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This is just dissapointing
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Topic: This is just dissapointing (Read 3379 times)
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This is just dissapointing
February 26, 2007, 10:14:33 PM »
I havent been keeping up with the activties here but I wish I would have stayed away because im pissed now. So instead of just closing down the whole frekin area they decide to just give us a few crappy trails and make a pile of money off of us?!
I cannot belive this. First they have decided that they are going to issue saftey courses for kids as old as 15? If any kid is gonna ride on a 90 at fifteen or even 13 then its not going to be going fast enough to even move. Much less have to worry about saftey. But they have decided in all their infinite wisdom that they are gonna charge 75 per person to have some kids drive around cones. So then when they turn 16 they can go hop on a twin cylander 800?!?! I will be 16 by time this crap happens so I dont have to worry but my brother does. Ok so thats taken care of. I would have posted that under the saftey course post but the mod locked it? Anyway I also love that they are gonna charge 160 PER YEAR to ride on like 5 dusty tralis. Wow, I would rather save my money spend some on gas to ride somewhere else and still have 100 bucks to drop on some new tires or something like that! This seriously pisses me off. I remember 2 years ago when we started riding. It was just go somewhere, drop your tralier, hit MOB on the gps and just ride. Now we gotta take courses, pay fees, and stick to a few colored trails. I just cannot beilve this. I dont even know what to do! I guess ill just sell the quads and buy some frekin jet skis or something like that.
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Re: This is just dissapointing
Reply #1 on:
February 27, 2007, 08:04:29 PM »
I somewhat apologize for having allot of gramatical errors and whatnot. I know it sounds like allot of random thoughts but im still ticked at all this. Its just such a change. I remember when it was just park somewhere and go. Didnt matter where or when. You just rode wherever you wanted to. There was nothing wrong with that untill lawyers and orginzations came it and screwed everything up. Now we have like 5% of the trails we used to have, too many stuipid rules a fees, and now we get to take courses for something we already know how to do. I dont even know why we need all these useless orgnizations and crap. All its gonna do is punish the average riders. The few @$$holes that are tearing up the trails and trashing the place are still going to do it stuipid course or not. It just really makes me want to go hit something really hard. Does anyone agree with me or have anything to add cause all 70 so far either agree or dont care.
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Re: This is just dissapointing
Reply #2 on:
February 27, 2007, 08:40:15 PM »
Yea, I might be a little ticked about it too. Every time I drive up there, I am driving about $70k worth of truck, trailer and bikes that I paid taxes on. I also have a weekend home right in the forest that cost me another $50k that I also pay taxes on. Am I excited about all these restrictions? HELL TO THE NO!!
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Re: This is just dissapointing
Reply #3 on:
February 27, 2007, 09:06:17 PM »
Most of the people I know are riding oceola forest now because of this. Which is closer for me. But it seams that every time we turn around someone has there hand out.
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Re: This is just dissapointing
Reply #4 on:
February 28, 2007, 06:16:34 PM »
OK so the other 120 of you are OK WITH THIS?!? I was hoping for a little more support here. I see that onfa people have jumped in... Hmmm. Lets make our voice herd about all this! A good start is going to be the atv rally comming up.
2013 BF650i 4x4
Stock; for now..
Re: This is just dissapointing
Reply #5 on:
February 28, 2007, 06:49:19 PM »
No, I'm not in favor of these new fees. I enjoyed riding the forest when we could get off the beaten path and see the beauty that ONF has to share. I will miss our group rides, because if we have to pay a fee the majority of ppl will not ride there. ONF was the last place we could get a group ride together so that we could meet other members and new riders.
I feel horrible for the ppl like Chillin', Wilburzbro, and Ida who own cabins in ONF. That bought those cabins so they would have a nice place to stay, invite ppl to ride w/ them, and have great riding. For these ppl their land no longer has value in the aspect of going to enjoy their hobby. I see a good handful of these homes going up for sale in the near future if things go in this direction.
I'm fortunate that I have another place to ride but for how long? The changes being made to ONF are rediculous. At the very most if they want to charge a fee for usage it should be the same as Croom and Tate's Hell. Of which you pay a fee once a year and can ride both. Why not add ONF to this list of riding areas?
Are the hikers being charged to nature walk there? Are the ppl that ride horses being charge to ride there? Do they charge anyone else in this state or country that wants to use ONF? Why are we being singled out and charged to use land that is supposed to be free for use because it is a national forest. I could be incorrect on the last part but I would like to know if anyone else has to pay to use those trails. How about the hunters that set up tree stands on a national park? They can't own the land they are setting stands on so why aren't they being charged for sitting in the trees?
I will be at the rally. I have an always will stand behind Lisa, Thrumud, and Lswjth. These are our leaders and have made many sacrifices to figure out what is going on here. We had the wool pulled over our eyes and are now seeing the ramifications of the other groups deceit in their intentions. No one likes being lied to.
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Re: This is just dissapointing
Reply #6 on:
February 28, 2007, 07:01:14 PM »
I refuse to pay a fee to ride onf.I am glad I didn't join the onfa at the group ride.I will join when and if I see that they are making a difference the trail loops are a joke and onf will most likely never have a world class trail system.just my .02 P.S NO OFFENSE TO GRIZZ I KNOW HE WORKS HARD TO TRY TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE AT ONF.
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Re: This is just dissapointing
Reply #7 on:
February 28, 2007, 08:23:17 PM »
Just show up!!
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Location: Jacksonville
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Re: This is just dissapointing
Reply #8 on:
February 28, 2007, 09:55:16 PM »
Thats a good start. But we need something that is going to get the people that ride ONF noticed. They are talkin about a protest ride or something like that. The rally is going to be huge and get us noticed but we need a local thing. Im not sure exaticly what. The protest ride would be a thought but I dunno about all that. Im just so mad I really dont care what we do.
2013 BF650i 4x4
Stock; for now..
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