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No support and will die here & now..PB post re/atv REG & more area to ride
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Topic: No support and will die here & now..PB post re/atv REG & more area to ride (Read 8255 times)
" It's a State of Mind "
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No support and will die here & now..PB post re/atv REG & more area to ride
February 20, 2006, 06:07:00 PM »
Subject title was changed,dissapointing when it comes down to it...........
Hey just got a call back from Mitra Malek PB post western communities reporter.Had a nice conversation with her re: last few negative articles about ATV in PBcounty.Also talked about where legal riding could be done & I brought up the Mecca site as a starting point even if it were temporary/PB county could fence off enviromentally sensative areas & give map with areas to ride etc.Even charge nominal fee for the expenses the county would incur.Place was levelled for Scripps so what could it hurt? It would be a few years before anything is even done with the site I think it is around 1920 acres!She is looking into a story on State Florida collecting ATV reg $$ & not purchasing new land w/$$ collected.
I need help to organize facts,basically doing her homework for her but if that is what it takes to get a good right up then lets GO!
Examples questions we need to address.I know there are a couple of Lawyers on the site so please interject!Even if this isnt in your area it will be a start.Be specific include statutes other articles,names phone #'s etc.
When did the state start collecting registration fees?
Where does it state fees will be collected for land?
What promises were made for other land (statewide)that was promised & re-nigged upon for some reason or another?
Where are the LEGAL places to ride?
How about ATV deputy helping out with support from PBSO to keep all of us confined in 1 area to monitor us?I think some support from SO especially if this gets started re:manpower it would save chasing atvers around locally& time wasted on BS trespass calls???Help!
Whatever else you can think of pertinent to this issue.The more credible research we can provide may set an example for other reporters in other locations to help & follow suit.It probally would not be a bad idea to start sending e-mails to every darn paper statewide with example letter that I sent a few weeks ago.If we get started on it all over Florida now than once the news is out a planned protest with perhaps speakers from ATV rights groups in other states can be organized & make a valid go of it.....
If you want a place to ride this should be everybodies responsibility to get started.Doesnt matter your age.
Example to send to your local news below:
Last Edit: February 22, 2006, 12:46:05 PM by bushwacked
" It's a State of Mind "
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Re: PALM BEACH POST CALLED ME BACK re atv REG & PUBLIC LAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply #1 on:
February 20, 2006, 06:39:52 PM »
AND MORE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>........................
Werner -
Has your group considered approaching the county about using Mecca Farms?
If you do, please let me know immediately because that would be a hook for a story.
Meanwhile, please send along any info you have that speaks to your issue, in particular the registration money going toward finding public land.
Also -- what are your present options for places to ride?
Mitra Malek
I could use help w/organization of this!
Re: PALM BEACH POST CALLED ME BACK re atv REG & PUBLIC LAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply #2 on:
February 20, 2006, 07:26:08 PM »
i will help where i can.
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Re: PALM BEACH POST CALLED ME BACK re atv REG & PUBLIC LAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply #3 on:
February 20, 2006, 10:08:43 PM »
Chances are, if the county were to approve the Mecca property for OHV use, they would coordinate with the S.O in providing an ATV patrol. Lion Country Safari, for example, now contracts with PBSO to provide ATV patrols on their property. I am in full agreement that the lack of riding areas in PBC is a major problem. Liability and land values/availability are obstacles the sport faces in acquiring a riding area. As it is unwise for one in my position to involve themselves in politics and county policy, my support goes with you in your quest for legal riding areas.
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Reply #4 on:
February 20, 2006, 11:22:40 PM »
Thanks PBSO_ATV_Deputy_4,
I will thank you for your thoughts on this site. I think I speak for many of us here. The input you can provide is appreciated greatly.
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" It's a State of Mind "
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Re: PALM BEACH POST CALLED ME BACK re atv REG & PUBLIC LAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply #5 on:
February 21, 2006, 12:23:50 AM »
Anyone interested in a date?How about starting to call radio talk shows after we get a date ??
We could send out flyers to bike shops,mods unlimiited,any place that would support this.Press releases,maybe even get the Post reporter to break the story & follow up with ralley!
I just went to Jeep show w/buddy & everyone looked at the jeeps.Some people came all the way from Jax & Ocala.....To look at others rides!Had a little contest & award for best maodified,stock,most accesories.
What about having a Quad show along with this,prizes?Maybe sponsors donate for a raffel,sell fl ATV t-shirts
Cmon this should be on everyone priority list.......
Set up along Seminole Pratt where it ends by Scripps. Set up Canopies,cookout,talk to local motorcycle shops & make a few hours of it.We can set it up as a show/protest/meet & greet...........
People seem to be more interested in CHIT CHAT than a place to ride!!!
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Re: PALM BEACH POST CALLED ME BACK re atv REG & PUBLIC LAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply #6 on:
February 21, 2006, 05:34:00 AM »
iam in
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Re: PALM BEACH POST CALLED ME BACK re atv REG & PUBLIC LAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply #7 on:
February 21, 2006, 09:25:27 AM »
I'll do what I can Bushwacked
is a Florida Mud Rider
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Re: PALM BEACH POST CALLED ME BACK re atv REG & PUBLIC LAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply #8 on:
February 21, 2006, 09:53:09 AM »
I do what I can, we will chat later
I can do any graphic you might need and like I said before I have some contacts in the environmental field and with the County/State.
07 Rhino
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Re: PALM BEACH POST CALLED ME BACK re atv REG & PUBLIC LAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply #9 on:
February 21, 2006, 10:02:22 AM »
Support would be great.Need to get the info together.Does anyone know of link that shows registration fees are for purchasing more rideable land?
Info a concerned ATV'er sent me.Hi I saw your post about trying to gather info.
