He guys and gals! Ive been gettin e-mails asking what happened to me. Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm doing O.k. but I'm in a wheelchair for a little while.
I was practicing for a show that was coming up and I made a pretty substantial mistake. We had set up to our portable landing wwith a new ramp. It is a different design than the old quads only ramp. It throws you twice as high and further at the same distance. example ( both ramps at 60 ft. gap the new one youll be 30 ft. up and go 75ft distance, at the same speed on the old one itll throw you half the height and youll land at 65 ft. distance)
Well, first practice in I hit the ramp and as soon as I left the end I new I was in trouble. I was so high and I was going long. Do I bail or just flat land? god help me, well I chose to stay on. I hate bailing. When I hit I couldnt feel my feet, and I slammed so hard my face hit the bar pad and dang near ripped my lip off.
12 stitches to hold my lower lip together, two shattered heels, left ankle damage. Left foot took 10 screws and a plate Right foot took 5 screws and a plate.
thanks for everybodys prayers.
heres a couple of pics. not for the weak stomach. I was pretty medicated in this pic


couple of swelled up sausages

dang pegs

Right foot

left foot