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Author Topic: New Florida Motorcycle laws-Effective 01 Oct, 2008  (Read 10451 times)
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« on: September 08, 2008, 10:51:36 AM »

Street riders, read this:

Florida Association of Court Clerks/Comptrollers

REF: HB 137 (ch. 2008-117, Laws of Florida) DATE: August 20, 2008 NO: 08-058

FILE NO. F02-008-080820-01 TELEPHONE: (850) 921-0808 CONTACT: B. Allman

Effective October 1, 2008, HB 137 revises the traffic laws to create a few more penalties. This short bill was particularly focused on unsafe motorcycle activities, but it does include a provision for excessive speed. The new law also provides penalties for the first, second, third or subsequent violations. The Distribution Chart found on the FACC website will be updated to reflect the amounts for the first and second offenses in the Traffic section. The third and subsequent offense is classified as a third degree felony with a $5,000 fine and will appear in the Criminal Traffic section of the chart.

New Violations:
316.2085(2) Motorcycle or moped, wheels losing contact with ground
This is classified as a moving violation.
First Offense: the violator must pay $1,000 plus any other costs assessed for a moving violation. Second Offense: the violator must pay a fine of $2,500, plus any other applicable costs assessed for a moving violation. The person’s driver license must be revoked for a period of one year.
Third Offense: the violator will be charged with a third degree felony, punishable as provided in ss. 775.082, 775.083, and 775.084, a mandatory fine of $5,000, and the driver license must be revoked for a period of ten years.

316.2085(3) Motorcycle or moped license tag improperly affixed
This is classified as a moving violation.
First Offense: the violator must pay $1,000 plus any other costs assessed for a moving violation. Second Offense: the violator must pay a fine of $2,500, plus any other applicable costs assessed for a moving violation. The person’s driver license must be revoked for a period of one year.
Third Offense: the violator will be charged with a third degree felony, punishable as provided in ss. 775.082, 775.083, and 775.084, a mandatory fine of $5,000, and the driver license must be revoked for a period of ten years.

316.1926 (2) A person who exceeds the speed limit in excess of 50 mph or more in violation of ss.
316.183(2) (posted speeds), 316.187(state speed zones), or 316.189 (municipal and county speeds)
This is classified as a moving violation.
First Offense: the violator must pay a fine of $1,000 plus court costs.
Second Offense: the violator must pay a fine of $2,500 plus court costs and the driver license must be revoked for a period of one year.
Third Offense: the violator will be charged with a third degree felony, punishable as provided in ss. 775.082, 775.083, and 775.084, a mandatory fine of $5,000, and the driver license must be revoked for a period of ten years.

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« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2008, 10:58:26 AM »

That's discrimination. What if a car is going 50MPH over the limit?

I guess all the guys that have their tag going vertical instead of horizontal are going to be paying some giant fines. the worst part is you buy a bike from the dealer with a vertical tag and you are going to get a very expensive ticket. I think the fine for the vertical tag is a little excessive.

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« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2008, 11:23:35 AM »

That's discrimination. What if a car is going 50MPH over the limit?

I guess all the guys that have their tag going vertical instead of horizontal are going to be paying some giant fines. the worst part is you buy a bike from the dealer with a vertical tag and you are going to get a very expensive ticket. I think the fine for the vertical tag is a little excessive.
I believe they are referring to the tags mounted in the wheel well area that are at least partially obscured by the tire etc...which of course is the intention of most of the law breakers Wink

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« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2008, 11:27:42 AM »

I would think that is covered, too. Vertical plates, ones mounted in the wheel well, etc. But it is stated as "improperly affixed". That could mean a lot of things.

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« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2008, 11:36:12 AM »

That's discrimination. What if a car is going 50MPH over the limit?

I guess all the guys that have their tag going vertical instead of horizontal are going to be paying some giant fines. the worst part is you buy a bike from the dealer with a vertical tag and you are going to get a very expensive ticket. I think the fine for the vertical tag is a little excessive.
I believe they are referring to the tags mounted in the wheel well area that are at least partially obscured by the tire etc...which of course is the intention of most of the law breakers Wink

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« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2008, 11:36:21 AM »

I agree with Bones. My tag used to be on the swingarm in a vertical position. I got pulled over for speeding and the officer told me that my tag was improperly displayed. He only gave me a speeding ticket and let me slide on the tag.

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« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2008, 03:18:02 PM »

Wow!!! So a wheelie will cost a grand?!?!?!??!!

