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Author Topic: Fencing off ONF???  (Read 16242 times)
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« on: March 27, 2007, 07:24:35 PM »

  Hi folks! Now that I have your attention...here are the facts.

  The Scenic Byway had a special meeting with a Wildlife Crossings Expert yesterday. The upshot of the whole thing is that over 40 animal underpasses are expected to be put in on SR40; with Forestry's blessing, no matter what they tell you. Forestry had the meeting at their facility, and Mr. Lint did not oppose the fencing ideas.

   Now, to explain. In order for an animal underpass to work as a wildlife crossing, fencing must be put in to "guide" the animals to the pass. There was one suggestion that research be done with a laser/sound alert to scare the animals away from the road, but that was brushed over as something that "wouldn't work". Nothing to support the idea that it won't work though, no thought that maybe more research into this idea would be a good idea...to bad they really don't want research into anything but fences....anyway, to move on......
    It was determined that there would be 9-large animal passes proposed along SR40. These would be fenced off at least a half-mile on either side of the pass, including the length of the pass itself. It should be noted that the smaller animals will need fences as well, there-by restricting access with those, remember upwards of 40 passes are being proposed, including the 9-large passes. Exactly how many miles of SR40 do they intended to fence off, and how many of those miles are through the ONF?? (Mr. Lint was rushing the ending of the meeting, and since I forgot to write these questions down as I thought of them, I didn't get to ask them. I will ask at the next meeting though!)

   Now, it seems that as long as the animal for which the pass was designed is not active during the hours that humans will be active, humans may have the chance to utilize at least the bear passes. I won't hold my breath though, will you?

   I have to add that there is a study being done for passes to be placed in along the north and south stretch of SR19 as well, so don't get comfy thinking this will only affect the Forest where SR40 is. This is a blatant attempt by Forestry to fence off the ONF to public access.

   Mr. Lint told me, when I first asked about this, that "no other National Forest has ever been fenced" and that he "opposes the fencing". Yeah right....Slick Rick?Huh?

   Lastly, the folks supporting this hope to make SR40 a showcase for wildlife underpasses for the world, as well as a great research oppurtunity! Aren't we all lucky?!?!   Undecided   

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« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2007, 07:35:51 PM »

Well make sure the animals get the memo that when they cross they should still hold hands and look both ways.  Not for vehicles but for flashes from the tree huggers cameras.  These poor critters could become blind or even have retinal detachment if bombarded by these do-gooders actions w/ their cameras.  Such an event would further desicrate the natural evolution and migration of ONF animals.

I figure if we can do the fencing system it should eliminate the tree huggers need to use the rest of the forest.  At that point they can all gather around the crossings and wait to see the animals.  And if the animals get the memo about where they must cross then it should leave the rest of the forest for us to ride.  If we want to molest the critters or tree huggers we'll know we can just go to one of these critter crossings.  You'll know when you get close cause you'll hear the faint noise of the song Cumbaya becoming louder and louder.(Sarcasm here ppl remember I'm sarcastic)
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« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2007, 07:42:21 PM »

sounds like a big waste of money to me

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« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2007, 07:45:13 PM »

Well make sure the animals get the memo that when they cross they should still hold hands and look both ways.  Not for vehicles but for flashes from the tree huggers cameras.  These poor critters could become blind or even have retinal detachment if bombarded by these do-gooders actions w/ their cameras.  Such an event would further desicrate the natural evolution and migration of ONF animals.

I figure if we can do the fencing system it should eliminate the tree huggers need to use the rest of the forest.  At that point they can all gather around the crossings and wait to see the animals.  And if the animals get the memo about where they must cross then it should leave the rest of the forest for us to ride.  If we want to molest the critters or tree huggers we'll know we can just go to one of these critter crossings.  You'll know when you get close cause you'll hear the faint noise of the song Cumbaya becoming louder and louder.(Sarcasm here ppl remember I'm sarcastic)

LMFAO, I'll tell ya, since they spent millions of dollars on the key deer underpass, I haven't seen any dead ones on US-1...never did before it either, but I figured it would give me an excuse to post this ferocious creature and laugh a little more about the blind racoons. Maybe they need to hook em up with some cool animal shades, like Paris Hiltons dog.



