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Author Topic: What would you do (watch vid)  (Read 10543 times)
tony pitts
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« Reply #25 on: May 06, 2007, 01:32:52 PM »

Calm down Tony the original poster ask us for our opinion and I gave it.  Now lets go thru your point one by one.

Sorry, I guess I should have pointed this out earlier, but, this is the wife posting, not Tony.

Actually I do believe public safety should be a factor.  Like someone else posted that it look like the guy is putting in a septic tank and what if he was your neighbor and put his drain field right next to your well.  Now if you were his neighbor I suppose you would be ok with that, NOT.

If my neighbor is doing something wrong, then let the government get a warrant to search his property.  Until then, STAY OFF OF PRIVATE PROPERTY.  I'm not willing to sacrifice anyone else's rights for the sake of my safety.  Those that covet safety above freedom, deserve neither.

I agree with your thoughts on the government playing too large a roll in our daily lives.  I think the government should not be involved in things like abortion, gay marriage and like the Terry Schiavo thing but these are personal things that people can make their own decisions and have nothing to do with public safety.

Well, you do still have SOME common sense left  Wink

Obsessed with his rights, yea that's how it looks.  I believe in the constitution but I don't memorize it or carry it around in my back pocket.  Since you assumed so much about my beliefs I assume by some of your statements that you Tony, are a anti government militia guy like the ones that blew up the building in Oklahoma.

There is nothing wrong with being obsessed with your rights.  If you aren't, then who will be?  In a perfect world, we would be able to trust those who hold the power to do the right thing, but I really don't think that is reality.  And, that would be an anti government GAL to you.

Lock me up for idiotic comments, I think not.  I do believe in Freedom of Speech because my speech can't hurt anyone.  Now if I scream FIRE, FIRE in a public theatre or something like that then they can lock me up because people would get hurt in the stampede, again I am all for public safety.

Again, those who covet safety over freedom, deserve neither.

Lastly and finally how you made the connection that I would think it's right for the government to take my property to throw in a Walmart is beyond me.  Eminent domain has it's place but not for anything other than something like freeways, firestations or major roads not for a shopping center or housing projects.

You seem to love the government and public safety, so it would make sense that you would support their efforts to improve the city (translation - increase the tax base) for the public good.

Tony, since you assumed soooo much about me I assume that if someone saw a terrorist getting ready to blow up an atomic bomb on his property that you think the police should get a search warrant first before entering his property, remember the constitution now.  Now because of his constitutional rights millions are dead but by golly the constitution is still strong.  I find the people that scream the loudest about the constitution and their rights are usually the ones that have something to hide, I hope that's not the case with you.

There are a lot of dead men and women that believed that the constitution and the freedoms that it gives us are more important than their own lives.  The sacrifice that they made is a testament to how great this country was.  I hesitate to say that it is still great because there are too many people that feel as you do and I truly believe that this will be the downfall of the mighty USA. 

I will be one of those screaming the loudest about my rights and if I have something to hide, it is none of your business.  Just remember, I may have things that I don't want you to know about, but they aren't illegal.  For instance, I might not want my neighbor knowing that I have legally amassed a small fortune and I'm hiding it under my bed.  I may also have a sizable antique gun collection that is no one's business but my own.  Are these things illegal?  NO.  Does this mean that I am hiding something, so I must be a criminal?  NO.

Like I said before with the little we saw on the tape it's hard to know for sure what is going on.  But the reason that this is such a great country is because we are a country of law and order.  I assume by what the woman in the video said that she does not need a warrant to search this freaks property you assume she does but who knows.   Why Tony to I think that you have a book on your shelf called the Turner Diaries, let me know if you do.

You are right, this is a nation of law and order.  That law and order is based on our constitution.  The Fourth Amendment to our Constitution protects me from unreasonable search and seizure.  If the freak (I'm speaking of the health inspector here, I think she is the freak), has enough probable cause to search his property, then she can get a warrant to do so.  If she had one, then I don't think that there would have been a problem.  She was either too lazy or didn't have a good enough reason to get one.

I hope we get the chance to hear the outcome of this situation.  If anyone has any additional info, please post it.


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« Reply #26 on: May 06, 2007, 01:47:37 PM »

I stand corrected, you are an anti-government gal  Grin.  Now do you have the Turner Diaries sitting on your shelf or bedside?
tony pitts
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« Reply #27 on: May 06, 2007, 02:46:29 PM »

I stand corrected, you are an anti-government gal  Grin.  Now do you have the Turner Diaries sitting on your shelf or bedside?

