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Topic: 9-11-conspiracy (Read 12998 times)
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Re: 9-11-conspiracy
Reply #25 on:
May 15, 2006, 02:54:59 PM »
I dont know about the video or the conspiracy other than hearsay. Think about this, if those massively tall buildings actually FELL over it would be a domino effect in the largest city in the world. I was thinking more on the level, that their is a detonation device in every skyscraper, not just the Twin Towers. If the tower leans or comes in danger of falling over, then the thing is imploded to save the city and thousands more people. I know this sounds silly, but think about it. I It is an engineering or architectural destruction preventative device. Nobody could know about this device, because who the heck would work in a building like that & where would you house all the people in that city if not for tall buildings. Just another tought to think about. Oh yeah, did the govt hire actors to get on the planes and act like terrorists, because they deserve an academy award if so.
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Re: 9-11-conspiracy
Reply #26 on:
May 15, 2006, 03:51:24 PM »
Quote from: greenmachine on May 15, 2006, 02:54:59 PM
I dont know about the video or the conspiracy other than hearsay. Think about this, if those massively tall buildings actually FELL over it would be a domino effect in the largest city in the world. I was thinking more on the level, that their is a detonation device in every skyscraper, not just the Twin Towers. If the tower leans or comes in danger of falling over, then the thing is imploded to save the city and thousands more people. I know this sounds silly, but think about it. I It is an engineering or architectural destruction preventative device. Nobody could know about this device, because who the heck would work in a building like that & where would you house all the people in that city if not for tall buildings. Just another tought to think about.
Oh yeah, did the govt hire actors to get on the planes and act like terrorists, because they deserve an academy award if so.
If your making reference to the calls that the people made talking about the terrorists when they were on the plane, they were fake, there is no doubt about that.
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Re: 9-11-conspiracy
Reply #27 on:
May 15, 2006, 04:42:57 PM »
Quote from: Dr.Dirt on May 15, 2006, 03:51:24 PM
Quote from: greenmachine on May 15, 2006, 02:54:59 PM
I dont know about the video or the conspiracy other than hearsay. Think about this, if those massively tall buildings actually FELL over it would be a domino effect in the largest city in the world. I was thinking more on the level, that their is a detonation device in every skyscraper, not just the Twin Towers. If the tower leans or comes in danger of falling over, then the thing is imploded to save the city and thousands more people. I know this sounds silly, but think about it. I It is an engineering or architectural destruction preventative device. Nobody could know about this device, because who the heck would work in a building like that & where would you house all the people in that city if not for tall buildings. Just another tought to think about.
Oh yeah, did the govt hire actors to get on the planes and act like terrorists, because they deserve an academy award if so.
If your making reference to the calls that the people made talking about the terrorists when they were on the plane, they were fake, there is no doubt about that.
???Actually I was talking about the guys who took over the plane & spoke unknowingly on open air in arabic. I guess you mean that Todd Beamer was a fictitious character & the immortal words "Lets Roll" are just a ploy to make money for that woman who said she was his wife & the kids are just acting like his kids?
It happened, they did it & we are kicking their azzes for it. We will get Usama, just wait until election time!!!!!
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Re: 9-11-conspiracy
Reply #28 on:
May 15, 2006, 04:57:29 PM »
He is hiding in the mountains of Pakistan & Pakistan wont let us in to openly hunt the bass-turd.
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Re: 9-11-conspiracy
Reply #29 on:
May 15, 2006, 04:58:21 PM »
Just gets back t o points of US supporting,Iran,Cuba,Contras and hell even bin dikhead! If you dont believe it was remotely possible than you havent watched the video!
If I got to pay $ 3 a gallon for fuel,$687 a month for healthcare $6800 year taxes,$2200 a year insurance which my agent told me will double this July renewal.Than WTF are our men fighting for? I have to work 10 times harder to afford a comfortable lifestyle & those that have millions make billions more on insider tips of stack market ! Martha Stewart was just caught as well as ENnron.How many BILLIONS of dollars were gotten away with? It definatley dont HELP me or the USA! Thats for darn sure.
The term crooked politician is there for a reason!All there buddies have there hand in the till too!You read about this stuff monthly from local city all the way up to Big Business US government.I would HATE to rthink it were possible & Dont want to believs it but facts are facts....When there is big money to be made people get hurt & die!
Last Edit: May 15, 2006, 05:00:34 PM by bushwacker
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Re: 9-11-conspiracy
Reply #30 on:
May 15, 2006, 05:18:41 PM »
Bushwacker, why don't you do us a favor and give us a brief synopsis of the video, what were the main points?