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« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2007, 07:50:37 PM »

Have they considered they are going to have to create critter prisons.  These little guys are going to have to go to prison for any breach of the critter crossing.  I'm sure this could create great turmoil and confusion for the animals that don't get the memo of where they must now cross to roam the forest.
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« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2007, 10:11:42 PM »

Nothing wrong with fenced crossings, it just makes it easier for us to hit the deer and take it home for the table.   Comeon guys look at the bright side       Wink Wink

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« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2007, 06:39:30 PM »

QT, you should really quit giving me ideas to bring up at these meetings to show how rediculous I think these things are!  Cheesy

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« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2007, 07:25:59 PM »

Me and one of my fellow firefighters was talking about Goverment employees, with the exception of fire/rescue-Police,protection
(in most cases) In order to become a decision maker,you have to have at least half of your brain taken out!!!! Then you have to have said head implanted in a dark warm place that most humans have,that have a most
unpleasent odor!!! Roll Eyes  Roll Eyes At this point in time you are now able to
really F^%&* things up. Only the goverment or the ACLU could come
up with such a STUUUPPIIDD Plan!!!!!

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« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2007, 02:24:19 AM »

They better put in some big gates so they can get in thoughs big trucks when there doing there " Clear Cutting". We know how important that is for the forest.

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« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2007, 05:05:32 AM »

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« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2007, 08:17:19 PM »

  yes tallyt. They will make the fence "look"  nice and be "Scenic" though!

In His Hands,
In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
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« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2007, 08:58:41 AM »

The fences and underpasses have worked great in the Big Cypress and on Big Pine Key.

Just and observation. Not saying it's right or wrong. But, the research and history is in place.
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« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2007, 10:40:14 AM »

The fences and underpasses have worked great in the Big Cypress and on Big Pine Key.

Just and observation. Not saying it's right or wrong. But, the research and history is in place.


   I don't understand what you mean to say by your above post. Not being critical, just asking to clarify.

In His Hands,
In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
Mark Twain - Notebook, 1904

« Reply #13 on: April 16, 2007, 01:27:43 PM »

It was pretty clear to me and probably everyone else.

The underpass project in the Big Cypress has really worked well. The animals use them and wildlife deaths as a result of cars are down a great deal. Just a fact, that's all.

Would you like me to make up some other explaination especially for you that incorporates deceit, treachery and hidden agendas?
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« Reply #14 on: April 16, 2007, 04:49:58 PM »

   No thank you, you are painting a picture of yourself very well....

  Just another question though, where does the government get the money to build these animal underpasses?

In His Hands,
In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
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« Reply #15 on: April 16, 2007, 05:02:05 PM »


If it's a picture in that imaginary world you live in, I hope it's a colorful one. You could use a little something to cheer you up in your obvioulsy gloomy state of being.

As far as how it's paid for, I'm sure that even you could get it in 3-4 guesses.  Huh
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« Reply #16 on: April 16, 2007, 05:09:38 PM »

  And this is what I mean by a bickering match....Don't you have a rally to plan for, an association to build? How do you have time to do that and pick on me? You must have many more hours in the day than I do.
   It would be nice to get a straight answer from a lawyer, wouldn't it? Or don't you know the answer?

In His Hands,
In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
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« Reply #17 on: April 16, 2007, 05:19:52 PM »

  And this is what I mean by a bickering match....Don't you have a rally to plan for, an association to build? How do you have time to do that and pick on me? You must have many more hours in the day than I do.
   It would be nice to get a straight answer from a lawyer, wouldn't it? Or don't you know the answer?

You call this a bickering match after you start it? Give me a break. You are not only ineffective (trust me, I have not even half the time in my day that you do yet I accomplish much more) but hypocritical as well. As far as picking on you, you bring it on yourself. Can you really expect to spout off garbage about and to people and not get slammed in return?

