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Author Topic: soldiers deaths almost 4,000 in Iraq.  (Read 27749 times)
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« Reply #50 on: March 25, 2008, 01:46:41 PM »

What a waste!

 the Iraq war cost is well over $1 trillion.

That is enough to provide health care for all 47 million uninsured Americans and quality pre-kindergarten for every American child, solve the housing crisis once and for all, make college affordable for every American student and provide tax relief to tens of millions of middle-class families.

Thanks God Sadam Hussein is out of there. I was actually worried some of his pitifull arsed soldiers or weapons of mass distruction would strike Florida. Thanks Mr. Bush. Your the man! Job well done!

oh man, phew i gota try and contan myself wilburz, what you just said is the most ignorant and stupid thing i ever heard

first off president bush wasnt planning on 9/11 happening, which got us into war

another thing is that there is more than just us, we cant just be self contained and help ourselves, if we dont get involved with foreign affairs we will be left behind and crumble ourelves

i think you have more to worry about then one of Husseins weapons, i hope you run into one of those marines that are out there fighting for your freedom to say stupid stuff like that

ok. thanks for the compliments water boy.  you are the most pitiful human piece of waste on the earth! I am sorry your daddy don't talk to you know more or that you were ignored as a child. Your a friggin dumb arse!

as for your comments, 9/11 was not caused by Iraq or any Iraqies! So why invade Iraq? That is one of the stupidest things i have ever read. How old are you boy? 

And we are involved in too many world affairs. Iraq is one cluster-f I think we could avoid. The remark about Iraq weapons was a joke you dork. We never found any WMD's. Remember? I hope I do run into a marine one day. I would have not problem stating my opposition to the Iraq war.

Your dumb!

WMD were found just not in the quanties to make the media happy even though a little bit of that stuff can kill lots and lots of people
as for some of your other comments:

As for health care / get a Job or join the military
Pre kindergarden / Spend quality time after work with your children teaching them yourself
Housing crisis  / well people did that to themselves I have a house with a 30 year fixed rate and have no problems
College /  join the military , college is almost free while on active duty and when you get out use your GI BILL
Tax relief / support the fair tax so everyone contributes to the tax system

Today I retired from 20 years of service, sometimes I wonder why I stayed in so long protecting people which all they can do is complain about life around them or its me me me . Sit down and enjoy life, and live it to its fullest, when you can thank a Service member esp those guys from Vietnam there thanks is long over due.  That's my .02

John R Boucher AKA (Bobby Boucher "The WaterBoy") USN RET

if i remember correctly, i watched george w. give a speech to the us population telling everyone they were going into iraq to get all the WMDs. then none were found. i am just going on what he said and did not find.  And the comments about the taxes, housing, health care were taken from a story that was in the washington post a while ago. it was just to tell you what the money wasted in iraq could buy. i personally don't get welfare or any handouts from the governement but i do pay my taxes. And some people are born with handicaps that prevent them from being able to join the military.  I would much rather the government take all the iraq war money and even my taxes paid, since i don't get much back from them,and give it out to each and every veteran and there families! Especially those with disabilites. Those are the people that deserve to be taken care of. And thanks for your service Bobby! Just becuase people don't agree with the war in Iraq does not mean that they are not patriotic!       

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« Reply #51 on: March 25, 2008, 02:03:52 PM »

« Last Edit: March 25, 2008, 02:08:36 PM by rider » Logged

98% of the teenage population will try or does smoke pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this into your signature.
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« Reply #52 on: March 25, 2008, 02:11:00 PM »

Never said anyone was un-patriotic, Just tired of hearing the same things over and over again. My prayers go out to all of the families who have lost a loved one over there, but remember everyone them volunteered to go, to support freedom. I always told my wife (if I ever crashed and died please don't disrespect me by trying to sue the goverment it was my choice to fly). Instead of yelling about Iraq and what george bush should have done, turn your neg energy into something positive and make a difference in the world. 
« Last Edit: March 25, 2008, 02:23:35 PM by Prairie Master » Logged

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« Reply #53 on: March 25, 2008, 02:15:01 PM »

Never said anyone was un-patriotic, Just tired of hearing the same things over and over again. My prayers go out to all of the families who have lost a loved one over there, but remember everyone them volunteered to go, to support freedom. I always told my wie (if I ever crashed and died please don't disrespect me by trying to sue the goverment it was my choice to fly). Instead of yelling about Iraq and what george bush should have done, turn your neg energy into something positive and make a difference in the world. 


