just wanted everyone to share in our joy. the moto4 is finally fixed!! it took a little time and effort, but its finally fixed. we had to put a new exhaust valve in it and reseat it, new gaskets and all that good gobly gook that comes with it but it cranked right up and NO smoke. still have a few carburator issues to iron out because it dosnt want to idle very well but thats minor stuff. going to finish working on it today. it just goes to show ya that a little work really pays off. i was almost ready to give up on it but just couldnt do that. i will post a few pics of my kid riding it as soon as i get it working good.thanks again bruteforce
. work is finally going good for me here and we are getting caught up and we are back to our usual income.we are working on getting some new 4 wheelers and when we do i will donate the moto4 to someone in our neighborhood.i hope it will make some other kid as happy as it made mine.
oh ya, my new girlfriend will be moving here soon and she is a certified public accountant so she makes killer bucks. between my income and hers we will be fat as rats!!i wont forget the generosity that was shared with us in our bad times.when we donate the moto4 to someone ill post some pics of its new owner. till then we will be riding it daily and certainely having a blast!!! cooool 4 more posts and ill be a junior member. yeeeeeehaaaa