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Dirty or not?
Is David Bohnstadt a dirty rider?
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Topic: Dirty or not? (Read 18875 times)
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Re: Dirty or not?
Reply #25 on:
June 29, 2006, 05:44:26 PM »
Like I said and I quote," I was behind the incident that got the whole thing started about david being a dirty racer" it was the intermediate class the first night that we came out. I dont know how much more clear I have to be.
Last Edit: June 29, 2006, 05:46:10 PM by 450r91
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Re: Dirty or not?
Reply #26 on:
June 29, 2006, 07:10:48 PM »
I've heard enough of this BS. This whole thing was dropped between the two riders after the race. Instead of trying to start trouble and talk bad about the track( that is new to having 4 wheelers)why dont all of you work together to make it a better place to race.
There are too many people trying to make this a good track and promote it for someone to sit here and talk about something that was solved at the track and didnt involve them. I know if it wasnt for HILLKILLER things wouldnt be so good at Thunderbowl. This man is always on the phone getting updates from Tim and Ray and telling them about rules and guidelines we need to go by. So why dont you just drop it and let what happened go. It wasnt you so dont worry about it.
Hoosier Daddy
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Re: Dirty or not?
Reply #27 on:
June 29, 2006, 07:56:06 PM »
YEAH! what she said!
BLISS Feed, Hay, and Race Fuels Zephyrhills, Fl
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Re: Dirty or not?
Reply #28 on:
June 29, 2006, 08:03:08 PM »
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Re: Dirty or not?
Reply #29 on:
June 29, 2006, 08:12:55 PM »
Listen guys. I do not know what happened at the track the last race as I was not there. I simply am replying to the poll that asks if Dave Bohnstadt is a dirty racer or not. The answer is no. He is aggressive and wants to win, but that does not under any circumstances make some one a dirty racer. A dirty racer is someone who intentionally puts you in the wall and tries to hurt you. In all the years I have known Dave, he would never wish harm or ill will on any of you. From what I can see it all started with some bumping, and it seems as if it was settled between the racers. I will say, and everyone on here should listen unless they are completely ignorant, Dave Bohnstadt is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. I can put money on it that if anybody at that track needed help and went and asked him for it, they would get it. The man has been racing for many years, and although new at TT racing, it seems as if he still beat you all at your own game pretty soundly. He is a logical person, and if you will all give him a chance, he could be one of your best friends. That being said, he will not be intimidated on the track. He may be new to your track, but he will put you in your place if you try to intimidate him. That does not make him dirty though. He will hold his line, and you will have to work to get around him. Talk to him one on one in a civilized manner and you may all learn a little something. I know he has shown me a lot when it comes to quads. Just my 2 cents worth.
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Re: Dirty or not?
Reply #30 on:
June 29, 2006, 08:16:39 PM »
I agree with that.
Hoosier Daddy
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Re: Dirty or not?
Reply #31 on:
June 29, 2006, 08:27:34 PM »
well i guess when he can race with out a black flag, then ill belive that.. but for the time being ill go with what has happened to me personaly and what i have seen with my own two eyes. Im sure hes a nice person he just needs to calm down some.
One thing i wish he would do is take his cool down lap, hes going to get broad sided someday because the guy on his right will be turning left to take his lap and david will make a 90 deg right turn at the same time... its happened before...
Now is David in on this thread or not?
BLISS Feed, Hay, and Race Fuels Zephyrhills, Fl
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Re: Dirty or not?
Reply #32 on:
June 29, 2006, 08:33:19 PM »
CBRJC24: On June 28th you think David B. is the dirtiest, most unsportsmanlike racer there is, and in the process tried to alienate all sorts of people, namely us "locals". Now, on June 29th you agree that he is a nice guy and an good, aggressive rider? Do the "locals" a favor, and keep you instigating self at home on July 8th. Maybe there's some Law & Order re-runs you could watch or something. We are all there to race and have a good time, and don't need your negative vibe.
Posts: 11
Re: Dirty or not?
Reply #33 on:
June 29, 2006, 11:12:20 PM »
Quote from 450r91:
"Look, I was directly behind the incident that happened that got this whole thing started, Its just a case of someone getting a little to hot headed over it, because 2 people were going for the holeshot at the same time and coming into the corner. David was indeed in front and carrying his line totally fine, the other guy came in under him which cause the small bump. This was EXACTLY what happened, because I had to tap the brakes to avoid the guy from coming into me. Im not putting this post up to start anything but telling how I saw being that I was 5 feet from it, to settle this once and for all"
Dude you are so full of sh!t. do you not realize people out there tape every race? You say you were directly behind the incident that happened....what you are doing is purposely trying to mislead everyone to think you are some sort of credible witness by making them think you raced in the open class main event. then later on this board you say that you meant the race last time. That is pure BS!! You had to tap your brakes?? What?? In the video you were no where near them. In that race a few weeks ago you were more like 100 feet behind when David bumped that 250R.