Try that link go a little down the page you will see ( ) with numbers in green writing. Read numbers (7) to (9) speaks of funds. I am still looking to see where this atv trust fund is.
Here are more I researched...Still cant find amount collected that is in TRUST FUND!
Last Edit: February 21, 2006, 01:53:57 PM by bushwacked
" It's a State of Mind "
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Re: PALM BEACH POST CALLED ME BACK re atv REG & PUBLIC LAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply #10 on:
February 21, 2006, 02:15:05 PM »
Section 64 Two dollars from each title transaction shall be retained by the Department of Highway Safety for administrative costs. The remaining title transaction fees are to be deposited into the Incidental Trust Fund of the Division of Forestry.
Grants are available from Dept Ag to local govermnets
Tates hell
Workshps talk about 106,000 atv registered since 2002
That means a minimum of 106,000 X $27 from registration fee=$$286200.00
Wheres the money!!!!
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Re: PALM BEACH POST CALLED ME BACK re atv REG & PUBLIC LAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply #11 on:
February 21, 2006, 02:19:58 PM »
I'd join in on a protest at seminole pratt and mecca. We can be there in about 5 mins just tell us when. lol I think it would be cool if they would simply allow us to ride in corbitt, they allow golf carts as it is.
Last Edit: February 21, 2006, 02:25:38 PM by MachineDog
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" It's a State of Mind "
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Re: PALM BEACH POST CALLED ME BACK re atv REG & PUBLIC LAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply #12 on:
February 22, 2006, 12:36:04 PM »
This is pretty sad,there are more replies to alot of BS topics than support for this.If I cant even get this topic jumping than why bother.How can I organize ralley,show,protest if nobody cares.I have had 2 people help me do research.
Cant even get 100 stupid post that says yeehaw Im in!
This is something with no support and will die here & now,Shame too. I have the means to travel & go to other places when & whenever I want.Alot of people cant.Understandably it is expensive.But for the lack of interest.This is pathetic.I joined about month ago & thought everyone was all gung ho to support this.It looks like I am wrong.
This was looked at 245 times,why not post a response.Even if it were negative.I changed the topic too just to spark response today.I would commit to this,but not by myself.I have too much going on to make this a few person crusade.It will just blow my mind the next time I see a topic on no where to ride in Palm Beach county & elsewhere....................The end!
Thanks for those who helped w/research & e-mailed me.I will compile all the facts & send them to the post reporter.Hopefully we may get a little better press for the effort.
Last Edit: February 22, 2006, 12:43:20 PM by bushwacked
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Re: PALM BEACH POST CALLED ME BACK re atv REG & PUBLIC LAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply #13 on:
February 22, 2006, 12:39:05 PM »
I'm serious. :| We should get a bunch of people to rally up and protest, along with signing a petition to allow corbitt access for ATVs and Motorcycles, along with the horses. We could get horse riders in with us too on it. BTW, most of those threads are years old and that's why.
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" It's a State of Mind "
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Re: No support and will die here & now..PB post re/atv REG & more area to ride
Reply #14 on:
February 22, 2006, 12:51:41 PM »
Im serious too.Other than you & I and 1/2 dozen people,others dont give a sh*t.If you cant spur interest in this topic to the masses,as in this forum than how?Thats why I thought maybe a quad show as well.At least people could get together & check out other'sideas & see some cool stuff.Probally never been done..Would justify a 2-3 hour ride for protest if there was something interesting to do as well.
E-mail me maybe we can get together kick it around locally.I am 6 months to acerage,still meeting people.
Last Edit: February 22, 2006, 12:57:36 PM by bushwacked
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Re: No support and will die here & now..PB post re/atv REG & more area to ride
Reply #15 on:
February 22, 2006, 12:54:08 PM »
Same, we moved here in August. It's nice being out here without the city-life. Going to suck once they have that development on Seminole pratt though.
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Re: No support and will die here & now..PB post re/atv REG & more area to ride
Reply #16 on:
February 22, 2006, 01:51:54 PM »
Bushwacked have you checked the "Places to ride" forum? There is a protest already scheduled for the Land that was supposed to be used for ATV's in Collier County. Use your contact at the PB Post to spread the word on the rally already scheduled. The more "Widespread Press" the better. Efforts need to be focused on showing numbers. Scattered rallys will not be as loud as one big Rally. While the land may not be in Palm Beach County it is still useable land for ATVers. And could set a precedent for the future.
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" It's a State of Mind "
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Re: No support and will die here & now..PB post re/atv REG & more area to ride
Reply #17 on:
February 22, 2006, 02:16:13 PM »
That protest is part of the package I will deliver to them.I support places to ride statewide.Still need to look @ folks in South eastern Dade ,Broward,Palm Beach.That need to travel to leagally ride.This is a large issue.We just cant settle for a few areas,afterall how many public golf,tennis,bicycling,parks,boat ramps etc... are in each county?
All folks who read this must support this as well!
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Re: No support and will die here & now..PB post re/atv REG & more area to ride
Reply #18 on:
February 24, 2006, 11:02:29 AM »
I noticed in the post that Mitra Malek works for the news paper. Considering that the issue at hand is a state-wide issue, I am wondering if there is any chance of having the soon-to-be-written article published in more then one newspaper or maybe broadcasted on all the local new stations somehow. Either way, a start in one town is still a start
I know all of us are tired of dealing with land-closures and seeing our title money do absolutely nothing, it's just about time we all get off our azzes and get to work, it's not going to fix itself thats for dam sure. We have people on this site from all around Florida, why not team together by counties and come up with very well written and meaningful material to basically hand over to all news stations and newspapers? How can they say no when all thier work will basically be done for them? Just throwing out an idea or two... run with it!
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