98% of the teenage population will try or does smoke pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this into your signature.
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« Reply #54 on: March 25, 2008, 02:25:35 PM »


It was not my intention to disrespect you and i was not trying to be a hardass. I am sorry that you saw it that way.  And I am not seeing the insult. I actually thought i thanked you for your service.     

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« Reply #55 on: March 25, 2008, 02:26:49 PM »

alright my bad bro, sorry just been having some problems this week didnt mean to take it out in here

98% of the teenage population will try or does smoke pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this into your signature.

« Reply #56 on: March 25, 2008, 02:28:16 PM »

What a waste!

 the Iraq war cost is well over $1 trillion.

That is enough to provide health care for all 47 million uninsured Americans and quality pre-kindergarten for every American child, solve the housing crisis once and for all, make college affordable for every American student and provide tax relief to tens of millions of middle-class families.

Thanks God Sadam Hussein is out of there. I was actually worried some of his pitifull arsed soldiers or weapons of mass distruction would strike Florida. Thanks Mr. Bush. Your the man! Job well done!

oh man, phew i gota try and contan myself wilburz, what you just said is the most ignorant and stupid thing i ever heard

first off president bush wasnt planning on 9/11 happening, which got us into war

another thing is that there is more than just us, we cant just be self contained and help ourselves, if we dont get involved with foreign affairs we will be left behind and crumble ourelves

i think you have more to worry about then one of Husseins weapons, i hope you run into one of those marines that are out there fighting for your freedom to say stupid stuff like that

ok. thanks for the compliments water boy.  you are the most pitiful human piece of waste on the earth! I am sorry your daddy don't talk to you know more or that you were ignored as a child. Your a friggin dumb arse!

as for your comments, 9/11 was not caused by Iraq or any Iraqies! So why invade Iraq? That is one of the stupidest things i have ever read. How old are you boy? 

And we are involved in too many world affairs. Iraq is one cluster-f I think we could avoid. The remark about Iraq weapons was a joke you dork. We never found any WMD's. Remember? I hope I do run into a marine one day. I would have not problem stating my opposition to the Iraq war.

Your dumb!

WMD were found just not in the quanties to make the media happy even though a little bit of that stuff can kill lots and lots of people
as for some of your other comments:

As for health care / get a Job or join the military
Pre kindergarden / Spend quality time after work with your children teaching them yourself
Housing crisis  / well people did that to themselves I have a house with a 30 year fixed rate and have no problems
College /  join the military , college is almost free while on active duty and when you get out use your GI BILL
Tax relief / support the fair tax so everyone contributes to the tax system

Today I retired from 20 years of service, sometimes I wonder why I stayed in so long protecting people which all they can do is complain about life around them or its me me me . Sit down and enjoy life, and live it to its fullest, when you can thank a Service member esp those guys from Vietnam there thanks is long over due.  That's my .02

John R Boucher AKA (Bobby Boucher "The WaterBoy") USN RET

Thanks for your service John R Boucher AKA (Bobby Boucher "The WaterBoy") USN RET and Butch's  Clapper Clapper Clapper Clapper

and in a couple weeks I'll have some of these with ya........ Toast Toast Toast Yup! oh/ yeah!!


« Reply #57 on: March 25, 2008, 02:31:33 PM »

Just a reminder on the WMD thing. There was a unanimous vote in the house and senate to enter Iraq to find WMD's. Hillary and the rest of the liberals voted whole heartedly for it just like everyone else.

