding in a mud hole in a cow pasture
I agree with that.
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Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
Reply #20 on:
June 07, 2009, 03:59:06 PM »
and it is only 10 bucks for 3 days I think
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Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
Reply #21 on:
June 07, 2009, 05:03:11 PM »
for the people that have cabins like matt and ida man in the forest i can understand why they are upset with the trail system. they could just ride from their cabins into a nearly 400,000 acre play ground. all you pretty much had to do was to stay off numbered roads and a few restricted areas.
for people like me the changes are to get a sticker and stay on the designated trails.
it would be nice to have destinations like the 88 store (chill out, eat and refuel) or a sand pit or two.
the good thing is that there are still miles of trails to ride with an opportunity to see an occasional deer, bear, coyote and turkey. there were always whoops mostly near the starting points and always two way traffic on the trails.
i dont even mind the fee though i believe they should have a family plan or give children a break.
i might be wrong but it just seems to me that there are still more positives than negatives.
i havent posted much in the last several years im glad they finally got spell check.
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Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
Reply #22 on:
June 07, 2009, 05:17:58 PM »
couldn't have said it better
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Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
Reply #23 on:
June 08, 2009, 01:22:06 AM »
Quote from: jjamesbar on June 07, 2009, 05:03:11 PM
i believe they should have a family plan or give children a break.
I do believe there is an UNDER 12 or 15 discount. You have to read the fine print on the envelope, but I do believe it is there.
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Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
Reply #24 on:
June 08, 2009, 06:12:07 AM »
Where is the 88 store that keeps getting mentioned? Is it up in Delancey area? We used to spend a lot of weekends in the forest a few years back, even bought a toy hauler to do so but IMO it's not worth more than a day trip now. Big Scrub was fun but a free for all. I saw a lot of riders who just didn't care what they did. I never felt too safe in the campgrounds. I'd wake up at night to hear people doing donuts in front of scrub, shooting guns in the air or just sitting there talking loud not giving a damn. Where the hell were the dumbazz rangers then? They damn sure love to find one thing wrong when they stop you but the lowlifes had no problem.
Is there still a camp host at scrub? We saw one at Delancey when we passed thru last trip. I don't blame anybody for carrying when they go. There's some shady characters hanging out down there. Why it draws cults, meth labs and other crap is beyond me.
I used to love going down for a weekend but when the rangers started stopping people at random and giving a ticket for something that warranted only a warning I had enough. The bad part was the volunteers trying to be cops. We were stopped one day for driving on a numbered road just east of scrub. The trail we were on was not graded and it was narrow as hell. I told her we didn't see a sign and she said that's because it keeps getting torn down. She called a ranger on us who eventually let it go but after we sat there for almost an hour before he came.
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