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Author Topic: Pet Peeves  (Read 22201 times)
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« Reply #25 on: February 11, 2005, 03:38:23 AM »

I agree chuck, broken collar bones suck.  I forgot to add one before, people that dont wear helmets while riding, idk why but it just burns me to see that, i start to hope they fall and bust their skulls open, natural selection at its best.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2005, 03:39:13 AM by VelociRaptor350 » Logged

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« Reply #26 on: February 11, 2005, 04:21:15 AM »

I have a few pet peeves. The first being listening to people eat/chew gum. I dont know why, but it's like my ears lock onto that sound and ewww, I hate it so bad! LOL. Also, I cant stand the elderly drivers who just cant seem to find the gas pedel.. if you cant go the speed limit, you shouldnt be driving... PERIOD. I have absolutely no problem with people talkin on their cell phones in public places... but do they really have to scream thier conversations? I dont need to know its that time of the month, or that your sisters brothers friends girlfriend is sleeping with the cousins brothers friends uncle AHHH, lol. And the list goes on.....

AHHHH the gum thing [smiley=Angry.gif] I agree.
and the cell phone thing: It's even worse when they are yelling in a restaurant. I am not a table manners nut or anything but phones at the table REALLY agitate me.
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« Reply #27 on: February 11, 2005, 04:23:45 AM »

Billy Joe and Walsh 450r starting all of these polls just to bump their number of posts up. [smiley=Angry.gif]

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« Reply #28 on: February 11, 2005, 04:28:58 AM »

OK,, mine is the way people speak.

its croom not croom
its acrosS not acrossT
its walmart not walmartS same thing with Kmart
its supposeDly not supposeBly
its the letter "R" not the letter  Rrua!
its specific not pacific (thats an ocean)

thats all i can think of so far but im sure there is more...

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« Reply #29 on: February 11, 2005, 04:30:17 AM »

Mike, do you want me to send them my little friend  Grin my is the use of cell phone in the bathrooms and slow cars in the fast lane.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2005, 04:31:06 AM by hell-blaster » Logged

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« Reply #30 on: February 11, 2005, 04:33:44 AM »

Billy Joe and Walsh 450r starting all of these polls just to bump their number of posts up. [smiley=Angry.gif]

I have noticed that as well....
« Last Edit: February 11, 2005, 04:34:01 AM by wareracing » Logged

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« Reply #31 on: February 11, 2005, 05:05:13 AM »

I agree with most of yall's pet peeves, but my #1 pet peeve is people on nextels. I have one and use it all the time, but i cant stand the people in grocery stores that have to act like 10 year olds and leave it on speaker so everyone see's that they have a nextel. I dont care to hear their conversation, and from some of the ones i've heard i dont know why they would want other people to hear it either. Or when one nextel beeps in a crowded area, and like 50 people look down, grab their phone, open it up, stare at it, put it back on thier side, and know the whole time it wasn't thiers that beeped in the first place. lol

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« Reply #32 on: February 11, 2005, 05:39:30 AM »

Haha.. yeah... cell phones are great. The one I love the most is the people with the ear pieces that ARENT IN THIER CAR! They walk around talking to themselves and you are looking at them like "WTF?"... then notice they have an earpiece in. Or better yet, you talk to them thinking they are talking to you. Just hold your phone, lol.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2005, 05:40:55 AM by humrz28 » Logged

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« Reply #33 on: February 11, 2005, 05:40:52 AM »

Mine are people being POLITICALLY CORRECT, Tree huggers and people who vote on new laws that do not have aclue as to what they are voting on. Remember people, if its on the ballot,then it is to either add a law or change a law so get informed before you vote or just skip that issue and don't vote on it. You are changing the constitution. Its how tree huggers get what they want. Its why the fish net has been banned. So many people just automatically vote yes because they don't have a clue. I'm through for now

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« Reply #34 on: February 11, 2005, 08:40:32 AM »

OK,, mine is the way people speak.

its croom not croom
its acrosS not acrossT
its walmart not walmartS same thing with Kmart
its supposeDly not supposeBly
its the letter "R" not the letter  Rrua!
its specific not pacific (thats an ocean)

thats all i can think of so far but im sure there is more...