Just making sure everyone stays fully informed on the facts. Now, you guys get back to the squabble. It's pretty funny to watch.

You're welcome. Wink
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« Reply #58 on: March 25, 2008, 02:37:59 PM »

alright my bad bro, sorry just been having some problems this week didnt mean to take it out in here

the last thing i want to do is insult a service member. i started this thread , i guess, to remind everyone of the loss of life and i guess that it does not come cheap. it is good to discuss these issues. obviously not everone has the same thought and feelings and this topic can be very personal to some. I doubt many actually know the number of casualties involved.   

1978 ridin mower, 48 inch cut, 3.4 hp briggs & stratton
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« Reply #59 on: March 25, 2008, 02:38:15 PM »

if i remember correctly, i watched george w. give a speech to the us population telling everyone they were going into iraq to get all the WMDs. then none were found. i am just going on what he said and did not find.       

It still kills me after all this time we still want to blame the war on George Bush give me a break....He went on the same intelligence reports that everyone else did and they all believed it too.....and they did find WMD's maybe not the cache that we were all told about....they are still finding some even today.... and by the way all these people with the YEA's also sent us to WAR!

.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 107th Congress - 2nd Session

as compiled through Senate LIS by the Senate Bill Clerk under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate

Vote Summary

Question: On the Joint Resolution (H.J.Res. 114 )  
Vote Number:  237 Vote Date:  October 11, 2002, 12:50 AM
Required For Majority:  1/2 Vote Result:  Joint Resolution Passed
Measure Number:  H.J.Res. 114
Measure Title:  A joint resolution to authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq.
Vote Counts: YEAs 77
 NAYs 23
Vote Summary By Senator Name By Vote Position By Home State

Alphabetical by Senator Name Akaka (D-HI), Nay
Allard (R-CO), Yea
Allen (R-VA), Yea
Baucus (D-MT), Yea
Bayh (D-IN), Yea
Bennett (R-UT), Yea
Biden (D-DE), Yea
Bingaman (D-NM), Nay
Bond (R-MO), Yea
Boxer (D-CA), Nay
Breaux (D-LA), Yea
Brownback (R-KS), Yea
Bunning (R-KY), Yea
Burns (R-MT), Yea
Byrd (D-WV), Nay
Campbell (R-CO), Yea
Cantwell (D-WA), Yea
Carnahan (D-MO), Yea
Carper (D-DE), Yea
Chafee (R-RI), Nay
Cleland (D-GA), Yea
Clinton (D-NY), Yea
Cochran (R-MS), Yea
Collins (R-ME), Yea
Conrad (D-ND), Nay
Corzine (D-NJ), Nay
Craig (R-ID), Yea
Crapo (R-ID), Yea
Daschle (D-SD), Yea
Dayton (D-MN), Nay
DeWine (R-OH), Yea
Dodd (D-CT), Yea
Domenici (R-NM), Yea
Dorgan (D-ND), Yea
 Durbin (D-IL), Nay
Edwards (D-NC), Yea
Ensign (R-NV), Yea
Enzi (R-WY), Yea
Feingold (D-WI), Nay
Feinstein (D-CA), Yea
Fitzgerald (R-IL), Yea
Frist (R-TN), Yea
Graham (D-FL), Nay
Gramm (R-TX), Yea
Grassley (R-IA), Yea
Gregg (R-NH), Yea
Hagel (R-NE), Yea
Harkin (D-IA), Yea
Hatch (R-UT), Yea
Helms (R-NC), Yea
Hollings (D-SC), Yea
Hutchinson (R-AR), Yea
Hutchison (R-TX), Yea
Inhofe (R-OK), Yea
Inouye (D-HI), Nay
Jeffords (I-VT), Nay
Johnson (D-SD), Yea
Kennedy (D-MA), Nay
Kerry (D-MA), Yea
Kohl (D-WI), Yea
Kyl (R-AZ), Yea
Landrieu (D-LA), Yea
Leahy (D-VT), Nay
Levin (D-MI), Nay
Lieberman (D-CT), Yea
Lincoln (D-AR), Yea
Lott (R-MS), Yea
Lugar (R-IN), Yea
 McCain (R-AZ), Yea
McConnell (R-KY), Yea
Mikulski (D-MD), Nay
Miller (D-GA), Yea
Murkowski (R-AK), Yea
Murray (D-WA), Nay
Nelson (D-FL), Yea
Nelson (D-NE), Yea
Nickles (R-OK), Yea
Reed (D-RI), Nay
Reid (D-NV), Yea
Roberts (R-KS), Yea
Rockefeller (D-WV), Yea
Santorum (R-PA), Yea
Sarbanes (D-MD), Nay
Schumer (D-NY), Yea
Sessions (R-AL), Yea
Shelby (R-AL), Yea
Smith (R-NH), Yea
Smith (R-OR), Yea
Snowe (R-ME), Yea
Specter (R-PA), Yea
Stabenow (D-MI), Nay
Stevens (R-AK), Yea
Thomas (R-WY), Yea
Thompson (R-TN), Yea
Thurmond (R-SC), Yea
Torricelli (D-NJ), Yea
Voinovich (R-OH), Yea
Warner (R-VA), Yea
Wellstone (D-MN), Nay
Wyden (D-OR), Nay
Vote Summary By Senator Name By Vote Position By Home State

