disregaurd what the above poster said, he thinks a 400ex is a 2 stroke for some reason. your bike shouldnt smoke, hes thinkign 2 stroke lol.
just put the 170, its not a big deal. theres practically no difference in a 168 and a 170.
just put the air fuel screw to stock and play with it in about 1/4 turns until you get it to have good response. the air fuel screw has to do with how quickly the carb responds, if its sluggish just play with it until tis nice and snappy.
chevy drivers cant read anything lol
i guess i did not word it goodenough he said the same thing i did o well at least i knew i was right first
chevy1500z71 its ok ill give it to you this time but yes i do no that bike is 4 stroke its honda version to the kfx400 in the same class but it is air cooled not liquied cooled