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Re: 9-11-conspiracy
Reply #31 on:
May 15, 2006, 05:33:57 PM »
This basically covers the whole of events on 911 it would be lengthy to summarize.Watch the video I am not cheerleading it but if its worth the time to post on the subject it would be well worth the time to watch even FF through some of it.It gives real time news footage,interviews with firefighters,refutes theories that a airliner could bring down a building,let alone leaving billion dollars in gold in basement when all else was incenerated.IE: how could the gold survive when steel rated @ a higher burn point melted? IE: passports from terrorist found and nothing else? IE: some of the so called dead terrorists still alive & well in different countries?Major shorting & puts bought in stock market forboeing,a week prior to events.US congress,sec state,etc warned not to fly on particular dates,almost all of this is backed up by news stories,e-mail,memo,public info,911 tapes etc...
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Re: 9-11-conspiracy
Reply #32 on:
May 15, 2006, 08:37:12 PM »
Drivel all drivel. I don't understand how anyone could believe that drivel. No I did not watch all of the video because I was about to vomit due do its lies and half truths. To believe anything this video said would be amazing, it would take a secret plan that would have to include thousands of people. Hospital in middle east treating OBL, secret plans for attacks by planes to the WTC and so on?
I can't even begin to disprove all the points that I saw, but I know who could. Every major city in every state of this country has a newspaper (at least 2 and often more) and they also have at least 3-4 television stations. All these newspapers and televison stations have investigative reporters. I don't know but lets just say there is 1000 of these reporters. These men and women look for the biggest stories possible. For just uncovering this massive conspiracy these reporters would be deluged with 6 figure job opportunities. Yet I have not seen 1 legitamate report of conspiracy. As a matter of fact I have seen a special that disproved any conspiracy. Although I don't remember who put this special out, it was from a major network.
We do know 2 planes hit the WTC, and for you people who say it was a controlled demolition give me a break. If you watch a controlled demo most of the time they blow from the bottom up. In the case of the WTC your saying it blew from the top down. Maybe it's possible that the jet fuel burned so hot that it weakend the steel column holding the building up and the weight of (I'm not sure of the exact #) 30 or so floors crashing down caused the building to drop strait down. Why is this so hard to believe. As far as the gold in the basement not buring because of this jet fuel, well lets look at that. There was over 70 stories of debris on top of this basement yes maybe there were some flames but nothing like the point of impact.
If I truly believed there was a conspiracy as you speak it would have to involve thousands of people in the govt alone. Maybe these people forced all the newspapers and tv stations not to report on conspiracy, so there are now a thousand more people that know of this conspiracy. All these people in the know and no one talks come on! If a govt as evil as you suggest controlled this country why would you stick around? All these 1000's of people that know of conspiracy and yet there is no large exodus from this country. It's just the opposite, 1000's of people everyday cross into this country illegaly just to be here.
If you already have your mind made up nothing will change it but this conspiracy theory is total bull, stay off these wacko sites that are filling your mind with this garbage and you would be better off. I will stick with my original thought "The weak minded are easily influenced".
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Re: 9-11-conspiracy
Reply #33 on:
May 15, 2006, 09:51:05 PM »
Just a few random thoughts of mine... No one ever knows the truth to anything. No matter what the topic is, all the American people will hear is what the government wants us to hear. This is also true for local things like our sport. How many times to we turn on the news to hear bad articals about ATVs? Is all that bad news the only truth?? We all know it's not. And I'm sure this is true for everything. As bad as it sounds, you can basically only trust yourself and your family... and half the time even they are questionable. What makes anyone think they can trust someone they've never even met? Big money can make even the humblest person do wrong things.
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Re: 9-11-conspiracy
Reply #34 on:
May 15, 2006, 10:21:53 PM »
Quote from: FishaHallic on May 15, 2006, 08:37:12 PM
Drivel all drivel. I don't understand how anyone could believe that drivel. No I did not watch all of the video because I was about to vomit due do its lies and half truths. To believe anything this video said would be amazing, it would take a secret plan that would have to include thousands of people. Hospital in middle east treating OBL, secret plans for attacks by planes to the WTC and so on?
I can't even begin to disprove all the points that I saw, but I know who could. Every major city in every state of this country has a newspaper (at least 2 and often more) and they also have at least 3-4 television stations. All these newspapers and televison stations have investigative reporters. I don't know but lets just say there is 1000 of these reporters. These men and women look for the biggest stories possible. For just uncovering this massive conspiracy these reporters would be deluged with 6 figure job opportunities. Yet I have not seen 1 legitamate report of conspiracy. As a matter of fact I have seen a special that disproved any conspiracy. Although I don't remember who put this special out, it was from a major network.
We do know 2 planes hit the WTC, and for you people who say it was a controlled demolition give me a break. If you watch a controlled demo most of the time they blow from the bottom up. In the case of the WTC your saying it blew from the top down. Maybe it's possible that the jet fuel burned so hot that it weakend the steel column holding the building up and the weight of (I'm not sure of the exact #) 30 or so floors crashing down caused the building to drop strait down. Why is this so hard to believe. As far as the gold in the basement not buring because of this jet fuel, well lets look at that. There was over 70 stories of debris on top of this basement yes maybe there were some flames but nothing like the point of impact.