As in my posts concerning the statewide ORV matter, I've demonstrated your complete lack of ability relative to being effective and/or even having your voice heard in a meaningful manner (ie.- the November 22, 2005 meeting with the Governer or the February 2006 FWC Black Bear fiasco). Now, you demonstrate the uncanny ability to stray off track from the subject at hand. Seriously, you wanted someone to PAY you to be a lobbyist? You're kidding me right?

Regarding a response to your painfully obvious question, the answer is, "it depends".

In the case of a state road, state DOT funds combined with environmental tagged funds will be/have been used. (Example - SR29 underpasses) In the event a federally listed species is impacted, federal funding (often from the DOI) is utilized. (Example - US1 underpasses on Big Pine Key). If it involves an interstate, the fed steps in and picks up the tag. However, all of the money originates from the tax payer.

How's that Lisa? I sure hope you can understand it without reading in some conspiracy theory.

« Reply #18 on: April 16, 2007, 05:22:21 PM »

this is as painful and unproductive as watching grass grow

« Reply #19 on: April 16, 2007, 05:26:35 PM »

this is as painful and unproductive as watching grass grow

You know, you're right and I am sorry. I can't help it if Lisa can't just read a post and not dream up some conspiracy.

I am starting to get bored with her. She's not much of a challenge.

« Reply #20 on: April 16, 2007, 05:30:33 PM »

this is as painful and unproductive as watching grass grow

You know, you're right and I am sorry. I can't help it if Lisa can't just read a post and not dream up some conspiracy.

I am starting to get bored with her. She's not much of a challenge.

I wasn't referring to your posts, I'm referring to the ongoing saga with her.  I just don't understand it at all.  Why is she trying so hard to sabotage what she herself says she stands for?  mindboggling

« Reply #21 on: April 16, 2007, 05:33:25 PM »

this is as painful and unproductive as watching grass grow

You know, you're right and I am sorry. I can't help it if Lisa can't just read a post and not dream up some conspiracy.

I am starting to get bored with her. She's not much of a challenge.

I wasn't referring to your posts, I'm referring to the ongoing saga with her.  I just don't understand it at all.  Why is she trying so hard to sabotage what she herself says she stands for?  mindboggling

I understand you man. I can't understand her either. It truly is mindboggling. Oh well, some people you just can't reach no matter how obvious the truth becomes. Thanks for the support though, I appreciate it.
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« Reply #22 on: April 16, 2007, 05:39:45 PM »

  And that is all funded by our gas taxes.....I am glad we all think saving a turtle is worth paying almost $3.00/gal. for gas!
« Last Edit: April 16, 2007, 06:14:51 PM by lisa » Logged

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« Reply #23 on: April 16, 2007, 06:18:49 PM »

    Actually, the Black Bear issue was not a fiasco. I have had three people who have been fighting longer than you have said that for my first time, I did rather well...of course, I am not as schooled as you, as perfect as you in speaking in public.....I am human, and do get nervous infront of folks at times......Since you obviously don't can you tell me how to avoid that at all?

     Also, with the first bear attack, FWC will be held accountable...and interstingly enough, they have changed their policy regarding nuisance bears since then...wonder why they did that?Huh

   Again, were you at that meeting? I have a question about the next day and the Dry Torugas issue.....

In His Hands,
In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
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« Reply #24 on: April 16, 2007, 06:46:56 PM »


  Lisa I think what bothers most of us goes back to what our parents tought us at a young age "if you dont have something positive or nice to say do not say anything at all".Instead of pointing out all the things and people who you think are wrong with the association maybe point out the things that are right about it.We all here have a common goal to gain more access to public land in your case or in our case riding areas a slightly different but close enough to the same.We as agroup do not want to take the lets sit back and see what happens attitude any more,that does not work so we are now taking the lets get strength in numbers and be heard approach.If this does not work at least we tried and failed and did not just sit back and do nothing.But I also believe if this does not work we will try something else becouse our resiliance is unwavering and our numbers are great and growing we must succede. 
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