Chris that all has something to do with the area that you live in! Not sure if the others will understand this post haha  Grin

mY BIGGEST PET PEEVE is people that eat so much mayonaisse that you can smell it across the table. I want to throw up everytime I see that disgusting condiment! I hate it with a passion folks!  Cheesy

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« Reply #35 on: February 11, 2005, 08:49:05 AM »

Ohh... speaking of smells! I can not stand when people smoke so much that you can smell it on thier clothes, breath.. etc. I had an old boss who I swear NEVER washed her clothes. She smoked ALL THE TIME! And it got to the point that I couldnt even talk to her or get near her because she smelled so bad. It was like a mixture of smoke/bad breath/body oder.. it was NASTY. I mean come on now, it's not hard to wash your clothes or take a shower, or brush your teeth at least twice a day... just PROPER HYGENE! LoL. It's really bad though.. I can still smell it to this day... and i havent seen her in almost 4 years.

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« Reply #36 on: February 11, 2005, 10:03:43 AM »


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« Reply #37 on: February 11, 2005, 10:07:58 AM »

 #1: Idiots like Kerry and Clinton who want to rob us of our 1st and 2nd amendment rights. #2: majority of the press, bunch of lying vultures. #3: Actors who think they really know what is going on in the world. #4: Tree-huggin hippie faggots who want to shut down our riding areas.

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« Reply #38 on: February 11, 2005, 10:25:18 AM »

Ok here goes:
1) Peolple who make promises and then don't follow through and let you down with no apology.  [smiley=ThumbsDown.gif]

2) People who don't take responsibility for their own stupid actions.  i.e. People driving with no car insurance.   Parents who watch their kid get injured because of riding with no helmet or double, and then sue the landowner because there was not a "Danger" [smiley=Confused.gif] sign.  

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« Reply #39 on: February 11, 2005, 10:41:52 AM »

When I just find  out something is happening and my wife swears she told me before and I KNOW SHE DIDN'T!! That happens all the time.
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« Reply #40 on: February 11, 2005, 10:49:07 AM »

I just read all the previous posts and a funny thing...that Nextel speaker thing....I have a Nextel BUT when I'm in public I turn it to "private" and talk, I cannot STAND to hear someone else's conversation blaring across the room, ESPECIALLY when all they have to do is push a button and put the phone to their EAR!!  And the next most annoying peeve is walking out of a restaurant into a CLOUD of cigarette smoke.  Now, don't any of you smokers get mad....I know ya'll are having it rough, BUT, if you didn't smoke you would realize just how annoying it is to those of us that don't smoke.  And I am glad that at least it's not in the restaurants anymore. I have smokers in my family who get mad at me for complaining about it but I can't even look forward to holiday dinners because I know there will be three HEAVY smokers there.  
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« Reply #41 on: February 11, 2005, 10:56:03 AM »

I hate when I have the cruise control set and then somone pulls up and then drives right next to me. Thed they start to slow down and then they speed up again and then slow down. That drives me crazy

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« Reply #42 on: February 11, 2005, 11:38:03 AM »

#1 Pet Peeve - People who talk in movie theaters. Whether its on the phone or the person next to you, shut the *** up.

#2 - Women who are always cold. Damn it, its Florida and 80 degrees at night, how are you cold? Why do i have to sweat cuz you are cold, go put something on.

