OHV Advisory Committee Meeting which
will be May 10, 2007 at 9:00 a.m. at the Jacksonville Division of
Forestry District Office on the Cary State Forest you can access driving
directions by going to
www.fl-dof.com and click on find a state forest.
Our agenda for this meeting is going to be covering state certification
courses for children 15 and younger and we will be discussing how to
get our Safety Education Out Reach Program up and running. We will also
be covering website changes as well as information that is needed for
our website. We discuss the status of proposed sites for OHV Use and
current status of grants given for OHV Recreation Areas.
We will have guest speakers and we open our meetings for public
comments when we have completed the agendas. I welcome you to come and meet
with me and to see that our committee is for the off-highway vehicle
users of Florida. Our meetings have representation usually from all
agencies who provide OHV Use. Thank You Tami Leonard OHV Recreation and
Safety Coordinator