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Author Topic: HOLOPAW  (Read 8631 times)
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« on: March 26, 2008, 04:23:46 PM »

I am going out to Holopaw this weekend to do some riding.   Anyone else gonna be out there ? 

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« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2008, 07:59:02 PM »

sup man. Thanks again for lettin us in, that place was the sh*t. We are going this sunday 6th  for my brother in laws b-day, r u going? He knows someone with a key that is going and i also know another person now who is gonna be there so i think i should not have any prob gettin in.

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« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2008, 06:34:43 PM »

sup man. Thanks again for lettin us in, that place was the sh*t. We are going this sunday 6th  for my brother in laws b-day, r u going? He knows someone with a key that is going and i also know another person now who is gonna be there so i think i should not have any prob gettin in.

As an owner we appreciate the extra wear and tear on the property .......

Mudman wheres your camp at so I can let in a bunch of strangers run in and around your camp and property.

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« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2008, 08:58:57 PM »

What is the big deal? If mudman wants to invite people/ friends to check it out, I dont see the point of your post. Are u saying people with a key/owner should be the only ones allowed in there??? Angry Angry Angry

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« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2008, 09:33:04 PM »

sup man. Thanks again for lettin us in, that place was the sh*t. We are going this sunday 6th  for my brother in laws b-day, r u going? He knows someone with a key that is going and i also know another person now who is gonna be there so i think i should not have any prob gettin in.

As an owner we appreciate the extra wear and tear on the property .......

Mudman wheres your camp at so I can let in a bunch of strangers run in and around your camp and property.

His camp is over by the tree.

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« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2008, 10:19:14 PM »

Now what is the point of your post? You said nothing but highlight what i said lolz

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« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2008, 03:13:59 AM »

What is the big deal? If mudman wants to invite people/ friends to check it out, I dont see the point of your post. Are u saying people with a key/owner should be the only ones allowed in there??? Angry Angry Angry

You are joking right?

No one can be that stupid.

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« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2008, 10:43:42 PM »

if it wasnt for guys like mudman. i wouldnt have meet half the people i know now.   there isnt alot of areas to ride where i live.   so when i get invited somewhere plus meet fellow riders i am thankful.
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« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2008, 08:29:37 AM »

if it wasnt for guys like mudman. i wouldnt have meet half the people i know now.   there isnt alot of areas to ride where i live.   so when i get invited somewhere plus meet fellow riders i am thankful.

Yep if it wasn't for guys like mudman SE would still be a LOCAL piece of property and we wouldn't have a 1000 dayriders from all over the state out "meeting fellow riders" every weekend vandalizing camps and vehicles like there is now. Do us all a favor and find somewhere else to leech off of.

Pretty soon noone will want to park up front anyhow with all of the flat tires and broken windows so it will not matter.

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« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2008, 08:45:43 AM »

Petersons 4x4 magazine had nothing to do with that...

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« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2008, 11:11:49 AM »

Petersons 4x4 magazine had nothing to do with that...

Absolutley they did.

People have good intentions but good intentions have closed numerous riding areas in the state. Look at all of them closed down in your neck of the woods.

The law of averages catches up when you have so many people in one place. I have heard the song and dance about "I just want a place to take my kids" before. That is for one weekend then everyone and their cousin is back the next weekend leeching at the gate.

Take up jet skis, the rivers are still open for now.
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« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2008, 03:14:40 PM »

hey dirt booger, i live here locally( osceola county) (10 miles from the gate) and im at burban almost every weekend and its not half as bad as ur sayin it is...dont get me wrong, ya there is dumb asses but...   yall shouldnt feel bad this guy is way over reacting... no matter where, when or how something gets know of ur always gonna have a few not a very nice person, "the vandilizers" even if it id a private place or a public place...

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« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2008, 11:31:00 AM »

sup man. Thanks again for lettin us in, that place was the sh*t. We are going this sunday 6th  for my brother in laws b-day, r u going? He knows someone with a key that is going and i also know another person now who is gonna be there so i think i should not have any prob gettin in.

As an owner we appreciate the extra wear and tear on the property .......

Mudman wheres your camp at so I can let in a bunch of strangers run in and around your camp and property.

I just came back to this post and noticed what had been said.  So let me go ahead and answer to DirtBooger.  First off, my father has owned land out there since 1980.  He started out hunting there and now it has grown into a riding area.  We both love to ride and I especially enjoy it because it allows me to stay close to my father.  I also bring my 12-year old sister out there.   Is that okay with you ?  I figured I would run all future decisions by you first.

I have always respected Holopaw, other's camps, and the entire property in general.  I always pick up all my trash and I never intrude on someone's camp.  I understand that you might see alot of people go out there and let in tons of people, half of which they dont' know.  I can understand that would piss you off and as a fellow land owner it would piss me off as well.  I've seen some guy with a key let in 10 trucks before and I know damn well he didnt know all of them, what type of people they were, and he damn sure didn't keep an eye on them the whole weekend.  With that being said I am not one of those people.  Yes I met someone on this site and I invited them out to ride with me.  We rode for the day, stayed together the whole time, and I met a great friend in the process.  There isn't one person out there that doesn't bring in other people that don't own land.  No one likes to ride alone.  I don't bring in big groups of people.  I bring in good friends that love to ride and respect the sport and the property and they always stay with me.

I don't feel the need to defend myself or explain my actions but being that I am the type of guy that does not like to get called out by someone who knows nothing about me I figured I would explain things.  And with that being said, if you don't like it......too f*cking bad.....I have always respected riding at Holopaw...I'm there twice a month.....and you can cry like a baby all you want.  I don't appreciate being lumped into the group of people that go out there and vandalize and set fires....etc.   