Grouped By Vote Position YEAs ---77
Allard (R-CO)
Allen (R-VA)
Baucus (D-MT)
Bayh (D-IN)
Bennett (R-UT)
Biden (D-DE)
Bond (R-MO)
Breaux (D-LA)
Brownback (R-KS)
Bunning (R-KY)
Burns (R-MT)
Campbell (R-CO)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Carnahan (D-MO)
Carper (D-DE)
Cleland (D-GA)
Clinton (D-NY)
Cochran (R-MS)
Collins (R-ME)
Craig (R-ID)
Crapo (R-ID)
Daschle (D-SD)
DeWine (R-OH)
Dodd (D-CT)
Domenici (R-NM)
Dorgan (D-ND)
 Edwards (D-NC)
Ensign (R-NV)
Enzi (R-WY)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Fitzgerald (R-IL)
Frist (R-TN)
Gramm (R-TX)
Grassley (R-IA)
Gregg (R-NH)
Hagel (R-NE)
Harkin (D-IA)
Hatch (R-UT)
Helms (R-NC)
Hollings (D-SC)
Hutchinson (R-AR)
Hutchison (R-TX)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kerry (D-MA)
Kohl (D-WI)
Kyl (R-AZ)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Lieberman (D-CT)
Lincoln (D-AR)
Lott (R-MS)
Lugar (R-IN)
 McCain (R-AZ)
McConnell (R-KY)
Miller (D-GA)
Murkowski (R-AK)
Nelson (D-FL)
Nelson (D-NE)
Nickles (R-OK)
Reid (D-NV)
Roberts (R-KS)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Santorum (R-PA)
Schumer (D-NY)
Sessions (R-AL)
Shelby (R-AL)
Smith (R-NH)
Smith (R-OR)
Snowe (R-ME)
Specter (R-PA)
Stevens (R-AK)
Thomas (R-WY)
Thompson (R-TN)
Thurmond (R-SC)
Torricelli (D-NJ)
Voinovich (R-OH)
Warner (R-VA)
NAYs ---23
Akaka (D-HI)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Boxer (D-CA)
Byrd (D-WV)
Chafee (R-RI)
Conrad (D-ND)
Corzine (D-NJ)
Dayton (D-MN)
 Durbin (D-IL)
Feingold (D-WI)
Graham (D-FL)
Inouye (D-HI)
Jeffords (I-VT)
Kennedy (D-MA)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
 Mikulski (D-MD)
Murray (D-WA)
Reed (D-RI)
Sarbanes (D-MD)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Wellstone (D-MN)
Wyden (D-OR)
Vote Summary By Senator Name By Vote Position By Home State