Don't put tall tales on here cause someone like me will call you on it.
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Re: Dirty or not?
Reply #34 on:
June 29, 2006, 11:58:39 PM »
WOW! I feel bad for David. Because alot of things are being discussed about him that he has no say so in! Probably would make me not want to come back! The sad part is, that someone like Dave could bring alot of high quality fast guys w/ him to the track to make competition better! But, probably wont because of all the drama involved! He is an awsome guy and an unbelievable rider! Outside of a circle track, there is noone at Ocala that could race w/ him! I understand what its like to go from the riding styles and conditions that he and I race in and try to race Flattrack! Its hard because you have to draw the line between aggressive and too aggressive!
Now this may cause a little controversy! And its not meant to! But, someone said something about going speeds of 65mph! I dont think that track carries those types of speeds! Ive raced TT tracks that are alot faster with alot more straight away and the bikes are barely hitting 60-65! And there is alot of contact in TT racing. I would definately like to see some type of rule structure to dictate what is aloud and what is not! I dont consider myself a dirty rider by any means. But I dont mind a little "rubbing"! Whether its being done to me or Im doing it to someone else! Its just a REALLY FINE LINE between "rubbing" and "bumping". If your faster than the guy in front of you, then it is almost impossible to not touch him in some form or fashion!
But bashing one of the premier riders around who is actually an awesome and humble person is not cool! If your gonna punk him, then do it to him! Not here! Sorry for rambling.
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Re: Dirty or not?
Reply #35 on:
June 30, 2006, 12:46:54 AM »
No contraversey at all. Them open class boys had gps out there one night and were hitting 60 mph on a dry dusty track. if the track had been prepped and grippy then probly would have been faster still. that track surface is hard as hell so if you tumble not only will your bike be mangled (ask superstar) but youll most likely be tore up too. at least at sand mountain most of the track surface is a softer loose dirt not a compact clay that resembles asphault.
rtr, you said it just as several before you have. this discussion is unneeded and probably isnt what David wants but we can all thank cbrjc24 for stirring up this mess and throwing him in the middle of debate (way to go!
) . you are also right that rubbing is ok but cbrjc24 said hisself that david bumps people so if anyone is getting david a bad rap its the guy who started this thread.
Posts: 11
Re: Dirty or not?
Reply #36 on:
June 30, 2006, 01:04:19 AM »
Quote from: justloudmufflers on June 29, 2006, 08:12:55 PM
Listen guys. I do not know what happened at the track the last race as I was not there. I simply am replying to the poll that asks if Dave Bohnstadt is a dirty racer or not. The answer is no. He is aggressive and wants to win, but that does not under any circumstances make some one a dirty racer. A dirty racer is someone who intentionally puts you in the wall and tries to hurt you.
so if he is not a dirty racer is he riding over his head and out of control? how else do you explain someone hitting you from behind? he has been involved now with two diffrent riders in two diffrent classes. Here's a thought to ponder: What's worse? someone who is dirty and intentionally tries to wreck you or someone who rides aggressively competitive but causes wrecks? THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE. either way that peson will eventually hurt someone. if they are nice and dont mean to do it, it still doesn't change the result that someone is injured and there stuff is tore up. the moral of the story is pass clean, you have 15 laps to get to the front and since he has a 60 hp motor he shouldnt have any problem.
Quote from: justloudmufflers on June 29, 2006, 08:12:55 PM
That being said, he will not be intimidated on the track. He may be new to your track, but he will put you in your place if you try to intimidate him.
now that s a brilliant statement. Are you trying to put a target on his back? if he wants everyone to know he won't be intimidated and he ll put them in there place then let him say that himself. its not good to put words in his mouth.
Quote from: cbrjc24 on June 29, 2006, 03:51:29 PM
Do you have a problem with clear defined rules?
that question is as retarded as this poll you started. you said you were at the drivers meeting. how much clearer do the words NO BUMPING have to be? is english not your first language or do you need a translator? As hard as Hillkiller has worked at getting people to come out I doubt he has a problem with rules.this flatrack thing is in its infantcy at ocala and they have rules that are mostly common sense like safety gear, etc but since he doesnt work for the track why arent you asking the track officials for rules instead of getting on here and complaining?
