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Another Chinese nightmare-dont buy Komoto
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Topic: Another Chinese nightmare-dont buy Komoto (Read 5638 times)
Junior Member
Location: Tampa
Posts: 68
Another Chinese nightmare-dont buy Komoto
June 22, 2006, 01:18:13 AM »
Hi, still new to the site but wanted to give a heads up for yet another Chinese brand that is total junk.
About 2 months ago I was in the market for a ATV for my wife. Although very hesitant I decided to give one of the cheap Chinese quads a try to save a few bucks. I bought one on Ebay from a place in Oklahoma called Anamcycles. Well when it arrived the trouble began. One of the rear tires got a crease on the bead in shipping and wouldnt seal. They told me to ship it back and they would replace it. Had it at 3 different tire shops and even with the right equipment they couldnt get it on. Instead of shipping the tire back and getting a replacement I bought a new tire. Once I had the tire problem fixed I started up the quad and drove it around for a few minutes, then it stalled a few times and while trying to start it the positive and negative wires from the battery melted. Never did find any kind of a short anywhere and replaced the cables with heavy gauge car battery cable and also replaced the battery. Up and running again we took it up to our riding place and got to ride it maybe 15 minutes before it stalled and wouldnt start again. Once we got it back home I tried starting it and the starter gear stripped out and also stripped and chipped a tooth on the starter to motor gear. A call to the company I bought it from and they told me to send back the starter and gear and they would send out new parts. They got the parts and sent out the new ones same day no problem there. So I put the new starter and gear on this past week and tried running it again. It started up fine but wouldnt run, the plug was fouled. After trying to find a plug locally with no luck I gave up and just cleaned the plug and got it running again. Now with the idle adjusted correctly and running the idle surges up and down until it finally stalls out. I have tried cleaning the carb, adjusting everything but still nothing fixed the surging issue. Tried starting it up again and once again the new starter has binded up and will not turn over, another call to the company and cannot get any answer and they wont answer my emails. In the 2 months I have owned this thing it has only been able to be used a total of 15 mins before it breaks. I would try to sell it but its hard to sell something that doesnt run and something you cant even get parts to fix the thing with. Now with $2000 tied up in this pile, Its really ashame these things can even be sold in this country without any type of quality control so people dont lose their hard earned money. So dont buy from the seller that uses the names komoto-motors or best--buy on Ebay.
2008 Suzuki LTR450 Limited Edition
LeBlanc Outdoors
Re: Another Chinese nightmare-dont buy Komoto
Reply #1 on:
June 22, 2006, 08:36:27 AM »
As a seller of Chinese imports, I have to say this is the biggest problem we see, dropshipped bikes from E-Bay or other similar venues. A reliable dealer sells from their shop only, sets up the bike properly, which takes a couple of hours(assemble, check all bolts, change shipping oil, add fuel filter, change to NGK plug, adjust carb and valves if necessary, di-electric grease to electrical connections, add acid to battery, let set 2hours, trickle charge 24hrs, test ride). The consumer then gets to see,touch, ride before buying. Consumer also gets their warranty work done where they bought the bike. Unfortunately this costs money, and it is difficult to compete with a dropshipper who never sees the bike, just orders it from the importer who ships the unit directly to you the end user, for you to deal with any shipping problems, manufacturers defects, etc. As with many of the other area dealers this is frustrating to us as well, as we sell from only the best Chinese manufacturers, spend the time to give you a good bike, and stand behind what we sell.
The Chinese market is growing rapidly and a select few of the manufacturers from China are striving to build quality products, now the Chinese don't have a patent system like we do, and smaller behind the barn companies clone the plastic and put a piece of $h*t underneath it.
Like with anything else, do your homework. Hope you get your issues straightened out, if you need any tech advice PM me.
Last Edit: June 22, 2006, 08:45:30 AM by LeBlanc Outdoors
Supreme Member
Location: Jacksonville
Posts: 1572
Semper Fi
Re: Another Chinese nightmare-dont buy Komoto
Reply #2 on:
July 05, 2006, 07:19:52 PM »
Ok heres what I dont understand. If the Chinese market has manufactures trying to build a better quad then why dont you just buy from those manufactures. I personally wouldnt buy a Chinese quad not because of China but just the fact that they have not proven themselves as a reliable market to buy from. I'd rather spend that kind of money on something more reputible. Take a look at Tiwan. It took them forever to become what they are today. They got themselves into a pickle when they decided to enter the american market. They couldn't cheap out and take that road because China had already beat them to it. So they really stepped it up and now are very good. And I bet soon that they are gonna start to make the major manufactures sweat cause your gonna be able to get american or japanese performance for a lower price.
2013 BF650i 4x4
Stock; for now..
LeBlanc Outdoors
Re: Another Chinese nightmare-dont buy Komoto
Reply #3 on:
July 05, 2006, 09:00:21 PM »
Unfortunately almost all of the Chinese importers are more intent on dropshipping as many cheap units as posible, then forgetting the end user. Some of the better Chinese units are competetive with the smaller displacement US and Jap bikes, and their 250cc-400cc bikes are more or less cloned from US and Jap bikes of 5-7 years ago and can be decent units for the money. Like any bike they need to be assembled by a qualified dealer, tested and tweaked, then stood behind with parts availability.
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