Grouped by Home State Alabama: Sessions (R-AL), Yea Shelby (R-AL), Yea
Alaska: Murkowski (R-AK), Yea Stevens (R-AK), Yea
Arizona: Kyl (R-AZ), Yea McCain (R-AZ), Yea
Arkansas: Hutchinson (R-AR), Yea Lincoln (D-AR), Yea
California: Boxer (D-CA), Nay Feinstein (D-CA), Yea
Colorado: Allard (R-CO), Yea Campbell (R-CO), Yea
Connecticut: Dodd (D-CT), Yea Lieberman (D-CT), Yea
Delaware: Biden (D-DE), Yea Carper (D-DE), Yea
Florida: Graham (D-FL), Nay Nelson (D-FL), Yea
Georgia: Cleland (D-GA), Yea Miller (D-GA), Yea
Hawaii: Akaka (D-HI), Nay Inouye (D-HI), Nay
Idaho: Craig (R-ID), Yea Crapo (R-ID), Yea
Illinois: Durbin (D-IL), Nay Fitzgerald (R-IL), Yea
Indiana: Bayh (D-IN), Yea Lugar (R-IN), Yea
Iowa: Grassley (R-IA), Yea Harkin (D-IA), Yea
Kansas: Brownback (R-KS), Yea Roberts (R-KS), Yea
Kentucky: Bunning (R-KY), Yea McConnell (R-KY), Yea
Louisiana: Breaux (D-LA), Yea Landrieu (D-LA), Yea
Maine: Collins (R-ME), Yea Snowe (R-ME), Yea
Maryland: Mikulski (D-MD), Nay Sarbanes (D-MD), Nay
Massachusetts: Kennedy (D-MA), Nay Kerry (D-MA), Yea
Michigan: Levin (D-MI), Nay Stabenow (D-MI), Nay
Minnesota: Dayton (D-MN), Nay Wellstone (D-MN), Nay
Mississippi: Cochran (R-MS), Yea Lott (R-MS), Yea
Missouri: Bond (R-MO), Yea Carnahan (D-MO), Yea
Montana: Baucus (D-MT), Yea Burns (R-MT), Yea
Nebraska: Hagel (R-NE), Yea Nelson (D-NE), Yea
Nevada: Ensign (R-NV), Yea Reid (D-NV), Yea
New Hampshire: Gregg (R-NH), Yea Smith (R-NH), Yea
New Jersey: Corzine (D-NJ), Nay Torricelli (D-NJ), Yea
New Mexico: Bingaman (D-NM), Nay Domenici (R-NM), Yea
New York: Clinton (D-NY), Yea Schumer (D-NY), Yea
North Carolina: Edwards (D-NC), Yea Helms (R-NC), Yea
North Dakota: Conrad (D-ND), Nay Dorgan (D-ND), Yea
Ohio: DeWine (R-OH), Yea Voinovich (R-OH), Yea
Oklahoma: Inhofe (R-OK), Yea Nickles (R-OK), Yea
Oregon: Smith (R-OR), Yea Wyden (D-OR), Nay
Pennsylvania: Santorum (R-PA), Yea Specter (R-PA), Yea
Rhode Island: Chafee (R-RI), Nay Reed (D-RI), Nay
South Carolina: Hollings (D-SC), Yea Thurmond (R-SC), Yea
South Dakota: Daschle (D-SD), Yea Johnson (D-SD), Yea
Tennessee: Frist (R-TN), Yea Thompson (R-TN), Yea
Texas: Gramm (R-TX), Yea Hutchison (R-TX), Yea
Utah: Bennett (R-UT), Yea Hatch (R-UT), Yea
Vermont: Jeffords (I-VT), Nay Leahy (D-VT), Nay
Virginia: Allen (R-VA), Yea Warner (R-VA), Yea
Washington: Cantwell (D-WA), Yea Murray (D-WA), Nay
West Virginia: Byrd (D-WV), Nay Rockefeller (D-WV), Yea
Wisconsin: Feingold (D-WI), Nay Kohl (D-WI), Yea
Wyoming: Enzi (R-WY), Yea Thomas (R-WY), Yea
Vote Summary By Senator Name By Vote Position By Home State