Last Edit: June 30, 2006, 01:21:09 AM by PassenYou
Hoosier Daddy
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Re: Dirty or not?
Reply #37 on:
June 30, 2006, 06:00:24 AM »
I brought my radar gun out a few months ago, the open riders were running 60-62MPH.
You know i wouldnt BS ya.
BLISS Feed, Hay, and Race Fuels Zephyrhills, Fl
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Re: Dirty or not?
Reply #38 on:
June 30, 2006, 06:05:21 AM »
Just so ya know....
there are several 60-70+ bikes out there.
One of the problems with this whole thread, is the negativity it puts on Torri and ATP since they are both involved with him. One thing that is really important to a sponsor is how the rider acts and maintains himself in the public eye.
Last Edit: June 30, 2006, 06:10:06 AM by Hoosier Daddy
BLISS Feed, Hay, and Race Fuels Zephyrhills, Fl
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Re: Dirty or not?
Reply #39 on:
June 30, 2006, 06:16:10 AM »
Quote from: PassenYou on June 29, 2006, 11:12:20 PM
Quote from 450r91:
"Look, I was directly behind the incident that happened that got this whole thing started, Its just a case of someone getting a little to hot headed over it, because 2 people were going for the holeshot at the same time and coming into the corner. David was indeed in front and carrying his line totally fine, the other guy came in under him which cause the small bump. This was EXACTLY what happened, because I had to tap the brakes to avoid the guy from coming into me. Im not putting this post up to start anything but telling how I saw being that I was 5 feet from it, to settle this once and for all"
Dude you are so full of sh!t. do you not realize people out there tape every race? You say you were directly behind the incident that happened....what you are doing is purposely trying to mislead everyone to think you are some sort of credible witness by making them think you raced in the open class main event. then later on this board you say that you meant the race last time. That is pure BS!! You had to tap your brakes?? What?? In the video you were no where near them. In that race a few weeks ago you were more like 100 feet behind when David bumped that 250R.
Don't put tall tales on here cause someone like me will call you on it.
YA the guy on the 250r!
I just thought he was mad that a guy thats 240lbs passed him on a 20yr old bike. I was pretty pissed off at the time because i passed him fair and square and he had to nail me to move me over... thought i was pretty cheap... but, he sweares it was an "accident" so I let it slide, but if it happens again.. ill be returning the favor..just as im sure he would... Flat track racing is a race of finesse and problem solving, not busting you way through.
Last Edit: June 30, 2006, 06:18:50 AM by Hoosier Daddy
BLISS Feed, Hay, and Race Fuels Zephyrhills, Fl
"Character is what you have when no one is looking"
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Re: Dirty or not?
Reply #40 on:
June 30, 2006, 07:03:45 AM »
First and foremost I have always been on David's side. I never said he was a dirty racer. Second one of your own local racers, I believe his name is Scooter?? said one of you locals bumped him about three races ago, and no comments were made, and no black flag was thrown. So is this really about bumping, or the fact that a MX racer on a MX bike, a stroker bike, on knobbies, and on flat track tires has handed you all your asses in two classes two weeks in a row. You all say you want to end this thread, however when Justloudmufflers told you the difference between dirty racing and competitive racing you continue to bash David and his friends. David knows what is being written on these pages, and he only wishes to be known as a nice guy, I know, as I talked to him myself. You say David rides out of control, however one of you admitted that some guys do not get out of the throttle in the corners, that is out of control too. Full throttle in a corner you are at the mercy of your tires, and if they fail to hold you will cause a major wreck. This whole thread was done in fun, as I am the one who started it, so I should know. You all say you have no hard feelings, but you are all so worked up that you got bumped by a new guy, that you fail to remember when you yourselves bumped people before David ever came out to race. I started this thread to show that opinions are like ass holes and every one has one, and to show the simple fact that the local racers who have been going to that track week in and week out will always see David as a dirty racer, and those who really know him will not. I am done posting here, as I have worked you up enough. I do believe I proved my point. See all you TT boys at the MX track....or is that too dirty for you - no pun intended?
Hoosier Daddy
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Re: Dirty or not?