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« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2008, 03:22:07 PM »

i am going to buy a car that wheelies lol i doubt they have a law against that

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« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2008, 03:30:24 PM »

The best part is that only the offenders have to worry about the consequences of their offence. If you are within the laws guidelines you can ride next to a cop and smile all day long without a worry in the world!    SAME GOES FOR THOSE WHO RIDE IN LEGAL AREAS!!!!!!!     IF YOU AINT DOIN NOTHIN WRONG YOU GOT NOTHIN TO WORRY ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!

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« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2008, 03:38:41 PM »

hi hitler
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« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2008, 03:48:28 PM »

Who cares! Make up our minds, do you want more government or less?

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« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2008, 05:04:13 PM »

The big key is don't get caught.  Hate to say it but w/ such stiff fines they are going to cause a majority of sport riders to run rather than stop.  Rode w/ a couple guys today that were doing wheelies and stoppies.  Not my thing but oh well.  As for the 50 over......I do that daily.  Guess they are gonna have to catch us.  Yes the tag refers to vertical as well as no light affixed to the tag.

What is the biggest bunch of BS is that there are virtually no fines or penalties for cars that hit motorcyclists.  They fine us an azzload more than cars.  Agreed that's discrimination.  But then look at this.  If a car hits a pedestrian or bicyclist and kills them it's vehicular homicide.  If they hit a motorcycle it's a slap on the wrist.  Statistics show that the majority of motorcycle accidents are caused by the operator of the car, not the operator of the motorcycle.  So then why are they never punished? 

They claim they can't see us?  My azz.  I know they can see me cause any time I ride in the rain they all take time to look at me.  I'm also lit up like xmas w/ LED's.  If grandma can't see me then grandma needs to lose her license.  You can see my bike coming for quite some distance and you can hear the pipe.

Florida is just all azzjacked up about anything that classifies engines in CC's.  Yet granpa (i watched one today), can use his mirrors to back up at .001mph cause he can't turn his head and gets to keep driving.  Wish they'd add reaction time and range of motion to the relicensing test.
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« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2008, 05:18:11 PM »

If you run and they get your tag # they come and take your bike, with no return.

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« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2008, 05:22:02 PM »

50 mph over the speed limit daily. Thanks for helping them make these laws.

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« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2008, 06:26:13 PM »

50 mph over the speed limit daily. Thanks for helping them make these laws.

lol nice.  just dont end up dead or in a hospital from that.  heres my dumb plan that i would prbally never do but i'll tell it anyways.  blacked out bike preferably cbr1000r cause i'm a honda man.  turbo it w/e slam it down and stretch it.  now for the crazy part.  wide open on the suncoast or something at night on the rather deserted places with no lights and have on night vision or something.  As soon as you find a cop when your just about to fly by at 200MPH turn on your lights for a second and his radar reads 200 something MPH and he just hears a rrr and sees a flash lol.  idk why i think its funny but i can just picture a cop sittin there and it just reads 200MPH

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« Reply #15 on: September 09, 2008, 12:13:35 AM »

There going to have to catch me first! Tongue

In all seriosness i think this is discrimination, qt brings up some good points

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« Reply #16 on: September 09, 2008, 12:34:29 AM »

well i guess i can go ge hammered drunk and kill sombody while driving and get out of jail in the morning but my tire cant leave the ground,my licence plate cant be vertical ,and as long as im speeding 50mph over or im just f*ing toast. man im so tired of this state it seems like everything i do ,and every hobbie i try to take up there always looking for someway to regulate it.im not saying i drive like a moron but sometimes i do do things when its SAFE too.and there is a time when its SAFE. im a 25 year old native of florida but ,im tired of florida. born and raised here springhill, its just so crappy anymore.

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« Reply #17 on: September 09, 2008, 04:21:37 PM »

3 more reasons to run!

If you run and they get your tag # they come and take your bike, with no return.

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« Reply #18 on: September 09, 2008, 04:48:31 PM »

I can understand why they wanted to add those laws but it also means people can be harassed for no reason. You do 50 over or a wheelie in front or in view of a cop you deserve to be pulled over. The tag law seems bs to me as alot of people do that just for looks but unfortunately the habitual offenders that the other two laws are designed to stop also try and hide their tag. So anyone with their tag mounted elsewhere are going to get pulled over just because.

I do agree these new laws and the fines associated with them is going to cause no riders to run and endanger more people.


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