Also I would like to note that things aren't as bad out there as you claim.  I'm there all the time and yes there are some idiots but there are idiots everywhere.....actually I think you might be one of them.  Next time before you open your mouth about someone and know nothing about them, maybe you should think twice. 

The majority of the time I ride out there I am with one other person.  My deepest apologies for wanting one other person (which happens to be a good friend) to be out there riding with me in case I get stuck or god forbid I hurt myself.  In fact last time I rode out there I met a few people at Redneck Beach and we were trying to organize a trash pickup weekend.  So don't lecture me about ruining Holopaw....blah blah blah. 

Good day sir.

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« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2008, 09:55:01 AM »

Dirtbooger, if you really dont like the way things are run out there then go to http://www.suburbanestates.net/.  The site was created and run by land owners. They orginize clean ups, and work together to prevent alot of the crap that goes on out there.  The just organized a fundraiser for a lady with cancer.   If you dont like how things are going out there, then join the site and talk with some of the admin.  I think your missing the whole point of suburban estates in the first place: you can go there, do what you want, with as many people as you want, whenever you want.  Rivers Ranch has more land, but they also charge you for everything you do, and cap how many people you can bring with you, tell you how long you can stay, all under the pretense of "were bigger then suburban estates".  They're really strict, and that sucks.  Dont harp on someone because there doing something they have a right too as a land owner, but also because he's been responsible about it.  If you feel that strongly about the problems out there, get with other land owners and confront the idiots who are makin the problem. 

Besides, if it wasnt for guys like Mudman i'd of sold my Praire months ago.  I love this sport but im not getting a criminal history over it. 

If you really want to blame someone, then pin it on the stupid @$$es who destroyed great riding areas like down in grant/ valkaria by burning down tree's, striping cars and leaving tons of garbage everywhere. 

If you really dont like it in Holopaw anymore, sell your land at an obnoxious price like everyone else, and move to Canada.

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« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2008, 05:14:15 PM »

So does that mean that a person like myself would'nt be able to hook up with one of you fellows and ride by know meens am i one of the those other guys that you all are ticked at i just don't have any places to go and don't really have to many friends that ride where i do but i do love riding and i will help with any benefits that may come up and clean up trash or whatever it may takes to have a place to ride im a very easy going quite person i don't drink anymore or do drugs i work every day like most and live a good clean life as possible.The one and only place i really did like riding was pretty much turned into a private hunt club and i don't have $325 to buy a stinking permit just to ride or hunt and ocala forrest is way to much bs going on there im not sure where you all are riding but im around the hawthorne area which is east of g-ville so im not asking to ride every weekend or when the gate opens just when invited but if not thats cool i understand seems like other people may have ruined that for every body already just curious. Dunno
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« Reply #15 on: April 19, 2008, 08:30:02 AM »

Petersons 4x4 magazine had nothing to do with that...

Absolutley they did.

People have good intentions but good intentions have closed numerous riding areas in the state. Look at all of them closed down in your neck of the woods.

The law of averages catches up when you have so many people in one place. I have heard the song and dance about "I just want a place to take my kids" before. That is for one weekend then everyone and their cousin is back the next weekend leeching at the gate.

Take up jet skis, the rivers are still open for now.

You should go ahead and purchase all the property out there and build a big wall so you can ride all alone. Huh

As for my area, in reality we have never lost a legal riding area. The old restrictions are being re instituted on the Holeylands, but that is understandable IMO. It is not suitable for sport quads.

The only rules that really matter are these: what a man can do and what a man can’t do.
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« Reply #16 on: April 15, 2012, 03:40:15 PM »

If anyone can afford to atv ride, they can afford to protect their riding investment by buying a lot now.  Over the last year the government wanted to take a huge land grab & take land from the top of the national everglades all the way to Orlando.  While this was going on land prices dipped to the bottom.  Meetings were held landowners, hunters, airboaters & atvers & jeep clubs all banded together to fight the government land grab, they flooded the meetings.  The government backed down because to many people held their ground!  The government decided to let Suburban Estates Holopaw & River Ranch Acres a lone.  Now you can buy land & not worry about the government taking Holopaw or River Ranch. If anyone is looking to become a landowner so they can legally gain access to atv ride at Holopaw a .312 acre lot of land with a key can be bought for $995 or a .625 acre with a key for $1,900 & you can order a 2nd key.  As a landowner you will want to protect & preserve the land for a long time.  Many landowners have been known to lend out keys to friends that do not own land but if they get caught at a Gate Check the key will get taken away & the landowner may not get the key back & the persons who had the key could be brought up on treaspassing charges.  In the long run it is cheaper to buy your own lot.  I have been out there many times & I own many lots.  I love it out there.  I have heard the good & the bad.  The good out weighs the bad.  Week days the place has very few riders.  Weekends are busier.  New years you can not park anywhere.
If you don't own a lot there buy one you will love it.

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« Last Edit: April 15, 2012, 03:44:28 PM by HolopawFL » Logged
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« Reply #17 on: April 17, 2012, 08:02:08 AM »

We are looking at buying land right now. They both cost bought the same to get in. RR is bigger and nicer and has more dry trails. But suburban lets me bring in folks from out of town. I ride mini buggies. Basicly sxs only more like an old fl400. There aint many folks who ride them. So if I want to bring my buddy with me from Ky the one time a year he's down, or bring a few friends to ride in the pass seat, THATS A HUGE DEAL.

And frankly, may just be the single factor in where we buy. I would bet money that's a big reason many folks choose suburban over RR
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