Reply #41 on:
June 30, 2006, 07:23:12 AM »
Quote from: cbrjc24 on June 30, 2006, 07:03:45 AM
First and foremost I have always been on David's side. I never said he was a dirty racer. Second one of your own local racers, I believe his name is Scooter?? said one of you locals bumped him about three races ago, and no comments were made, and no black flag was thrown. So is this really about bumping, or the fact that a MX racer on a MX bike, a stroker bike, on knobbies, and on flat track tires has handed you all your asses in two classes two weeks in a row. You all say you want to end this thread, however when Justloudmufflers told you the difference between dirty racing and competitive racing you continue to bash David and his friends. David knows what is being written on these pages, and he only wishes to be known as a nice guy, I know, as I talked to him myself. You say David rides out of control, however one of you admitted that some guys do not get out of the throttle in the corners, that is out of control too. Full throttle in a corner you are at the mercy of your tires, and if they fail to hold you will cause a major wreck. This whole thread was done in fun, as I am the one who started it, so I should know. You all say you have no hard feelings, but you are all so worked up that you got bumped by a new guy, that you fail to remember when you yourselves bumped people before David ever came out to race. I started this thread to show that opinions are like ass holes and every one has one, and to show the simple fact that the local racers who have been going to that track week in and week out will always see David as a dirty racer, and those who really know him will not. I am done posting here, as I have worked you up enough. I do believe I proved my point. See all you TT boys at the MX track....or is that too dirty for you - no pun intended?
Ummm its a Flat Track not a TT track...
what is a "local"? the only one who lives even close to ocala is... Brian. Everyone else drives more than an hour...
Last Edit: June 30, 2006, 07:25:52 AM by Hoosier Daddy
BLISS Feed, Hay, and Race Fuels Zephyrhills, Fl
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Re: Dirty or not?
Reply #42 on:
June 30, 2006, 09:03:46 AM »
Hoosier Daddy
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Re: Dirty or not?
Reply #43 on:
June 30, 2006, 09:37:16 AM »
Oh so you mean requlars? not locals right? well that makes about 30 riders who come there every race..
so what bike is yours again?
BLISS Feed, Hay, and Race Fuels Zephyrhills, Fl
"Character is what you have when no one is looking"
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Re: Dirty or not?
Reply #44 on:
June 30, 2006, 09:43:16 AM »
Do you ever quit arguing?
No matter what I say you have some dumb ass or smart ass comment. You ride lowered bikes with sway bars - very similar to tt style bikes, sorry didn't mean to upset you. Get over it it is done. You lost. See you next race, and you will know who i am ok - I will put blinkers on my quad so you know when to move over
Hoosier Daddy
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Re: Dirty or not?
Reply #45 on:
June 30, 2006, 09:56:42 AM »
Im not upset at all and Im not complaining at all nor and I tring to be a wise ass.
A TT track has Jumps and turns, a flat track doesnt.
Quick question... Have you ever passed me on the track? No, now when you wanna race for some cash let me know, I love free money...
Im curious, why are you so scared to say who you are or what you ride? scared or just a coward who hides behind a screen being an "Internet tough guy"?
Oh and i thought you said "Im done posting here" that was You.. right.
I will say this, I have raced with Tim, Doug, Gary, Steven, Dave, & Megan. for years, more than likely 50-60 races not one time have any of these guys raced without the concern for saftey, and if something did happen there would come up to you RIGHT after a race and talk about what happened. I think thats really the issue with David, he pushes you out of the way and doesnt say a word to you about it. All these guys come from good familys are the kind of people who would help you out off the track as well as on it.
Last Edit: June 30, 2006, 10:40:36 AM by Hoosier Daddy
BLISS Feed, Hay, and Race Fuels Zephyrhills, Fl
"Character is what you have when no one is looking"
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Re: Dirty or not?
Reply #46 on:
June 30, 2006, 10:03:00 AM »
I can't let you have the last word. If you love money, start a money class. Then we will see how clean everyone is.
Last Edit: June 30, 2006, 10:04:55 AM by cbrjc24
Hoosier Daddy
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Re: Dirty or not?
Reply #47 on:
June 30, 2006, 10:08:13 AM »
so do you want to race me or not?
you and me 15 laps.. $100
still not going to say who you are huh?
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Re: Dirty or not?
Reply #48 on:
June 30, 2006, 10:56:44 AM »
Is somebody cooking chicken ?
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Re: Dirty or not?
Reply #49 on:
June 30, 2006, 11:32:01 AM »
This whole time I have been talking about the Am class, shows how much you pay attention, Not only to mention the only lettering that i had at the time were four zero's so my number was double zero. I was never running in with what you guys call your pro class but its not more like an open class, Im not affraid to admit I wasnt running it. This whole thing about David being a dirty racer started in the start of the Am class in turn one about a month ago and YES I was right behind it. Im also not affraid to admit who I am Its a black 450r with Torri logo number backgrounds. So yet again who is starting all the animosity here? Its funny how Sandmountain never ever had any problems with anything of the issues yet we get out to Ocala and everyone cries and bitches like a bunch of babies
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