« Reply #60 on: March 25, 2008, 03:01:41 PM »

We've beat this dead horse in the past. Here's a post I made back in November 2007 in response to certain numbered questions and comments another site member posted. It was a good discussion:

1.  Before the invasion of Iraq when one of the generals was addressing congress and he said we would need over 250,000 troops for the invasion and occupation he was forced to resign because the administration was trying to say it would take a lot less.

Interesting comment. I say interesting in that the liberals have preached withdrawing and fewer troops from day one. Bush and many other conservative leaders called for a build up from the start. It was the liberal left that kept screaming, "withdraw...get out" without an exit strategy. (Come on, now we all remember Lieberman, Kerry and the others flip flopping on their support for the war and screaming about pulling out our troops on an expedited basis.) Even their recent attempt to force a pull out by attaching a withdrawal measure to a war funding bill could not muster enough votes in a Democrat controlled Congress to pass. Yet the Dems still have to appease the anti - war left while straddling the fence post to satisfy the moderates in the party whose constituency is against their surrender agenda.

2.  I believe as others do that GW Doctored the intelligence reports to make it appear that the war with Iraq was needed because of weapons of mass destruction.  I will admit that Saddam Hussein did try to make it appear that he did have weapons of mass destruction but we had evidence to prove otherwise and he ignored it.

You act as if it was only Bush and his administration that waved the WMD flag. The Democrats were right there with him and in fact provided the majority of the push to initially go into Iraq. Here's a few excerpts from liberal democrats' speeches and memos to the President prior to entering Iraq:

"There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein's regime is a serious danger, that he is a tyrant, and that his pursuit of lethal weapons of mass destruction cannot be tolerated. He must be disarmed." -- Ted Kennedy, Sept 27, 2002

"I will be voting to give the president of the United States the authority to use force - if necessary - to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security." -- John F. Kerry, Oct 2002

"The threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real, but as I said, it is not new. It has been with us since the end of that war, and particularly in the last 4 years we know after Operation Desert Fox failed to force him to reaccept them, that he has continued to build those weapons. He has had a free hand for 4 years to reconstitute these weapons, allowing the world, during the interval, to lose the focus we had on weapons of mass destruction and the issue of proliferation." -- John Kerry, October 9, 2002

"Every day Saddam remains in power with chemical weapons, biological weapons, and the development of nuclear weapons is a day of danger for the United States." -- Joe Lieberman, August, 2002

"As a member of the House Intelligence Committee, I am keenly aware that the proliferation of chemical and biological weapons is an issue of grave importance to all nations. Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process." -- Nancy Pelosi, December 16, 1998

"Iraq is not the only nation in the world to possess weapons of mass destruction, but it is the only nation with a leader who has used them against his own people." -- Tom Daschle in 1998

"The community of nations may see more and more of the very kind of threat Iraq poses now: a rogue state with weapons of mass destruction, ready to use them or provide them to terrorists. If we fail to respond today, Saddam and all those who would follow in his footsteps will be emboldened tomorrow." -- Bill Clinton in 1998

So, if you follow this doctored the documants theory, that means Bush doctored everyone's reports and insiders and nobody caught it? Come one man. You can do better.

That's a lot of speech by a lot of Liberal Democrats promising WMD's and results. Not just Bush folks.
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« Reply #61 on: March 25, 2008, 03:18:04 PM »

Here's a good read that the liberal press won't print. Kiss


Not bad for costing us $18 Billion a month and $8 Trillion since the day we were there.  It was a mistake going their in the 1st place.  What weapons of mass destruction are you gunna find in that $it hole anywas? Oh Ya OIL! 