If I had the novel, it would have to be on the bookshelf.  I'm too much of a lady to discuss the contents of my bedside drawer. 

But, I am concerned that you would equate standing up for myself and what is mine into an extremist form of White Supremacy.

I wonder if I should ask you where you store your Communist Manifesto?



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« Reply #28 on: May 06, 2007, 02:53:08 PM »

Yes it is about white supremacy but it is also about "Right Wing Government Haten,  UN taking over the world type stuff" and with your anti government thoughts I assumed (like you assumed I thought it was ok for the government to take my land for a Walmart) that's the kind of book you would like.  Now let's get back to your night stand, open the drawer and tell us what's inside  Grin.
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« Reply #29 on: May 06, 2007, 03:11:17 PM »

Ok I will go first, let's see here, top drawer has a bunch of socks.  Let me move these..................................oh yea there is my gun, what else let's see, oh, a nice shiny pair of han...... oh nevermind.   Kiss
tony pitts
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« Reply #30 on: May 06, 2007, 03:17:59 PM »

Yes it is about white supremacy but it is also about "Right Wing Government Haten,  UN taking over the world type stuff" and with your anti government thoughts I assumed (like you assumed I thought it was ok for the government to take my land for a Walmart) that's the kind of book you would like.  Now let's get back to your night stand, open the drawer and tell us what's inside  Grin.

Let's just say that it doesn't have anything to do with White Supremacy  Wink

Just kidding...  Sorry, I couldn't resist. 

I agree that I have a Right Wing slant to my politics, but I'm not as extreme as you may believe.  (Although, I personally think that the UN is about as bad an idea as speedos for men.) 

Oh, btw, if you really want to know what is in the bedside drawer, break into my house in the middle of the night and you will find out.  I guess then I would have a body to hide on my property (that IS probably illegal).


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« Reply #31 on: May 06, 2007, 03:54:54 PM »

"Let's just say that it doesn't have anything to do with White Supremacy "

I think I get it  Grin, and I will leave it at that since kids do visit the site.  Have fun  Wink

« Reply #32 on: May 06, 2007, 09:40:32 PM »

Fish!!  agree to disagree and move on, The topic is what would you do? express you opinion without the personal attacks.
knowing Tony, I wouldn't be talking to his wife like that
 just IMO. I  am certain some health violation may very well occur
« Last Edit: May 06, 2007, 10:08:52 PM by Chuck_Norris » Logged
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« Reply #33 on: May 06, 2007, 10:17:31 PM »

I don't think it was a personal attack and I hope Tonys gal does not feel that way.  But if you read the post her reply started it not me, but like I said it was not an attack but a discussion.   I'm sure Mrs Tony didn't take it personally but at the same time I'm not backing down from anyone just because our  opinions may differ.  In all Mrs Tony and I have similar opinions on several things discussed but we have a different opinion on the power of the government.  You gotta have thick skin to discuss things on the Internet and I do.  Good luck
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« Reply #34 on: May 07, 2007, 03:43:34 PM »

Sorry I disagree.   The right of public safety should supersede any ones individual rights.  I don't know that this clip shows enough information to make a judgement either way but if you ask me the guy filming sounds like a physico.  Sounds like one of those guys that is obsessed with the government and his rights, he most likely thinks the UN is ultimately behind the whole thing.  Just because he spouts off like he knows what he is talking about does not mean he does.  Lock him up for his and our own safety.

This statement is just so wrong, I don't even know where to begin!!! 

First, if this guy is a psycho, then so were the founding fathers of this country.  Do you really think that we should just roll over and let anyone, especially the government, take away our rights just because they feel that the public safety is at risk?  Or for any reason? 

Secondly, do you trust your government that much?  I surely don't.  When a government becomes too powerful, it becomes corrupt.  They already play too much of a role in my everyday life and I will fight to limit what they can and can't do. 

Thirdly, you stated that this guy was obsessed with his rights.  Well, you had better be glad that someone is and has been in the past and was willing to defend those rights or you wouldn't have the ones that you enjoy now. 

Fourthly, how about we lock you up for idiotic comments.  This of course would be for public safety, so it would be legal.

Lastly, if the rights of the public supersede, the rights of the individual, then I'll bet you endorse the concept of eminent domain for taking a person's land/house for the next Walmart superstore site.  I'll put your name in the hat for volunteering your property.

Amen brother. We have lost enough rights since our forefathers founded this fine country.

The only rules that really matter are these: what a man can do and what a man can’t do.
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