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« Reply #43 on: February 11, 2005, 11:39:20 AM »

People who dont use their turn signals because one hands on wheel and other on cellphone.People that pull right in front of you and go slow(under speed limit)and or turn on the next street.Tailgaters [smiley=Angry.gif].I Will soon be in the process of installing a train sounding air horn and compressor under hood,and a digital display sign mounted in rear window with pre-programmed profane sentences,in my truck,to helpme vent. [smiley=Angry.gif]
« Last Edit: February 11, 2005, 11:41:43 AM by BEEF » Logged

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« Reply #44 on: February 11, 2005, 12:26:06 PM »

1. When you're driving the speed limit and someone pulls in front of you and slows down to a speed under the limit.....
2. When people say u instead of you, etc. (ur instead of your/you're, you know what I mean)  it gets annoying after awhile... u know? Grin
« Last Edit: February 11, 2005, 12:26:39 PM by RL400 » Logged
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« Reply #45 on: February 11, 2005, 12:26:37 PM »

Mine are people being POLITICALLY CORRECT, Tree huggers and people who vote on new laws that do not have aclue as to what they are voting on. Remember people, if its on the ballot,then it is to either add a law or change a law so get informed before you vote or just skip that issue and don't vote on it. You are changing the constitution. Its how tree huggers get what they want. Its why the fish net has been banned. So many people just automatically vote yes because they don't have a clue. I'm through for now

[smiley=ThumbsUp.gif] [smiley=ThumbsUp.gif]

I Hate it when people post on topics with just smileys and they do it 6 times in a row (pw's) Angry

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« Reply #46 on: February 11, 2005, 12:41:46 PM »

OK,, mine is the way people speak.

its croom not croom
its acrosS not acrossT
its walmart not walmartS same thing with Kmart
its supposeDly not supposeBly
its the letter "R" not the letter  Rrua!
its specific not pacific (thats an ocean)

i know i agree wiht you on every one of those.. those realy get to me..or when ppl care so much about a single poll i did and they take al my ost from me thats messed up..

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« Reply #47 on: February 11, 2005, 01:03:58 PM »

OK,, mine is the way people speak.

its croom not croom
its acrosS not acrossT
its walmart not walmartS same thing with Kmart
its supposeDly not supposeBly
its the letter "R" not the letter  Rrua!
its specific not pacific (thats an ocean)

i know i agree wiht you on every one of those.. those realy get to me..or when ppl care so much about a single poll i did and they take al my ost from me thats messed up..

No its not  Wink

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« Reply #48 on: February 11, 2005, 03:49:02 PM »

The dumbasses who think they need to get ahead of everyone when 2 lanes go down to one. Come to find out if they had tucked in behind us they would only been 2 cars back! Angry
I hate people who are just stupid (ask stupid questions(dont say there arent stupid questions) and make uneccesary remarks)
I hate people who purposely look for trouble. Like an old friend would always ride on a neighbors land JUST TO PISS HIM OFF!
When someone is speaking another language. You walk into the damn mall and you think you enter a place where all the countries combined.

Im off for now  Wink

PS: One more, i hate POSERS! WIGGERS, white people who think they are all "raw or phat" and think they are black.(no offense to the black race) Then you got the people who dont ride but wear jerseys and clothing of a particular sport.(MX clothes or skateboarding clothes) and then you go ask them what they ride and they act like your speaking chinese.
God another, i hate poser rednecks. The people who dress up in camo and clothes with confederate flags and what not and they arent, Hell they dont know what the confed flag stands for.
Another, When you get these "crews" who dress up in a fatigues outfit(pants, hat, jacket, boots) at school. If your so damn proud to sport that attire, go join the damn service!

Im done for now REALLY

PSS: Walsh how old is your sister?  Grin
« Last Edit: February 11, 2005, 04:05:57 PM by lakemarykid » Logged

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« Reply #49 on: February 11, 2005, 04:04:21 PM »

This one really gets on my nerves. Whenever I go to a carnival and walk past a game booth not even looking the slightest bit interested,some carny allways yells, " HEY COME GIVE IT A SHOT,I'LL GIVE YOU A COUPLE OF FREE THROWS, and wont take no for an answer.Or he gives the line "CMON WIN IT FOR THE LADY' like thats going to pressure me into it.
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