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« Reply #62 on: March 25, 2008, 05:13:07 PM »

Anoriginal, yes your right about both parties voting for the war. I think most that voted thought that we were going to get the weapons and Hussein and then get out. Let the Iraqi's establish there own government and do there own rebuilding. Trust me they would of probably do better than were doing right now anyways. There going to be a civil war regardless.
So since then Bush and his administration has been lying to us, dragging there feet, driving up oil prices, pissing of everbody in that region, and so on. The Iraqi people were recently asked is it better now or then, and guess what they picked. They don't want us there so lets get out now. I truly think this administration or whats left of it since almost everyone has resigned in shame, is over there to keep the economy going because we all know the war stimulates the economy. Plus all the crooked contract deals that have been going on.
So basically thank Israel too, there lobbyist are the one that have been greasing our politicians for years for protection, weapons and the military might. And now there pushing for us to attack Iran. like Iran is a threat come on give me a break. Even if they did get a nuke they don't have the ability do deliver it any farther than 1000 miles. Oh wait that can hit Israel. I guess Israel will get it's war machine fired up AKA-(american military slaves) to defend them.
America need to wake up and realise every thing our government does is because of lobbyist. Sad but true! I like when you military guy's say fighting for freedom and the american way your wrong your fighting for the lobbyist.

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« Reply #63 on: March 25, 2008, 05:36:01 PM »

Something to laugh at that you fools voted for!


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« Reply #64 on: March 25, 2008, 07:23:34 PM »

Anoriginal, yes your right about both parties voting for the war. I think most that voted thought that we were going to get the weapons and Hussein and then get out. Let the Iraqi's establish there own government and do there own rebuilding. Trust me they would of probably do better than were doing right now anyways. There going to be a civil war regardless.
So since then Bush and his administration has been lying to us, dragging there feet, driving up oil prices, pissing of everbody in that region, and so on. The Iraqi people were recently asked is it better now or then, and guess what they picked. They don't want us there so lets get out now. I truly think this administration or whats left of it since almost everyone has resigned in shame, is over there to keep the economy going because we all know the war stimulates the economy. Plus all the crooked contract deals that have been going on.
So basically thank Israel too, there lobbyist are the one that have been greasing our politicians for years for protection, weapons and the military might. And now there pushing for us to attack Iran. like Iran is a threat come on give me a break. Even if they did get a nuke they don't have the ability do deliver it any farther than 1000 miles. Oh wait that can hit Israel. I guess Israel will get it's war machine fired up AKA-(american military slaves) to defend them.
America need to wake up and realise every thing our government does is because of lobbyist. Sad but true! I like when you military guy's say fighting for freedom and the american way your wrong your fighting for the lobbyist.


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« Reply #65 on: March 25, 2008, 07:44:03 PM »

My .02.  This was not soppuse to take long.  We go in take care of Hussein and scare everybody off.  That did not work and now we can't leave because if we do then the Terrorist think they won and more people join their ideas of the U.S.  We pull out we lose we stay we lose less.  Not meaning that more soldier lives are less than someone else's let's not go putting words in my mouth.  By that statement I mean that the number of soldiers compared to the possble number of american civilians ON and OFF U.S. soil could easily be higher.  Old statement but yet still good example, how many died in 9/11, how many died in the Cole attack, how many died in the barracks attack of the Marines barracks ( I fdo forget when though), and how long did each of these attacks take MINUTES, 5 YEARS in Iraq, do the math.   Again just my .02.
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« Reply #66 on: March 25, 2008, 07:54:24 PM »

Something to laugh at that you fools voted for!

Amen Brotha! Wink


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« Reply #67 on: March 25, 2008, 08:14:38 PM »

Well, he's definitely not the best public speaker. Even he acknowledges it. However, I'd take him over the ultra liberal beyond left Obama or the loose cannon Clinton any day.

As much as I regret he's the republican nominee, I will be pulling for McCain all the way.

