Osama bin laden said "we will ruin the the US financially" looks like he's doin a damn good job.He knew that Bush would go to war in Iraq when they planned 9/11.and Bush fell for it hook line and sinker.
As well as every Senator and Representative that voted for it (I don't remember the exact figures but I know it was a very high percentage), all of whom had the same information as Bush did. That is, if you want to believe that all the people running our country are stupid enough to be fooled by some camel jock. Here's a little tidbit for you. There may be more to the run-up in fuel costs than any of you think and I stumbled across it while researching the Water4Gas thread. It turns out that back in 2003, the DOE published a report that the only way a hydrogen economy could be cost effective would be if the equivalent cost of gasoline exceeded $4.50 per gallon. Makes you want to say "hmmmmm..." when you consider companies like ExxonMobil, who have profited more money than any other company in history, has put nearly nothing towards capital expenditures in exploration. In fact, they are paying large dividends and buying back shares; essentially, cashing out. Think they might know something we don't?