At the OHV Committee meeting yesterday, the OHV Committee approved the ATV Safety Institute's ATV RiderCourse as the approved course for meeting the state law for riders under 16. Anyone who meets this requirement will have to have this course before July 1, 2008. Anyone interested in taking this course may sign up by calling 800-887-2887 or by going to their website:
www.atvsafety.orgThe cost of the course is $75.00 unless you have purchased a new atv, then the course is free. The Ocala National Forest Association is approved to give this course at the OHV Center and it is one of the choices you have when you sign up. We are giving the course on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month. In addition, our instructors have agreed to reimburse the parents of the children attending the course $25.00 once ONFA is reimbursed by the ATV Safety Institute.
The State of Florida is looking for instructors to train throughout Florida. Any organization that wants to get involved can. For more information call me. As there is expected to be a shortage of classes to attend, it is best that you sign up early. On July 1, 2008, you will not be allowed to ride on public land without proof you have taken a course.