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Author Topic: Barneys of St Pete  (Read 4068 times)
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« on: October 25, 2006, 05:29:22 PM »

A coworker of mine took his son and a friend to River Ranch at the beginning of the month at which time his Quad stopped running after the first hour. He still stayed the weekend and worked on his bike while his son and friend rode but was never able to keep his bike running. He brought it to Barneys and asked them to give him an estimate. Two days later they told him to come pick up his bike. They told him they found the problem within minutes of looking at it and that it was a worn/weak fuel line that would collapse periodically. Not only did they not charge him for the estimate but they replaced the fuel line at no cost. I realize that it was only a six inch piece of fuel line but still!!!!!! That was a cool thing to do. He was so happy he gave the mechanic a $20.00 tip . Why can't I be that lucky? My wifes has been in the shop for a few months now.  Cry   Barneys deserves a pat on the back for that one.

« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2006, 07:38:15 PM »

well maybe they changed their tune after seeing how treating customers poorly can affect them .1150 reads later http://www.atvflorida.com/forum/index.php/topic,16511.25.html

« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2006, 08:00:48 PM »

You know i just noticed something .You were the only person to post anything positive on my thread about how barneys saint pete sucks, most people had simular experiances to me or knew someone who had a bad experiance there. This brings me to my next question ?Do you know some one that works there that makes sure you and your friends are taken care of. Or maybe worked there yourself at one time .Do you feel some obligation towards them that makes you feel the need to defend them.I am not trying to offend you honestly or be rude .Im just curious becouse until 2 1/2 months ago I would have defended them as a good dealer. I spent over 14k in that place easy and if you throw in everyone in my riding group together we spent over 60k .What I did not know was service after the sale sucked.If they were not getting easy money they did not want to deal with it.I was treated and talked to with such disrespect I would not send my worst enemys  (iraqi insurgeons) there. they charged me  for doing zero work they kept my bike there over three weeks (outside on top of that) there was surface rust on some fasteners looked like something was rubbing against the hood and corrosion on the clutch cable bracket.So I hate them . Angry
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« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2006, 07:34:02 PM »

To answer your question "no" I have never worked there or had any friends who worked there. If you reread my post in your thread you will find that I specifically said that I'm "not" defending what they did to you. I simply gave credit to the manager for responding in an open forum to an email he recieved regarding your incident. He not only admitted that their not perfect but also left his name and contact number which I still believe is commendable. Actually I said that I thought they were expensive. Perhaps if you would have gone back and reread my response before making an assumption of me you would have worded your question differently. Again,I never defended what they did to you.I think what they did for my coworker was great so if I want to compliment them for that particular dealing then I will. What gives you the right to question my actions or to incinuate that I have motives? They did right by me and they did right for my coworker which is why I chose to compliment them in the 'GOOD,BAD,OR UGLY" forum. No hidden motives or incentives just a good old fashion thanks.

« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2006, 08:06:28 PM »

To answer your question "no" I have never worked there or had any friends who worked there. If you reread my post in your thread you will find that I specifically said that I'm "not" defending what they did to you. I simply gave credit to the manager for responding in an open forum to an email he recieved regarding your incident. He not only admitted that their not perfect but also left his name and contact number which I still believe is commendable. Actually I said that I thought they were expensive. Perhaps if you would have gone back and reread my response before making an assumption of me you would have worded your question differently. Again,I never defended what they did to you.I think what they did for my coworker was great so if I want to compliment them for that particular dealing then I will. What gives you the right to question my actions or to incinuate that I have motives? They did right by me and they did right for my coworker which is why I chose to compliment them in the 'GOOD,BAD,OR UGLY" forum. No hidden motives or incentives just a good old fashion thanks.

I really am sorry for sounding like I was accusing you of something .That is not really what I wanted it to sound like. I am glad they treated you and your friends well ,I just wish I was treated with alittle respect from them .It really hurts when you spend a lot of money with someone and then your treated like trash, I gave them every opertunity to do the right thing before my first post .I think they were embarrased by being cought tring to scam some money out of me .I guess they did not realize I am not mechanicly dumb and when i called them on the carpet they had no reply and just hoped I would go away.I email'd Jack the service manager with all details of the incedent and answered every question he asked me to over a month later and still no response I even e mailed him a reminder ,still no response.He posted all high and mighty how I owe him this and that ,and again I gave him a chance to redeem himself even though in reality I was owed an apology and some money back and he was truly owed nothing.After all the money I personally spent and my close friends have spent being treated like that really hurt.I have lost all respect for Barneys and their staff.I guess that is why I sounded accusive towards you and I hope youll forgive me.

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« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2006, 08:35:10 PM »

Not a problem,no harm done. I do feel sorry for you and if it were me that was wronged and then got ignored I would go down and stand in the middle of the showroom making a scene until the manager spoke to me directly.It's not so much the money thing with me as it is the principle. I try to show people respect and expect it back and to be ignored is not acceptable in my book. I do try to settle my differences via telephone or email first when treated badly while doing buisness but after getting ignored I have absolutely no problem confronting someone in person. Even if that doesn't work at least you'll feel alot better for getting it off your chest. Good luck and good riding.
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