« Reply #68 on: March 25, 2008, 08:40:38 PM »

As much as I regret he's the republican nominee, I will be pulling for McCain all the way.

neither party offers us much of anything in my opinion...it's disgusting watching anything related to these campaigns...nothing but smear campaigns and hollywood glitz.  This country is going to h*// in a handbasket and everyone is too wrapped up in their own petty "wanna make more money so i can get bigger rims" lives to give a crap.  I know someone needs to give this country a kick in the rear and a wake up call. 

...o.k. i'm done ranting
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« Reply #69 on: March 25, 2008, 08:42:15 PM »

^ Agreed. I love how the liberals take clips of speech mistakes and post them together to belittle someone. Yet you dont see them saying sh*t about Hilary bullshitting saying how he was under sniper fire when they flew into bosnia.(http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/mar/26/hillaryclinton.barackobama) Or how obama's wife has continued to bad mouth this country and how because her husband wins a primary its the "first time ive ever been proud of this country" (http://www.breitbart.tv/html/49244.html) G.W. Sure isnt the president his father was, to be honest Jeb would have made a better president, but atleast you dont see him constantly putting other people down. He has gotten pretty good at taking shots from people without it hurting his day to day life and decisions. Regardless of his politics, that is the type of person you need in the white house, democrat or republican. Somone who can take heat and not crack.

edit: I think john mccain is a f**k**g chipmunk for the record.

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« Reply #70 on: March 25, 2008, 08:49:59 PM »

As much as the thought makes me sick to my stomach, I'd take Hillary over Obama any day. He's a nut case.
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« Reply #71 on: March 25, 2008, 09:00:39 PM »

^ Agreed. I love how the liberals take clips of speech mistakes and post them together to belittle someone. Yet you dont see them saying sh*t about Hilary bullshitting saying how he was under sniper fire when they flew into bosnia.(http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/mar/26/hillaryclinton.barackobama) Or how obama's wife has continued to bad mouth this country and how because her husband wins a primary its the "first time ive ever been proud of this country" (http://www.breitbart.tv/html/49244.html) G.W. Sure isnt the president his father was, to be honest Jeb would have made a better president, but atleast you dont see him constantly putting other people down. He has gotten pretty good at taking shots from people without it hurting his day to day life and decisions. Regardless of his politics, that is the type of person you need in the white house, democrat or republican. Somone who can take heat and not crack.

edit: I think john mccain is a f**k**g chipmunk for the record.
Jeb is a crook just like his father and brother. He's the one the fu** up Florida's insurance. He took millions from insurance co's. and never did sh*t about soaring rates. He just look the other way. He gave insurance companies basically the law books and said here you go re right them.
That video was from Pat Buchanan, a republican. Here we go with liberal talk again. How about McCain poking a lobbyist, you don't get any worst than that and I don't here the media talking about that all the time. Wake up, no more meth for you. Wink

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« Reply #72 on: March 25, 2008, 09:02:32 PM »

As much as the thought makes me sick to my stomach, I'd take Hillary over Obama any day. He's a nut case.
I think I'm going green big A

               R.N.   Lips Sealed

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« Reply #73 on: March 25, 2008, 09:20:16 PM »

alright my bad bro, sorry just been having some problems this week didnt mean to take it out in here

the last thing i want to do is insult a service member. i started this thread , i guess, to remind everyone of the loss of life and i guess that it does not come cheap. it is good to discuss these issues. obviously not everone has the same thought and feelings and this topic can be very personal to some. I doubt many actually know the number of casualties involved.   

haha yea, started quite the debate with just saying one opinion, its funny how things work sometimes

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« Reply #74 on: March 25, 2008, 09:34:50 PM »

As much as the thought makes me sick to my stomach, I'd take Hillary over Obama any day. He's a nut case.
I think I'm going green big A

               R.N.   Lips Sealed

Way to go Ralphie boy!!!!! 

You know, all BS aside...he'd probably do a pretty good job.
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