If I truly believed there was a conspiracy as you speak it would have to involve thousands of people in the govt alone. Maybe these people forced all the newspapers and tv stations not to report on conspiracy, so there are now a thousand more people that know of this conspiracy. All these people in the know and no one talks come on! If a govt as evil as you suggest controlled this country why would you stick around? All these 1000's of people that know of conspiracy and yet there is no large exodus from this country. It's just the opposite, 1000's of people everyday cross into this country illegaly just to be here.
If you already have your mind made up nothing will change it but this conspiracy theory is total bull, stay off these wacko sites that are filling your mind with this garbage and you would be better off. I will stick with my original thought "The weak minded are easily influenced".
The reason you don't see anything in the news paper or on the t.v. news is because they are all own by jewish business owners influence by the Israeli Gov. Thats the whole reason why were in Iraq, fighting Israel's war for them and next is Iran. Its not really about oil, Its about religion. Another note to remember Israel contributes more money to each politcal parties than big oil, pharmaceutical and insurance companies combined. Bet you didn't know that did ya.
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Re: 9-11-conspiracy
Reply #35 on:
May 15, 2006, 10:24:40 PM »
I agree with everything SomBch said. Alot of mistakes were made by this and previous administrations. Could we have avoided 9-11, who knows. But if you remember we went into Afghanistan 1st. The Taliban were harboring OBL and they had to go first.
I believe Goerge W went after Iraq because of the hit they put out on his father 10 yrs ealier. I don't remember the exact details but I think they had a death squad sent into Kuwait to kill then President Bush during a state visit after the first gulf war.
In this case I agreed with Goerge W that Irag was thumbing their nose at the UN and the US and we couldn't let it go on any longer. The problem is he should have gone in with many more troops but that's another story. George W said he went to Iraq because they were harboring terroriist but I believe it was for the reasons already mentioned.
Those were good points SomBch
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Re: 9-11-conspiracy
Reply #36 on:
May 15, 2006, 10:32:09 PM »
trx@9, um...........well.........ah.....WOW you have it figured out now! It's all the jews they are the reason for all the worlds problems. Did you graduate from Adolph Hitler High by any chance? I havn't heard that kind of nonsense since the Heraldo Riveira Show and maybe a little on Jerry Springer in his early days. Pull your head out of the sand man
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Re: 9-11-conspiracy
Reply #37 on:
May 15, 2006, 10:52:42 PM »
George W was born with a silver spoon in his mouth supplied by his father. His dad also got him out of the Vietnam war by pulling some strings. If it was not for his dad GW would be some ranch hand punching cattle because he is not the brightest bulb in the box. Now would GW admit he went after Iraq for his dad, of course not. But it makes more since than the reasons he gave. He had it in for Iraq as soon as he got into office. Just my opinion
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Re: 9-11-conspiracy
Reply #38 on:
May 15, 2006, 10:59:45 PM »
Quote from: FishaHallic on May 15, 2006, 10:32:09 PM
trx@9, um...........well.........ah.....WOW you have it figured out now! It's all the jews they are the reason for all the worlds problems. Did you graduate from Adolph Hitler High by any chance? I havn't heard that kind of nonsense since the Heraldo Riveira Show and maybe a little on Jerry Springer in his early days. Pull your head out of the sand man
Its all factual, truth is truth. you can't handle the truth. Why does stating facts make me a racist. Pull your head out of your A$$. Least the sand is a little cleaner.
Big Knob racing!, NewMembers Mom!
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Re: 9-11-conspiracy
Reply #39 on:
May 15, 2006, 11:40:34 PM »
All are good views.I am learning ,teaching & that is the reason I posted this from another board.Its great to debate this stuff & see other view points!
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Re: 9-11-conspiracy
Reply #40 on:
May 16, 2006, 08:56:00 AM »
Well guys how did the FBI know when it was going to happen? The FBI went to every Gas Station and other shops that had cameras and took the film. That was makes me think it wasn't a terroist thing. If the FBI knew it was going to happen they sure of knew who did it.
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Re: 9-11-conspiracy
Reply #41 on:
May 22, 2006, 11:39:58 PM »
Maybe some of ya'll should check out some real facts...
Also...i love how in the video the douche bag talks about having a remote controlled air liner the government used to test fuel and such...Notice how he says it Took off 11 times...and crash laned 13? Wow...must flew a couple more times than they could remeber...
Or how about the B52??? that crashed into the Empire state building...Umm no jackass it was a B25... which is alot smaller..plus the fire only went to a few floors and was extiguished within a few hours...
Also...um the phone calls from the plane were fake? O rly..how so? Umm last time i check the terrorist weren't too smart at flying w/ electronics so they used ground referances and you need to be low for that so umm...cell phone's will work...
Also I have a friend who's brother in law was a pilot on plane who crashed into the Pentagon...
Loose Change is dumb and anyhone w/ half a brain will come to the conclusion that 9/11 is real and all these conspiracy's can stfu
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Re: 9-11-conspiracy
Reply #42 on:
May 23, 2006, 01:56:21 AM »
Thank you....
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