The problem with trying to sell a recent model is that you have to ask a price that presents a 'no-brainer' solution for the buyer. If you ask too much, the buyer can rationalize that for another $1,500.00 or $2,000.00, he can have brand new and never second-guess how the machine has been treated. You might even need to go as low as $7,000.00 to get interest. You will be competing with the dealerships who are struggling to move their inventory. I just purchased a 2007 800 Max XT for $10,238.00 out the door (tax, title, registration, shipping and delivery). That makes your options pretty limited. There was another individual on here not too long ago who was trying to sell his 2006 800 XT (not a Max) and couldn't move it for even $6,400.00. At the end of the day, these are recreational items, will never hold their value and should only be purchased with discretionary cash.
yeah 10-4 I new all that

pretty much the way I ended up with mine

, thats why i wanted realistic opinions...I will probably keep it...I'm sure nobody 100% would believe the no water no mud either.